Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode.


How to unlock the Hardcore achievement in Metro Exodus - Definitive Guide

Ranger Hardcore.

Turns off targeting reticle
Minimizes the HUD presence
Limiting player's ammo reserves.
Increases combat difficulty
Makes enemies more aware of your presence
Degrades weapons at a faster rate
Makes workbenches scarcer
Turns off the manual save feature

Checkpoints are still enabled. The game is very forgiving with these.

I wouldn't say this is all too difficult, if you play on one of the lower difficulties first you'll have a much easier time with this. Knowing where to go and what to expect

Update:- Confirmed by Quiggzo that the Ranger Hardcore achievement can be unlocked in New Game+. This can be super handy using mutators like having all your previous load outs from a previous save including the powerful ‘Railgun’ Also note you can make the game even easier having the 24 hour clock modifier on. This will mean you can keep the game in night without having to worry about finding a safe house before the sun comes up on the previous 2 hour clock.

Tips that may be useful to you.







24 Feb 2019 15:01

Have checkpoint save for I die or restart of the begin on the story? I was just asking a question for this.
By on 24 Feb 2019 22:09
Yup, just use the Kalash for mutants and leeches. The fully charged railgun kills sea worms in one shot, and kills Librarians with 2 headshots.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 14 Mar 2019 17:49
You do get checkpoints in Ranger Hardcore. They are very forgiving with checkpoints in this game. If you die, you'll be put back to your last checkpoint. It won't put you back at the beginning.

Any difficulty below Ranger Hardcore lets you quick save at any time.
By M I K 3 ID v on 24 Feb 2019 22:23
By ASChengW on 15 Mar 2019 02:39
These are all great tips! The only one I had no idea of was the first bear fight, I’ve took him head on for 3 playthroughs facepalm I’ll add them to the solution with your credit smile
I wrote this out as I was playing along but I’m planning to make some alterations when I get some time as I can spot a few mistakes I’ve made.
By M I K 3 ID v on 25 Feb 2019 08:43
Good call on skipping the first bear fight. And also the tip for shooting those fucking spiders with flame rounds.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 26 Feb 2019 21:32
On the other difficulties, you will lose a portion of your resources between levels. However, this never happened on my RHC playthrough. The resource cap is 300 for each type on this difficulty (which I was able to hit consistently and maintain from Caspian until the end). Because this number is so low, the game probably doesn't bother with stealing away your resources for balancing purposes.
By Dresden N7 on 28 Feb 2019 23:50
I'm having trouble getting through the room with the train in the Moscow level. You have to kill every single enemy before you can board the train. I get spotted very easily and die in 2 hits. Shooting out the lights alerts the guards. How do you clear this section on RH?
By I Ebon Hawk I on 02 Mar 2019 00:39
Ahh that bit in MOSCOW was pretty tough. I started writing this guide when I got to VOLGA but that section in the train was a pain.
Going straight around the corner into the room would instantly get me killed.
So I backed up as far as I could do that I wasn’t butted up against the door leading into the room with the armed guards. Then I slowly went to the left then hip fired down the carriage where they all were going left and right constantly in and out of their view.
It’s frustrating as hell as it’s so narrow with not a lot of space to move around. Or you can try this method going left and right while snap shotting (aiming in and out quickly)
They will always be hiding on the left and right.
By M I K 3 ID v on 02 Mar 2019 08:13
I can't get past the bridge section on Volga. Been trying for around 2 hours. There are light sources everywhere and enemies spot me from a mile away and kill me in one shot. I made it to the part where you go up an elevator and have to get to where Silantius is. How do you get through this section in stealth?
By I Ebon Hawk I on 04 Mar 2019 05:22
Are you playing the section at night? Playing in the day will make you almost 90% visable as they have eyes in the back of their heads lol.
From what I remember when you take the lift up their will be loads of people hanging around in the middle listening to the man speak.
You’ll want to follow the guard around to the right of these people as he goes down a narrow pathway where no one can see you. You can knock him out but make sure he doesn’t fall off the ledge.
Hope over the boxes and break the lock on the metal door and then the light off in here.
Keep going through this building and out the door you’ll see one guard patrolling the stairs. You can wait for him to look away and go up the stairs or knock him out. (If you do make sure you turn off the fire barrel downstairs)
This is where abouts my memory fades but I’m sure as you get up the stairs you take a left, then up the stairs here. This should take you to the last floor where the door is to the guy speaking to all the people.
You’ll have to sneak past the two guys up here and follow the path to the door.
If you did it right you should just walk in on him as he’s speaking.
I think it is possible to get caught.
But you can’t kill anyone. As long as you make it to the door it will despawn all the enemies behind you.
By M I K 3 ID v on 04 Mar 2019 08:04
Does the PS4 exploit for doing this and the bad ending work on Xbox? I'm still on my first playthrough so haven't been able to test it. See here under 'Hardcore' Trophy
By Calex dEUS on 04 Mar 2019 18:58
Playing on RH right now......I encourage you to just do it legit. The game feels so much better playing stealthily.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 04 Mar 2019 21:17
@ M I K 3 ID v AH I fully intend to do it legit, The SCHWARTZ 00 is right based on playing the previous games they are at their best when played like that, was just throwing it out there as a possibility for people.
By Calex dEUS on 04 Mar 2019 22:04
@Calex dEUS - It doesn't work on Xbox. I tried it by uninstalling the game, turning internet off, and re-installing it without any patches; it didn't work. No chapter select was available. Moscow and Yamantau are the hardest two levels, anyway, the open world ones are pretty straight forward because you can skip a lot of the content.
By NoHeroes94 on 05 Mar 2019 08:47
Game is ridiculously hard on this difficulty or maybe I’m just rubbish taken me about 5 hours to get to the cannibals. Never had more than 20 ammo in my guns at one time. Stealth is broken AF you are continually seen for no reason i literally had a alarm go off standing in a dark room with one enterence with no one around me. Must be doing something wrong if this is easy 😂
By ccliffy90 on 05 Mar 2019 22:08
Are you playing at night? It felt easy for me as that was my third run through the game. I know some people like to jump straight in the deep end with RH but it's definitely not worth it in the long run. But what I mean by easy is it's very forgiving with checkpoints.
Best thing I found was to try rush VOLGA.
YAMANTUA you'll get tons of resources from Dead cannibals.
CASPIAN you can most certainly take your time with as the car keeps you safe, plus their are plenty of safe houses to sleep/save. You'll need a lot of ammo for the fight with the Barons guards towards the end of that mission. Luckily I saved myself a couple Molotov's and pipe bombs for the Heavy gunner. Used the Shambler to take out the two guys who try to flank from the left and right. Then Damir kills the rest.
By M I K 3 ID v on 06 Mar 2019 01:42
The Tikhar and knives are super OP in this mode. Never used them on my run n gun "good guy" playthrough but it's awesome how they take on a whole new role here. Knives especially, wtf, you toss them at a guys stomach and it's an instakill.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 09 Mar 2019 20:14
The checkpoint system on this difficulty is aids. I got cornered by a couple of mutants with low health and the game checkpointed. As soon as I reload the checkpoint, I instantly die. This game has single handedly destroyed an otherwise great series.
By Kongo Dragon on 09 Mar 2019 22:46
^ this happened to me on my first run in the Dead City. Got stuck at a checkpoint with no oxygen and I died instantly every time I loaded in. Had to restart the whole chapter.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 09 Mar 2019 23:31
That sucks. I managed to survive by the skin of my teeth and get away with it. Now I'm on Yamantau and forgot to craft Molotovs for the heavy guy cry
By Kongo Dragon on 09 Mar 2019 23:34
You can make some from the crafting items dropped by dead cannibals. Or I think their might be a Molotov in the actual fight area (Can't remember well)

For the Dead City I would recommend the majority of your crafting items get spent on Filters as in some spots in the DC level, your filter time will drop at twice the rate as usual.

I would recommend getting the suit upgrade that lets you carry extra Health and filters which can be found in the CASPISAN level. This is what I used and it should give you up to 15 max mins of filter time. In the Dead city. A lot of filters can be found on shelfs and in boxes in the section where Ayrton starts hallucinating. Although I would recommend speeding through these bits fast as these are the areas that your likely to lose a lot of filter time.
By M I K 3 ID v on 10 Mar 2019 01:09
not a new game but a chapter start, can i achieve it?
By ASChengW on 14 Mar 2019 04:03
I just did this. Had about 9 minutes of filter time left by the time I finished Dead City. Use the mask on/mask off trick and all those seconds eventually add up. I usually let Artyom cough a couple times before I put it back on. As far as the difficulty itself, most of it was surprisingly easy, just a couple of annoying parts like the sea worms at the end and the fight at the Baron's throne room. But even those weren't "hard", just a little cheap with the two-tap kills from the AI.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 14 Mar 2019 06:01
By ASChengW on 18 Mar 2019 04:52
Fantastic guide
By Evolved Tdog on 16 Apr 2019 13:13
Just got this achievement on New Game +.

I highly recommend playing through the game once so you have all ammo/suit upgrades. Then start New Game + on Ranger Hardcore with “My Weapons” from your previous play through.
It’s pretty easy, especially with the Rail Gun.
By ShimaClassic on 25 Apr 2019 12:00
Thanks for confirming this! I’ll add that to the solution with a mention :)
By M I K 3 ID v on 25 Apr 2019 12:55
Good guide, I'm half way through. Wish I'd not also made this my collectable run haha
By El Burgerboy on 11 May 2019 04:39
Thank you! It’s much appreciated:)
Ouch haha! Yeah I can see the collectible run on Ranger Hardcore being a challenge! Especially in Volga with all the mutants and shrimp running around. Caspian collectibles you’ll run into bandits a lot! The rest aren’t too bad!
By M I K 3 ID v on 11 May 2019 09:35
Please leave a comment when you leave a negative vote. Would like to know how I can better my solution. I've spent a lot of time making it as perfect as can be. Shame really.
By M I K 3 ID v on 27 Nov 2019 22:38
During my runthrough of Volga on Harecode, I rarely had to shoot anything 'running around'. I simply ran from it and made my way around them. As for Caspian, there is a level skip you can use with the van - not full but most of it.
By Kanchanaburi on 04 Jun 2020 06:48
Hey. Ranger Hardcore is part of the main campaign and can be selected as one of the difficulties when you start the campaign.
By M I K 3 ID v on 21 Jul 2020 06:11
Having the mutators doesnt mean much when the resources you find in Ranger Mode are scarce. Stealth is your best friend
By Vaxarys on 27 Feb 2022 16:04
The set piece battles are the most painful. Yamantau waiting for the lift took multiple attempts. The Dead City worms big and small, were a pain. Otherwise, stealth, looting and night made it very doable. That's my 100% including DLC.

Overall if you enjoy first person shooter/ adventure with a good story, then this is still a great game with excellent DLC.
By Captain Heroic on 26 Jul 2023 07:31
Couple of things I've picked up during my playthrough:

You can only hold up to 300 of each crafting material on RH, so use them to craft whatever you like if you're nearing the cap. You also lose some crafting materials and ammo after Volga, however you don't lose medkits, filters, and throwables, so feel free to craft as many as you can in Volga. You also lose all of your thowables at the beginning of Taiga, so don't craft any you don't think you'll use in Caspian.

You can force an autosave by sleeping in any safehouse. Just in case you've been out scavenging a while and the game hasn't saved.

During the spider sections, the flame pellets on the Tikhar will kill a spider in a single hit. Makes the spider sections a hell of a lot easier.

And the first bear fight in Taiga can be skipped. Just sidestep his first charge, run to the gate, cut the rope, and climb the ladder. This lets you save all your molotovs for the second bear fight. Just be aware you'll miss the achievement to defeat the bear in the first fight, if you don't have it yet.
By GameXpert5000 on 25 Feb 2019 08:19
I don't think this would work as you can't back up your save on the xbox.
But you're open to try it. I'm not really a fan of exploiting the difficulties. It's easy enough to just do 2 playthroughs.
One for NORMAL or below getting the good ending and collectables/misc.
And one for RANGER HARDCORE with bad ending.
By M I K 3 ID v on 04 Mar 2019 19:37
@Calex deUS. Not too worry mate smile ! I really enjoyed the RH run! Really wanted to stealth the whole of the TAIGA level but the dam boat makes so much noise when you start paddling headspin Guess the link is there now for anyone intrigued about doing it that way.
By M I K 3 ID v on 04 Mar 2019 22:42
Congrats SCHWARTZ toast the Barons throne room was a ball ache!

ASChengW- if you’re talking about chapter select for the last mission. Then it will give you all your items you collected from the previous mission before. It won’t give you a fresh start. I would recommend just putting all your resources into filters if you’re having trouble! 10 mins of filter time should be plenty though.
I would also recommend if you have it the Metal detector watch. This helped me massively pin point ammo I couldn’t see.
Their is also plenty of opportunity’s to get ammo inside the tunnels. Miller will kill most of the mutants if you run out of ammo. Plus thier is tons of that green chemical on the wall. You’ll only come across one another crafting bench and that’s the one in the child’s room.
When Miller gives you the Railgun I would recommend just using this for the entire mission. If you have any ammo in anything else I would save that ammo for the purple slugs on the wall that spit at you. Millers railgun fully charged is one shot on almost everything. Plus the ball bearings ammo is so cheap to make and you get lots of it.
By M I K 3 ID v on 14 Mar 2019 08:42
Anybody know if I can do this in New Game+ mode using the 'keep weapons from previous playthrough' setting?
It would definitely make it easier, but I don't know if it'll invalidate the achievement
By Z792 on 01 Apr 2019 17:35
I’m not too sure as I beat Ranger Hardcore on the standard setting but you could always give it a go.
I have a feeling it would work, I wouldn’t see why not. I would recommend using the ‘My weapon’ mutator and the one that sets the game clock to ‘Real 24 hours’ instead of it being 2 hours. That way you can sleep in the game and run around at night without worrying about finding a camp to sleep at before it gets lighter.
Don’t use ‘Iron mode’. If you do and die in the Moscow level, you will be reset back to the intro and lose all your guns from the previous save.
By M I K 3 ID v on 03 Apr 2019 06:58
Going to be continuously updating this with any other things I find as I progress over the next week or so! Seems a good guide

- When you get the port, and are ascending upwards to meet Krest, you will come to a section where you have to wait for him to lower the crane arm so you can head to his safe house. Its super easy to just run around in circles and wait for him to do so; the section is timed

- When in Krest's safehouse, he has two molotovs on a table as soon as you enter.

- You get around 200 resources after getting the trolley. Be sure to craft molotovs/ammo/filters before heading to the tugboat and final bridge section

- Around 100 rifle bullets in lift (at least there was for me)

- On machine gun enemy, don't use a molotov if they are directly facing you. Doesn't take as much damage.

- Can kill the heavy in 20-30 seconds if you have 3 pipe bombs and 2 molotovs (plus a weapon, but need to shoot very little). Spawn the machine heavy, then kill the 2 cannibals (on top level, one directly to your left facing the door, one directly above the door. IMMEDIATELY spam 3 pipe bombs at his feet (he's shooting straight ahead, can't hit you). If his armour doesn't start to shed, you've done it wrong so reload checkpoint. Circle around the left, and camp next to the boxes OP mentions. He'll walk to the left of this area (by the pipes, another decent hiding spot), and you can throw 2 molotovs (carefully) at his legs (or in the area by them, molotov has a large impact area). It only took 4 shotgun bullets to the legs to kill him after this. After 45 mins of struggling, this worked twice (first I died because I walked into my infinite wisdom).

- I'd recommend doing the gas mask switch exploit. Basically, never keep your mask on fully unless you're swamped by spiders AND in a hazardous zone. Put it on just for a millisecond, then leave it off until you hear Artyom choking twice (once if you want to be safe) and then put it back on for a millisecond. It instantly replenish your air the second you put the mask on. I only used 1m 27s of filters here using this method. The only two times I left it on for an extended period was after crawling through the hole at the start, and the rush to the elevator at the end.
By NoHeroes94 on 02 Mar 2019 10:03
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This could be a temporary solution ( it works as of 08.06.2022 )

The original method that i discovered does not work anymore, but here is an updated one from that was discovered by someone else in comments section below by: Djentlives

First I created a new game on Ranger Hardcore in a new slot, then quit and started the Two Colonels DLC from the menu. After loading I quit out of this too.

Then I loaded a save from my original completed slot. As described by other comments this leads to not seeing all of the chapters in the menu.

Then I quit the game from the dashboard and restarted. On reloading I had all of the Chapters available again as I was in my original save slot.

I loaded my Two Colonels save from the other slot, then I quit the mission after loading.

I then had access to all of the missions in my alternative slot and could start the finale. Although I somehow ended up with the bad ending instead.

The save swapping is the key to this, unsure how many of the steps are completely necessary or if this can be replicated as is.

21 Aug 2019 18:27

Would this work for Iron man mode aswell?

Do you think it would also work for the Windows 10 version? smile
By SDREW44 on 21 Aug 2019 23:17
It does not work with Iron mode, i have tried multiple times. But there probably is a way... :)
By o IExcision on 22 Aug 2019 10:52
could you better explain how you do this? When i go to chapter select it doesnt show all the chapters when I do a new game.
By KCX CaptainKirk on 24 Aug 2019 21:25
You must have the DLC in order for this to work
By o IExcision on 25 Aug 2019 07:17
Do I start a new game or new game plus on the same slot? Will this not delete all my chapter selects?
By ShaunTrooper on 25 Aug 2019 07:51
Start a new game, the new game plus doesn't seem to work
By o IExcision on 25 Aug 2019 09:27
I don’t get the finale level option after quitting from the dlc, only introduction and Moscow are available
By ShaunTrooper on 25 Aug 2019 09:41
If we start a new game in a new slot, the finale isn't available. How are you doing this?
By Sashamorning on 25 Aug 2019 17:05
^ Exactly what I was afraid of. If I finish the game once, do I ruin my chances of using that save for NG+ if I start another “New Game”?
By Skrubits on 25 Aug 2019 19:39
I started new game in slot 2, now I can't seem to switch back to slot 1 and select anything past Moscow. I'm not saying the solution is wrong, but there needs to be more explanation. He only got this 4 days ago.

Is it "start new game" or "restart first level"?
By Sashamorning on 25 Aug 2019 22:02
Well, can't seem to get this to work. I'm on version I did the instructions as listed, starting a new game in slot 2 so I didn't overwrite the ability to skip to the finale. Then I had problems switching back to save 1 for collectibles.

I loaded up my save from Taiga on save 1 and finished it, but then all I could access past Moscow was Autumn, the chapter that started after Taiga.

I quit out of the game and went back in having made slot 1 active. I can now access all levels including the finale, and collectibles are safe. Whew!!

However, still can't get this to work. I have to downvote unless better instructions are supplied. I wonder how the game was fooled into switching into Ranger Hardcore when this can't be selected under options from the DLC options menu. You can't change difficulty TO Ranger Hardcore.
By Sashamorning on 25 Aug 2019 22:11
Was this done on an X or an older console?
By Sashamorning on 26 Aug 2019 02:42
Thanks for all of the information, Sasha. Hopefully he can provide an explanation soon. It does seem fishy.
By Skrubits on 26 Aug 2019 04:12
I will go through this step by step again. Like it says on the description that this could be a temporary solution and could he patched.

Will update with the results in next hour.
By o IExcision on 26 Aug 2019 19:54
I can confirm that the method described by DjentLives is still working as of December 4th, 2019. I got the Save Anna achievement too. Thanks!
By Gabwe on 04 Dec 2019 06:53
I have updated the solution, thanks for the updated information to keep this solution working. The game has received a few updates since the original post so a few things have changed.
By o IExcision on 05 Dec 2019 09:52
Still works as of 12/28/19, thank you so much! Didnt feel like doing another playthrough.
By Fuzzy Churro on 28 Dec 2019 17:21
+1. Works like a charm even if you launch a new game + on your first slot. It was my case. Thanks a lot.
By LibelluleGino on 31 Dec 2019 15:30
Works Great. Thank you very much! +1
By inFeCt on 05 Jan 2020 01:56
Yep, the tweaks by DjentLives definitely works! Got the bad ending, too, which is good because I actually replayed through quickly a second time, but I guess I was somehow "too good" and still got the good ending again. This time, since we skipped through, I guess I couldn't do anything good at all. laugh

By Sashamorning on 05 Jan 2020 06:50
Confirmed. Works as of 01/09/20. Thanks Djentlives!
By on 10 Jan 2020 00:56
Confirmed, works as of 01/15/20. Thanks Djentlives!
By Panda M4X on 15 Jan 2020 15:58
Confirmed. Works as of 01/22/20. Thanks Djentlives!

It has been only a week from the previous comment, but you never now! It is better to confirm as many times as we can :)
Thanks again!
By LinKPePo on 22 Jan 2020 01:03
Solution updated
By o IExcision on 25 Jan 2020 00:40
Awesome thanks man still work 1/30/20. Achievement pops at the end of the cutscene
By Mr MahHa on 30 Jan 2020 21:11
Still works post Sam Story update 2/8/20
By El Jefe Kapu on 08 Feb 2020 21:35
Just did it. Worked like a charm! :) thanks a lot!
By IxTankShotxI on 19 Feb 2020 20:41
I have the digital version through game pass and it just unlocked for me. Great find, saved me hours!!
By pantyhamster on 06 Mar 2020 09:36
Still works as of 3/14/20!
By BiggDope on 14 Mar 2020 20:55
Worked great thx 15/03/20... should be top solution
By Sensei Neo on 15 Mar 2020 15:04
Worked 11/4/20
AmaZing thanks! I did this without the DLC using digital copy on games pass. Took abit of playing around but its all about glitching the saves, had to make sure on ranger hardcore save that i got to the First checkpoint (door at the end of the tunnel) to trigger an auto save otherwise it kept corrupting.
By GE SeaBeast on 11 Apr 2020 12:29
Nice! Good to hear it still works
By o IExcision on 11 Apr 2020 20:54
As of April 28, 2020, DjentLives's solution still works! I got the ranger hardcore achievement as well as the bad ending achievement
By FosterJag15 on 29 Apr 2020 03:33
Still works 5/9/20, No DLC, digital Game Pass version. thanks DjentLives!

What I did:
Beat Game
Start new save in Ranger Hardcore
Played Hardcore up to first auto save spot after first kill
Quit to Main Menu
Choose original Save Slot
Load Dead City
Save loads, open Guide, quit Metro
Start game
Load Ranger Hardcore auto save
Once game loads, quit to Main Menu
Load chapter, choose Finale, watch it, 2 achievements unlocked
By Frankie DrumsNY on 09 May 2020 17:38
Nope, this didn't work for me. I actually lost my New game plus save. I had started my new game plus, which seemed to lock my chapter select. I did both sets of steps and it never worked. Beware.
By Kanchanaburi on 04 Jun 2020 08:44
Still works - I used the no dlc method mentioned in the comments tho
By TillTheMorning on 18 Jun 2020 07:50
Wow thank you so much frankie. I may actually finish this now before it gets removed from game pass.
By UplandParasite8 on 19 Jun 2020 06:18
What Frankie suggests works. To be clear, when you start a new Ranger Hardcore game, you use a new save slot. I think that may be where Kanch went wrong. You aren't starting NG+ so you won't lose any previous save data.
By NBA Kirkland on 20 Jun 2020 19:00
I can confirm that Frankie's method works as for 24/06/20, just done it., no dlc, game pass version. Can I do same trick with Iron man and new game+?
By lvizzzz on 24 Jun 2020 19:21
Pretty sure you cannot.

The game is lot easier the second time anyway. No collectables, start with the guns, don't have to stealth, etc.
By Sashamorning on 24 Jun 2020 19:22
Yeah, doesn't work. You can still watch finale in same way but no cheevos.
By lvizzzz on 25 Jun 2020 00:24
Frankie's solution worked for me. 27/06/2020
By Slayor CX on 28 Jun 2020 00:29
I can confirm this still works as of 25/09/2020.

Tried it last night, followed instructions and I not only got the achievment for Ranger Hardcore but also the achievement for the sad ending.
By Maiden Ty One on 26 Sep 2020 09:23
This solution worked for me on 2/23/21. Thanks.
By Nyjak on 24 Feb 2021 05:21
By o IExcision on 17 Jul 2021 14:35
I can confirm it still works 11/14/2021. You have to have the game and the DLCs. I have a digital version of the game. My first playthrough, I played and aimed for the good ending. but after trying this method I managed to unlock the achievement for both the bad ending and the ranger hardcore difficulty
By Alumejr on 14 Nov 2021 06:47
still works 12-24-2021, thanks, my 1st few hardcore attempts ended up glitched so this saved me a huge headache
By Dizyne on 25 Dec 2021 04:33
Still works 22-2-22, I did it with my new game plus save that I finished on reader difficulty
By I BossK I on 22 Feb 2022 17:39
I didn't expect this to work, but it did to my surprise.
Thank you very much, not only did you get me the ranger hardcore acheivement you also got me bad ending acheivement :)
Have an upvote you magnificent legend :)
By anthony2690 on 03 May 2022 08:42

good to hear it still works.
By o IExcision on 04 May 2022 12:10
In case anyone is as late to this as I am. I can confirm that the solution that Frankie gave above in the comments still works as of June 03, 2022. Got both achievements.
By A ZombieTwinkie on 03 Jun 2022 07:50
Broooo, thank you for this! Simple as cake, got the bad ending and hardcore Achievement 20.06.2022.
By LV Drejz on 20 Jun 2022 07:58
I did this on my new account last night and its works perfect, im trying to do the New game+ now. Also you do not need to beat the game, u can press X to unlock all chapters and then follow the guide.
By Excdsd on 03 Aug 2022 12:33
Still works as of August 12th you wonderful savage. Cheers +1
By Trentamental on 13 Aug 2022 00:31
By o IExcision on 15 Aug 2022 20:25
Still working on 8/19/22. Great work finding this boys!
By FLAWLESSVICT0RY on 19 Aug 2022 05:02
This solution needs more votes. Still works 6/11/22 or 11/6/22 for those who prefer their dates nonsensical
By B0YD0 on 06 Nov 2022 13:04
Still works. You will get the "bad ending" however
By xXx B1GBR1T xXx on 01 Feb 2023 19:00
Still works. Thanks.
You can see it when checking the 2nd file, it says new game+ unlocked. Just start the Finale from chapter select.
By Dalmater on 24 Jun 2023 01:26
Have to do this "old school", multiple attempts using all the "save swap" protocols only gives me the option of Hardcore Finale, not Ranger Hardcore, so obviously no achievement.

Good job I loved the game. New Game+ Ranger Hardcore here we go......

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we give!!
By Captain Heroic on 21 Jul 2023 17:43
Method still works, Aug. 06, 2023. Thank you!
By Erukusaki36 on 06 Aug 2023 07:30
Still works as of 8/23/23.
By ACTiONHANSEN on 23 Aug 2023 22:03
Still works in May 2024, saved me another playthrough, thank god..
By EI Bikerboy on 20 May 2024 08:53
Still works in May 2024
By RMZ3S on 01 Jun 2024 19:39
I will go through this step by step again. Like it says on the description that this could be a temporary solution and could he patched.

Will update with the results in next hour.
By o IExcision on 27 Aug 2019 07:49
Hm, might try anyway, after beating Moscow I would have save made, would repeat steps from Frankie's solution.
By lvizzzz on 24 Jun 2020 20:02
I'm having no luck accessing later chapters, and I wonder if it's due to starting a NG+ on my original save, prior to learning of this exploit.

-My primary save slot is on a NG+ in Moscow.
-My second save slot is a new game on Ranger Hardcore, with an auto save point a few minutes in.
-Playing on version

I've tried loading saves from each, backing out to the main menu, quitting from dash, etc., and no combination allows me to load up a later chapter via Chapter Select. I believe LibelluleGino stated they were in the same state as me, but they did not have the same issue.

Any suggestions?
By PNibbles on 13 Jul 2020 01:35
Got this to work after a couple of tweaks.

First I created a new game on Ranger Hardcore in a new slot, then quit and started the Two Colonels DLC from the menu. After loading I quit out of this too.

Then I loaded a save from my original completed slot. As described by other comments this leads to not seeing all of the chapters in the menu.

Then I quit the game from the dashboard and restarted. On reloading I had all of the Chapters available again as I was in my original save slot.

I loaded my Two Colonels save from the other slot, then I quit the mission after loading.

I then had access to all of the missions in my alternative slot and could start the finale. Although I somehow ended up with the bad ending instead.

The save swapping is the key to this, unsure how many of the steps are completely necessary or if this can be replicated as is.
By LeviathanDjents on 14 Oct 2019 20:44
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This is from Sensei Neo 's Metro Exodus Windows 10 Hardcore Guide.
Metro Exodus (Windows)HardcoreThe Hardcore achievement in Metro Exodus (Windows) worth 355 pointsComplete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode.

Which was based on a comment from Frankie DrumsNY

He referenced an old Xbox version glitch. When I went to the Xbox version guides, similar methods existed but they called for either DLC or uninstalling the game. I thought I would give this a try and it worked.


Beat the Game
Start a new save in Ranger Hardcore (not new game plus)
Play the first level until the watchmen jumps out and you get an autosave. (You might have to kill another enemy)
Quit to Main Menu
Choose load Game and choose your save slot that has beaten the game.
choose the Dead City save on the next page
Once the loading screen finishes (when arytom finishes talking and press x to play pops up, force quit out of metro from the xbox guide.
Open the game.
Load the new Ranger Hardcore save slot
Once game loads, press X then quit to Main Menu
Load chapter, choose Finale, watch it and you'll get the Hardcore achievement.

27 Jun 2020 19:50

Don't know why, but it works! Also unlocked the bad ending achievement which is nice. smile
By Lockie on 30 Jun 2020 08:29
Clear and precise. +1 from me
By HollyRose78 on 01 Aug 2020 21:23
Worked perfectly and didn't have to do another play through. This should be the top solution. Thank you and thanks to Sensei for figuring it out!!!!!!!!!
By wildwest08 on 12 Sep 2020 17:02
force and quit means dashbord for linguistis ! i did at least 6 times the manipulation befor undersanding, in the end, i succeeded and it worked
By dj nike tou on 07 Oct 2020 11:06
Works as of 30 January 2021
By Quiffindor on 30 Jan 2021 19:07
For the step where you have to choose the Dead City save, actually any save will do from your first playthrough.
I went back to do some miscellaneous achievements via level select and could only load Taiga. Dashboarding there did unlock level select on my other save too.
By psybOltOn on 03 Feb 2021 22:14
I followed the instructions and got both the “Hardcore” and “Eternal Voyage” achievements. 5/3/21
By BudgetBallin360 on 03 May 2021 20:18
Worked like a charm! +1
By o0EviIToaster0o on 28 May 2021 22:47
Still works August 4th, 2021 on XSX with the next gen update. Great solution!
By Hurricane Matt on 04 Aug 2021 22:53
Still works 280921 - thanks for saving me a load of time. I had already beaten the game and then I started the dlc saving over my previous game saves.
I started a new save on chapter select and chose the finale and quit out once it had finished. I followed your guide and used this save and it worked brilliantly.
By Gouldy1972 on 23 Sep 2021 17:16
Does this get you the bad ending aswell?
By R3dD3vil1288 on 14 Oct 2021 10:52
Got it as of Feb 2022. Only hiccup I ran into was the Autosave wouldn't trigger after the watchmen part.
By Certain Finesse on 14 Feb 2022 08:05
Same here still works 17/2/22 , thanks for this dude saved me a 3rd playthrough. ✌
By ZaveGaming87 on 17 Feb 2022 00:21
Worked for me, also before i did this i went thru the chapter select of my good play through finding collectibles but i made some bad karma choices(killing surrendering ppl/ killing ppl in the taiga lvl. and when i did this trick it gave me the bad ending achievement as well as ranger hardcore!
By Spectre11950 on 28 Mar 2022 01:18
Great tip.....still works as of 6/13/22
By LRD SOTH on 13 Jun 2022 17:56
awesome! worked for me aswell. 16 July 2022
By XC ShadowClaw on 16 Jul 2022 17:51
Still works August 15, 2022. I didn't even have a "dead city" save to go back to on the original save slot
By Anser2Altus on 16 Aug 2022 00:16
thank you for this, saved me many hours of pain...
By II Dish II on 21 Sep 2022 20:02
Still works and yes you will get the bad ending so that achievement will unlock too.
By Debrimba on 31 Dec 2022 03:37
works as jan 10 2023
By VANDALOx11 on 11 Jan 2023 00:58
This is stupidly easy, and it WORKS! Thank You! clap
By JimmieWorld on 07 Apr 2023 02:33
Not working for me as of 14/07/23. Even though I have a save at Hardcore Finale. Playing through does not pop an achievement. I will leave it a few days to see if there is a delay.
By Captain Heroic on 14 Jul 2023 14:21
Worked for me (23 Aug 2023). Thanks!
By GenericCow on 23 Aug 2023 22:55
Worked for me as of April 2024!! Now one final iron mode playthrough to go
By Lentilus on 13 Apr 2024 21:49
HOOOO-LEEEEEE SCHNIKIES!! dude. you just saved me a 3rd playthrough!

This works perfectly as of October 22nd, 2020...

May I add a couple of notes?
1: my Game #1 slot was a NG+ Iron Mode run - and this worked! so no fear if you are in the same position and wondering...
2: because this solution involves a lot of steps that are precise, I would like to suggest clarifying that when you
"Load the new Ranger Hardcore save slot. Hold X to fully load the game.
Once you have control of Artyom, quit to Main Menu."

Just to reiterate - awesome solution. it works. you are my current hero of the day. Please, have a drink on me sir...

p.s. FULL props to Frankie DrumsNY and Sensei Neo for the actual solution - but huge thanks to the author MCmichaelD for writing this down clearly and independently of the other solutions.
By ShadyShall on 23 Oct 2020 03:39
Wow. This still works as of 2/6/2021.
I was not very hopeful about it as I had already started NG+ on my original slot. But, wanted to give it a try before the XSX update gets released (who knows, they may patch this up).
Here is what I did (not sure which steps were necessary):
I just have Save Slot# 1 with NG+ saved at Volga.
From chapter select loaded the "Finale". This created an Autosave at Finale for me.
Now, followed this solution above. Except the part where they said load "Dead City" of original Save Slot. Instead of that, I loaded the "Finale" as soon as loading finished and cutscene started, I force quit from the Xbox Guide menu. (Keep in mind that you do not get "Press X to continue" option after loading Finale.
After this just followed the guide.
Thank you so much for everyone who worked on the solution.
By pradDIABLO on 07 Feb 2021 05:42
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Ok this is a touchy subject but I’ve read the terms and conditions on what classified as cheating etc, this method uses the games previous updates which from what I’ve read doesn’t count. I read somewhere (powerpyx guide, who credited danielwang008) that there is an exploit for Ranger hardcore were you complete the game on the easiest difficulty uninstall to update complete the first mission on ranger hardcore killing all enemies to lock ending in then load up the last mission and watch the cutscene thus unlocking ranger hardcore and bad ending, from what IVE read and researched this could only be done on the PS4 due to achievements not unlocking offline on Xbox however....

DISC VERSION ONLY - won’t work with digital copy

I just did the EXACT steps in this order and it’s worked for me
-NETWORK SETTINGS (go offline)
-INSTALL 3G update

If done correctly both achievements should pop after second time watching cut scene when you’re back online.

Credit to danielwang008 for the method, and from what I’ve researched I’m the first to confirm this for Xbox? If not please let me know I’ll shout them out

09 Mar 2019 19:09

For those who are going to do hard core make sure you have a minimum of 12:00 min of filter time on the Dead City Chapter. If you're lower than that don't bother cause you'll never make it all the way to the end. Found out the hard way had to chapter select and redo it cause i ran out of filter time and yes you can still get the achv . Also don't waste time walking around just speed run the things you can get by. I used the " Kalash " and " A-Shot " double barrel maxed ammo on both and Millers modded Tikhar you should easily kill everything, assuming that you're ok at FPS.

22 Feb 2019 01:30

In this video guide I will help you get through ranger hardcore. A few tips would be to utilize the time change stations because they not only heal you but save your progress. Since you can't quick save on this difficulty. Also using it to change it to night helps sneak past the humans a lot. Using the tikhar rifle with explosive rounds is pretty helpful against mutants since it pretty much kills them in one or two hits. Make sure to grab some extra gear for upgrades and loot the areas near your mission. I didn't explore too much and did just fine. Other than that watch what I do for extra help.

Up to level CASPIAN


07 Mar 2019 14:09

In caspian level you can skip almost whole level

For the dead city to save alot of time I recommend check this video
After meeting first blindone you can finish level normally because second part of this skip is very hard to do.

18 Mar 2023 14:06

First of all, there are two exploits that can be used in order to unlock Ranger Hardcore by starting the game, coming out into the main menu and using chapter select to play the Finale.
Exploit one: Includes deleting and reinstalling the game 
Step 1 - Play and finish game on the latest patch, on "Reader" or "Normal" difficulty.
Step 2 - Upload your saves, then delete the game.
Step 3 - Revert the game to v1.00:
Digital using this: LINK
Disc install with no internet connected or just pause the update when it starts downloading
Step 4 - The exploit:
- Start a new game on Hardcore
- After the first autosave, quit to main menu
- Use Chapter Select and choose "Finale" (which can take up to 20 minutes is 'downloading content' displayed in the bottom right) then once the Chapter plays out (its all cutscenes) Eternal Voyage, Hardcore and Mutation will all unlock.
Thanks pfnorzli for posting that it works as of v1.07. Check out the thread here: LINK
Exploit two: No deleting or reinstalling the game
Not sure how or if this works but check out the thread below for information on this new found method and the possibility to unlock Iron mode and ng+ alongside Ranger Hardcore
Thanks Delameko for this information. Check out the thread here: Link
Going legit Tips and information:
  • Ammo and resources scarce - Pick your battles carefully, if you can avoid open world enemies then do so and if you can stealth move past others than definitely do so to preserve both.
  • You'll take more damage from enemy attacks - A bit obvious but even the jump from Reader to Normal is heavily noticeable so really try and stay in cover as best you can.
  • The Quick Save feature is disabled - This will make the good run a lot harder, I would recommend doing the bad ending here just in case you make a mistake. However there are still checkpoints.
  • No HUD - Annoying at best but nothing major.

I made a video guide on both Full Strength and Ranger Hardcore since I think being sneaky helps through RH a lot. However, if you only care for the Hardcore achievement, ignore the optional objectives in The Caspian.

Note that this NOT a speedrun nor a seamless run, but I have done my best to edit out the parts where I failed or was too lucky in order to provide a more reliable way for you to follow. I hope that you find it useful. Please leave a like on YouTube if so and feel free to comment and ask questions if you need more help.

Moscow - 0:00
The Volga - 0:36:15
Yamantau - 1:48:15
The Caspian - 2:03:10
The Taiga - 3:34:20
The Dead City - 4:21:25

* I have removed the scripted sequences/chapters and cutscenes where not relevant as you cannot die or make mistakes there. When I played, I skipped and saved time where possible. If you would like to build a relationship with your crew, listen to them and take part in the activities on The Aurora. It may help but is not required for the best ending.

02 Mar 2019 00:00

This achievement can be unlocked in one of two ways. The first way is to play it legitimately on Ranger Hardcore difficulty. The mode will as you would expect, make you weaker, make enemies stronger, remove HUD elements and remove the manual save feature. You can play a large portion of the game in stealth so doing so will undoubtedly help you to complete this difficulty as even on the easier difficulties, the combat can be a little finicky. Some points to remember if you play on this difficulty;
  • Scavenge everything. The main focus of the gameplay is to craft useful items and ammo. Although the majority of ammo can only be crafted at a workbench, you can still craft steel balls and then later on crossbow bolts from your backpack, as well as medkits and filters for the gasmask
  • Keep your stocks full. At every opportunity craft ammo and medkits. As said above medkits can be crafted anywhere so try to keep your quantity at maximum. Whenever you use one or two, be sure to craft more as soon as you're able. Whenever you come across a workbench, use it to refill your ammo and clean your weapons
  • Find suit upgrades. See the description for "Old world pictures" for a video that includes the suit upgrade locations, or rather a link to a more comprehensive guide that breaks the collectibles down so that you can just find the suit upgrades, as they're the only important collectibles for this difficulty. Many of the upgrades have uses that will make the game much more manageable, from giving you more armour, to a higher ammo count, to a radar that shows enemy locations, perfect for stealth actions. It's well worth finding some of these upgrades
  • Play in New Game + if possible. If you play in New Game +, you can utilize certain modifiers such as the 'my weapons' modifier that will allow you access to your previous weapons from the last full game you completed. This of course makes the combat significantly easier
The second way to unlock this achievement involves a glitch that includes deleting the game and a subsequent patch, then reinstalling and playing the game offline without the patch. This can take an hour or two, but is of course much quicker than a full playthrough and the difficulty is trivial. Note that this glitch can ONLY be done with a PHYSICAL copy of the game and will not work with a digital copy.

Credit for the glitch information and subsequent spreading goes to 'IloveTEST400', 'Powerpyx' and 'danielwang008'. Follow the steps below exactly and the achievement should unlock with no issues;
  1. Complete the game on any difficulty with the 'Good' ending.
  2. Uninstall the game.
  3. Change your network settings to 'Offline' - Press 'Home' button, scroll across to 'Settings', down to 'Network', Network Settings', 'Go Offline'.
  4. Reinstall the game while remaining offline.
  5. When the game is ready, start a new campaign on 'Ranger Hardcore' difficulty and progress only until you go through the first door you can after gaining control of your character. (Credit to Its Dan for this tip) to force an auto-save.
  6. Quit to main menu after getting to this point then load up the Finale mission.
  7. Let the cutscene play out until the credits start to roll.
  8. When you're back to the main menu, quit the game fully, then go back online via the same pathway to go offline in step 3, then let the patch install.
  9. Load up the Finale mission again and let it play out until the credits and the achievement should unlock as they begin to roll, along with "Eternal Voyage" for getting the 'Bad' ending, should you still not have it.
This difficulty is available immediately, if you are aiming for platinum, I advise you to start with it. It’s hard at first, but stealth saves you. They kill with 1-2 bullets, mutants with 3-4 hits. I craft cartridges for a revolver, it kills all people and some mutants with one shot. When you get fire balls for Tihar, leave them for the spider scorpions from the first part, which you need to fry with a flashlight until they turn over on their backs. with these balls you can one-shot them without frying them with a torch

15 Feb 2019 16:56

version for PS5 digital game and extras purchased separately
Glitch works on the date 05/23/24

1. Start a new game on Ranger Hardcore difficulty in a new slot.
2. We reach the first monster and kill it. We see the autosave and go to the main menu of the game.
3. Select the “load” option and load the last save from the slot in which the game has already been completed, the final cutscene on the train begins. Close the game using the PS button.
4. Launch the game and load the last save from the Ranger Hardcore slot.
5. After loading, go to the main menu of the game.
6. Select chapter item => final level

By madboiz on 21 Nov 2021 22:08
The glitch also works on Digital!
29.09 Just got Hardcore and Bad Ending using the digital glitch version 1.06.
After completing the game, I started a new game on hardcore, using the save of the completed game. We reach the first QTE with the monster and go to the menu. The choice of chapters includes only Moscow. We leave the game. Disable the Internet (I pulled out the LAN). Let's start the game. In the selection of chapters, the last chapter, Conclusion, appears immediately after Moscow. We start it (it loaded very quickly)... there is a bad ending and trophies at the end.

PS. Oops. It also worked for the Iron Mode and Mutation trophies. But a little differently. I started NG+ with the iron mode. Came out after meeting the first QTE guard. Rebooted the game. Launched Conclusion. In the end nothing. I tried both with and without Internet. Nothing. I walked in iron mode to the depot, where I had to steal a steam locomotive. They were shot there. ((Upon exiting the menu, I loaded the last chapter. Conclusion. Both trophies were given) I didn’t turn off the Internet.
By Kruzhok on 29 Sep 2019 13:53
For those who want to use the glitch, it is not necessary to go through the first two chapters; after starting a new game with an existing save, it is enough to wait for the first checkpoint (when, having gained control of Artyom and going down to the subway, you open the first door). Having passed the first checkpoint, we also go to the main menu and select the chapter conclusion (it takes about 10 minutes to load - you need to wait).
I just got Hardcore and Endless Journey.
The game was originally played on 1.0
By Karandassh on 06 May 2019 22:55
I would recommend the first playthrough on simple difficulty, so to speak, for informational purposes and for the soul (we go admiring the views, fortunately there is something to admire, and so on), after which you can collect what is not collected, but the second one is on hardcore, so you will know that, where and how, where are some monsters, where is it better to shoot, and where to run, saving ammunition and filters. Difficult places with monsters (for example, Caves where we are going with Damir, we stupidly run to the place where you are already going directly to the water source, arrange a shootout with the beastmen yourself it will be more expensive), you can simply bypass the Pioneer camps in Taiga (although the last one on Kharkor caused me difficulty - for some reason I was always noticed on the boat, although before that I received a trophy Child of the Forest on normal difficulty has no problems at all), in the battle with Baron’s bandits on the tower I strongly recommend having at least one grenade and 2-3 molotovs with you, since it will be difficult to shoot them, but throwing them with explosives will work very well, as well As for weapons, it is better to take there a Killer with an extended magazine and a Valve with a laser target and a collimator.
By himeo on 23 Feb 2019 10:30
Soldiers in armor and with a Gatlingan analogue are very vulnerable to Molotov cocktails. But the fiery bullets of the tihar don’t really hit them.
By riv666 on 18 Feb 2019 11:19
I advise you to go through the good ending on this difficulty, plus save all three crew members. Since on hardcore it is easier to bypass everyone by stealth than to engage in open confrontation.
By KirTheFirst on 21 Feb 2019 12:47
I started playing Ranger Hardcore, I was confused by the fact that you can’t check the number of cartridges, it turned out you can by holding down the button .
I can also advise you not to mow down everyone all the time to save ammo. For example, when we fall into the bunker where Anna was suffocating, it is not necessary to kill all the beastmen, just get there and open the doors, all the beastmen will disappear and you can calmly explore the bunker, without wasting ammo and filters. It’s the same in the terminal, just calmly walk forward and shoot the fastest ones, or even run forward.
By trickreroll on 03 Mar 2019 08:21
As of 05/22/2020
Version 1.08. Glitch on Ranger Hardcore works
Completed the game with the Good ending on version 1.08.
Made a save on a save drive
Deleted the game
Downloaded 1.00 from the disk (with the Internet turned off)
Launched NG on Ranger Hardcore
Completed the beginning until the first mob, exited after the autosave
Game at 1.00 sees saves from 1.08
Clicked Conclusion and waited 20 minutes for the content to load
Trophy dropped
By NesvetskyLev on 22 May 2020 21:07
On version 1.09 the glitch does not work.
By FITIL on 29 Jun 2020 17:15
madboiz is less painful and crashes, 06.10.22 works
By deadcat27 on 06 Oct 2022 22:43
Shoot in the head more often, it goes down right away. If it goes under stealth, then use cans to attract the enemy and then you know. Sometimes there are shortcuts. Look wider. Basically these are homemade stairs from boxes and boards. Narrow openings. Manual checkpoints do not work on this difficulty. They are automatic. I recommend going through the bad ending on this difficulty. Because here you can kill everyone. And he doesn’t bother with stealth. And of course patience
By DesantnikRus on 19 Feb 2019 15:16
Disk version bug saving version 1.04 approaches 1.0
By Destroyer_45 on 06 Apr 2019 18:06
The glitch is valid for update 1.07!!!
By Greg5583 on 29 Oct 2019 10:16
The glitch works on 1.09. Update 11/19.
Completed the game with a good ending. Started a new game using an old save. And turned off the Internet. I ran to the first monster and closed the game. Then I launched it and selected the last chapter. I looked at the ending and got two trophies for completing it on hardcore and a bad ending
By smokkey1978 on 13 Dec 2019 20:26
If you don’t bother and want to go through two endings fairly.. Hardcore is better and easier to go through to the bad end.. At the Taiga level it’s just hell to go through the good end in stealth.. It’s many times easier to just kill everyone..
By vArvAr on 26 Jun 2020 17:33
1.09 patch (digital)
Does not work.
I did it via psxdownloadhelper, the game was swinging at 1.00 and the glitch worked
By maaxumka on 29 Nov 2020 18:18
07/15/2022 Hint from madboiz works 100%, PS5 version (Digital).
By G1Jesus on 15 Jul 2022 18:44
The instructions for the digital version of PS5 also work for the PS4 version. Patch 1.09
By MrBenderRodriguez on 29 May 2023 08:17
If you want to go without glitches, then you can easily start on NG+, and there with a rail (the cheapest ammunition) it will be an easy walk, with the exception of Novosibirsk with its worms and larvae that kill in two shots.
By serduk152 on 12 May 2024 02:34
There is a bug with the disc version of the game that makes it easier to get the trophy.
1) beat the game on any difficulty on any version and game
2) delete the game, turn off the Internet on the console, and install the game again without the patch, version 1.0
3) start a new game on the ranger with an existing save file where the game is completed.
4) Complete the first chapter, when the “winter” chapter starts, go to the main menu and load the last chapter of the game with the ending.
5) get a trophy.
UPD it is unknown how the bug works with the new save system introduced with the release of the Two Colonels dlc
By DrLogan on 07 Mar 2019 20:12
Important! The glitch does not work if you start a new game after completing the DLC.
Manipulations with saves must be done immediately after completing the main story campaign.

If you completed the DLC, then launch the conclusion of the main game, and then a new game for this save, and then everything else according to the instructions)
By OptikRUS on 27 May 2020 16:11
The digital glitch works, thanks to Kruzhok. Got a trophy on digital. 10/25/2019, I didn’t look at the version because... I have a habit of immediately deleting the game after losing platinum, but all the updates were there. At first I thought of going through the whole thing on this difficulty New Game +, because... The last two trophies were missing, for the bad ending and to pass on Hardcore. I reached the point where I needed to hijack a train. I played offline, closed the game, re-entered the game and the last chapter appeared in the chapter selection. I launched it, loaded very quickly, watched the bad ending and got two trophies.
By Dimkats222 on 26 Oct 2019 08:13
On 11/14/20 the glitch works fine. Just got platinum.
Completed the game on normal (patch 1.09), saved to the cloud just in case.
Then everything is as described above:
We deleted the game, installed a new one without patches, and went to the first checkpoint. All you have to do is go to the main menu and click on the chapters. And here they are all dear.
We chose a conclusion, waited for the content to load and three trophies, namely for the hard game, for the bad ending and the platinum itself in our pocket.
Got it right on the second try
By KurtLied on 14 Nov 2020 12:35
in the Caspian Sea I had a bug with immortal mobs, they died only from a knife and fire, Molotov cocktails, fire bullets from a tihar, so when you go to the baron on the ship, stock up on both, 3 Molotovs were enough for me and about 10 bullets, and I threw knives They won’t shoot oil workers, but they won’t want to die from simple bullets either
By saybean2 on 24 Feb 2019 09:45
I completed the game on the reader on version 1.09 and threw the save onto a flash drive (to be on the safe side). I downloaded version 1.00 (20.5 GB, 11 pkg files) via psx-download-helper, installed and launched a new game on Ranger Hardcore, when autosave appeared, went to the main menu and launched the final chapter, received a bad ending and this trophy itself, as well as a mutation from new game+.
I also tried to get the iron mode but it didn’t work, because the iron mode is not compatible with 1.00 and crash saves, only from version 1.04 and higher.
By deniskor_ on 06 Nov 2020 01:35
10.30.2019: the glitch works on digital with the latest patches, thanks to comrade Kruzhok and send him likes)

-after passing, we start NG+ on hardcore offline (although I also got the Conclusion online)
-we reach the KTE with the mutant and go to the menu, only Moscow will be in the choice of chapters
-exit the game, go back and the conclusion will appear in the chapter selection, download and get trophies for the bad ending and hardcore

But the iron mode didn’t work for me for mutation, although I followed Kruzhka’s instructions

PS it worked for the mutation and the iron mode as follows:
- started NG+ in normal difficulty + hard mode and “my weapon”, I did NOT turn off the Internet at all
- how the game started in Moscow, went to the main menu, left the game
- went into the game, clicked continue
- as soon as control was given, I went back to the menu, went to the chapter selection and loaded Conclusion
By skylark on 30 Oct 2019 09:06
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For digital PS5:
1. Complete the game
make a backup of your save (if you need it in the future)
2. Start a “New Game” (not NG+) in a new save slot
3. Go until the first attack on you (QTE + kill the next monster) this will launch an autosave
4. Exit to the main menu
5. Load the game from the first slot (where the game is completely completed) and load the latest save
6. As soon as the loading is finished and the cutscene starts, end the game (PS button)
7. Start the game and load the save from the 2nd slot (where the hardcore is). As soon as it loads (press square), exit to the main menu.
8. Through the selection of chapters, go to the finale, watch the cutscene and the trophy is yours!

22 Jun 2021 00:43

1 Comment
You don't have to go through the game to get trophies for Hardcore and the ending (although there is no difference).
PS5 natively has chapter select , but trophies will be locked when this feature is activated.
We do everything according to the instructions, and by moving to another save slot, the trophies will be unlocked . The main thing before points 6 and 7 is to exit the game.
Next, load the final chapter, and after the cut-scene we get trophies - for the ending and Rager Hardcore.
Therefore, the game does not need to be completed twice for platinum .
After receiving the Ranger and Ending trophies, we start a new game +.
We complete the game, get a different ending and trophies for NG+

You can also get it the other way around. Complete the game and then, using the glitch, close the Hardcore and Other endings, as described above in the tip.
By cyrax on 22 Jun 2021 11:17