Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

68 Achievements


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Iron Mode

Iron Mode

Complete the game in Iron Mode.


How to unlock the Iron Mode achievement in Metro Exodus - Definitive Guide

You can unlock this achievement pretty easily. Beat the game once, then play through it a second time in New Game + mode, and set the difficulty to reader mode. If you play with the My Weapons preset its a cake-walk.

Just a note, you should probably do this achievement last, as once you've entered iron mode, all chapter select and other activities take the game settings of your last save. You can get around this by starting and beating a new new playthrough.

30 Mar 2019 03:58

Xbox One X. I had 1 freeze on Caspian Sea today.
By BRETT 57642 on 02 Feb 2020 14:45
Right at the bloody end of Caspian it freezes! That’s not fair at all! No seriously I did 2 hours and it’s all for nothing now!

Is there no way around this?
By PlusATHEY on 12 May 2019 18:17
So it's confirmed you can change difficulty on New Game + mode?
By NeXuS23 on 30 Mar 2019 15:19
Yep. I'm playing through it right now in Reader mode
By Paradox460 on 30 Mar 2019 22:41
Thanks and perfect, so i at at least don't have to do all again in ranger hardcore, will definitely do that in reader mode like you.
By NeXuS23 on 01 Apr 2019 22:48
I'm also at about 9 freezes throughout my playthrough. Drastically increases the completion time as I've had it happen in the last few minutes of a level multiple times.
By Fringe of Fate on 13 Apr 2019 13:36
If it happens on Volga for you too, try to wear the NVG for the whole level, i didn't have one freeze like this and finished the game in one session in Iron Mode.

Dunno exactly why, but apparently wearing the NVG prevents freezing.

And the freezes seems anyway to be more prominent in Volga than anywhere else, so once you managed to finish Volga freezes becomes more rare anyway. But to be sure also wear the NVG in Caspian, because i also had one freeze there in the Spider Bunker without wearing NVG.
By NeXuS23 on 13 Apr 2019 19:11
What is reader mode?
By Arsenic 17 on 14 Apr 2019 15:50
@Arsenic 17
Reader Mode is the cakewalk mode, the easiest difficulty.
By NeXuS23 on 14 Apr 2019 21:36
Can confirm, several freezes if you are playing on Xbox One X. I had multiple freezes on all levels up until Caspian, couldn't take it because I always had to start from the beginning of the level since I was playing on Iron Mode.

Got so fed up I switched over to my One S and had no freezes! Seems Xbox One X is the only problem for the freezes, hopefully the devs fix it soon, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND if anyone is going for this acheevo to play it on a XBOX ONE S!
By ShimaClassic on 22 Apr 2019 15:04
Fuck this achievement, just crashed towards the end of Caspian. Waste of like 2 and a half hours. Such a poorly thought out achievement. angry
By Scotty#6895 on 25 Apr 2019 21:21
@Scotty - I played on an OG XBOX One and didn't have any crashes during my Iron Mode run. Now, the game killing me for really stupid reasons making me restart Caspian 8 fucking times puts me at least adjacent to your current anger level.

My absolute favorite way it kept killing me was ignoring that I was tapping the button and filling the meter during QTEs.
By AllOvaMyself on 25 Apr 2019 22:32
I'm on an OG Xbox too, i've only read about people crashing on a One X. Oh well.

I would have cried after having to restart it 8 times though. :o

EDIT: just got to the end of TAIGA and the fucking bear has frozen in place and can't be killed. Put about 40 arrows, 30 explosive arrows, 4 throwing knives, 2 bombs and 9 molotovs into it and it's just stood there not moving. What a fucking joke this game is.

EDIT 2: Ok, just stood there melee-ing it for like 4 minutes and eventually it triggered the cutscene. fantastic...facepalm
By Scotty#6895 on 26 Apr 2019 17:41
be aware that since Iron Mode has no checkpoints and that when you fail (restart) before getting to the first workbench and finishing (!) a level, you will loose all your weapons from a previous playthrough once you restart.
By on 27 Apr 2019 14:13
Another issue with this, im now mopping up some achievements in chapter select but it remembers that you played it in iron mode so you still can't save it yourself. beating TAIGA without being seen without being able to use the save system is gonna be impossible. probably gonna have to start a new game to get up to that level just for that achievement.
By Scotty#6895 on 27 Apr 2019 14:20
Another issue with this, im now mopping up some achievements in chapter select but it remembers that you played it in iron mode so you still can't save it yourself. beating TAIGA without being seen without being able to use the save system is gonna be impossible. probably gonna have to start a new game to get up to that level just for that achievement.
By Scotty#6895 on 27 Apr 2019 14:53
I have sent quite a few emails to Deep Silver in regards to their buggy and crashing issues with their game even months after release. The general response was that it's my Xbox One X that is the problem and not their game. They weren't happy when I called them out.
By DEEJUNE on 28 May 2019 23:00
Solution - Play on a fucking Xbox One S or Xbox One, simple.
By ShimaClassic on 02 Jun 2019 12:42
Did anyone test my anti-freeze solution with wearing the NVG (Night Vision Googles) all the time on the Xb1X yet? It may be a bit annoying, but for me was the only solution to pass Volga/Caspian without freezes on the Xb1X.
By NeXuS23 on 17 Jun 2019 05:41
question, just started new game+ in iron mode and reader diff but the game never asks nor could i find anything on my weapon preset. where exactly is this choice
By on 23 Jun 2019 15:46
Playing on an X, didn't crash once on the Caspian but crashed 9 times on the Volga, I didn't want to waste 2 hours on Caspian so I set the xbox resolution to 1440P and unticked allow 4k under xbox settings
By kd rio 007 on 25 Jun 2019 21:45
Nexus I tested your NVG solution and kept freezing with them on. It actually kept happening when you get forced to take them off in cutscenes
By kd rio 007 on 26 Jun 2019 11:40
When you choose New Game+, the next screen is a list of all of the modifiers you can use. The very bottom is a scrollable option that's set to "No Weapons Mode", change this to "My Weapons"
By HarpCity on 03 Jul 2019 14:29
I got to the end of the first mission and it froze. This is going to be fun...
Edit: Did Volga first time with no freezes. I'm playing on the X.
Edit2: Had 2 freezes on Caspian and 2 deaths due to stupid stuff like the van going 2ft off road and flipping. One mission left.
Edit3: About 4 freezes in the whole game. i started a new non-iron playthrough to grind kills for my last achievement and it froze pretty fast. at least there are checkpoints.
By Fuzzmeister J on 20 Jul 2019 13:02
Had a freeze on the first level, so lost all my weapons from previous play throughs, started again despite that, and just lost most of Volga to a freeze.
I still have my Day One Xbox One, so I’ll switch to that because dealing with these freezes is gonna cost me a controller via a window.
By Uber Bower on 03 Aug 2019 13:49
I’ve read that you don’t have checkpoints but on my playtru I have? Can anyone confirm this is wrong as I definitely selected Ironman mode with the weapon mod switched on?
By beets101 on 03 Aug 2019 16:18
No glitches or freezes,. August 2019.. Xbox One S..
By TransparentDime on 17 Aug 2019 06:42
Gas mask glitches, unable to swap out and dies.. Moscow level
By o IExcision on 27 Aug 2019 16:40
I started my iron run on my Xbox One X and have made it to The Taiga with no freezes.
By ElusiveEagle on 28 Aug 2019 07:16
Achievements like this are stupid warning. I'm......gonna pass on this and Ranger hardcore. Good luck to everyone else
By Visions of Gore on 15 Sep 2019 00:11
Just finished the Iron Mode run on OG Xbox One without freezes, first try, September 2019. Took me around 5 hours. Good luck to everyone trying it!
By DoomStriker666 on 16 Sep 2019 05:48
Fuck this trash game and the incompetent pieces of shit who made it and still haven't fixed it. Two hours lost because the game froze right at the end of Volga. And fuck the clowns on this site giving it 4.2 out of 5. This game is shit without the freezes.
By on 24 Sep 2019 15:02
Who ever came up with this achievement is an asshole. And those who didn't stop them aren't great ether.
By PlayerHayden3 on 09 Nov 2019 06:22
I have played this game for 30 hours without freezes on ranger hardcore. So i was feeling comfortable :). Went on going for the Iron mode achievement in combination with the collectibles... 1.5 hour in my first freeze of the game and 1.5 hours lost... :(
By VAS taijyn on 17 Jan 2020 10:23
And the second time the games froze on me.. This time on Caspian. I think it has something to do with the Iron Mode option. In 30 hours zero freezes. In 4 hours, two freezes. Will try it maybe on my launch xbox.
By VAS taijyn on 17 Jan 2020 19:59
Just to be sure, is freezing still an issue in Iron Mode? If it is, I would rather wait until they fix it.
By LinKPePo on 22 Jan 2020 01:45
I had 2 freezes in my playthrough on Iron Mode. Playing on my Xbox one X
By VAS taijyn on 22 Jan 2020 08:13
Freeze issues aren't fixed yet. Was on the way to the terminal on Volga. Freeze.
By IxTankShotxI on 24 Feb 2020 18:16
I should've followed your advice and done Iron Mode last. I followed the walkthrough and did it before the Hardcore playthrough and now I have to start over.
By Dr Marty on 15 Mar 2020 13:10
Not even a single freeze or crash for the whole game playing Xbox One X, definetelly patched. Easy if you play on the Reader difficulty with My Weapons pre-selected. Just make sure when you start the big level, prior exit the game from the Dashboard. Just to start without dirty caches from the prior levels as safeguard.
By VladZelenyak on 17 Apr 2020 20:17
Played Iron Mode non-stop from the start up till I started the mission to recieve the passenger car in The Volga, then my game froze. Playing on the Xbox One X so Vlad may have a point about quitting the game everytime you begin a free roam level.
By Tendoman77 on 09 May 2020 22:00
Beware: if you start new game plus on iron man mode and don't complete moscow before you quit out, you could lose your game save compeltely as I did.
By Kanchanaburi on 29 May 2020 19:43
If you start your ironman playthrough, make sure you have enough time to play thru the entire level moscow as there are no saves anywhere during the level. I didn't realize that, i thought there would be some sort of save that would allow me to quit out and take a break, but nope... you loose all progress and must restart.
By Kanchanaburi on 31 May 2020 00:22
Almost September 2020 and I managed to reach the end of Caspian and the game fucking freezes. It's such a joke to waste ~2 hours for abosultely nothing.
By smudger2002 on 31 Aug 2020 18:08
Tried this several times on Xbox One X, gave up after several crashes, thought I'd give it a go on the Series X, got through no problem without a single crash.
By Bri3r on 03 Jan 2021 19:37
Similar to the hardcore ranger glitch comments if you apply the same method you can glitch the iron mode achievement as well will still need to play through to collect collectables but don’t need to deal with iron mode
By Mad Revenant on 17 Sep 2021 10:10
Has anyone found a way to unlock this like the Ranger Hardcore exploit? I’ve tried it using all the tips for that but no luck, I honestly don’t have the time or patience to run through this with no saves in levels, I like the game but not enough to potentially have to redo hours of gameplay
By ViperDonz on 23 Oct 2021 19:09
Somebody try use the QuickResume for this archievements? Works for me. Turn the energy setup e will stay save the game. I try in Series S.
By Will AGM go br on 02 Nov 2021 01:09
I hate this achievement with a passion, it is easily one of the most annoying achievements I've ever gone for. Not because it's hard, but because I die in the dumbest ways possible. My finger slipped during a qte (have it set to hold) and it timed out trying to catch up again. Just did in the swamp before going to the giant leeches because I threw a molotov and I was close to a torch. I didn't hit the torch with the molotov, just died for whatever reason. It wouldn't be so bad if you could actually skip the long ass cutscenes at the beginning.
By SquiSquiSquidio on 03 Jan 2022 00:47
Yea what a jerk of an achievement. I die from falling 5 feet or an NPC freezes stopping my progress.. and have to re watch an hour of cutscenes..didn't have these problems in my normal play through kinda ruining my love for this game
By kriegir on 19 Mar 2022 17:37
So guys I got frustrated I couldn't even get through Moscow. Went to main menu and it let me load the finale to my last game but it failed said corrupted save. Went back to main menu pressed continue it took me to the final scene and my achievements iron man new+ popped 😂
By kriegir on 19 Mar 2022 18:06
@kriegir how did u do that ?
By RyanDunn0554 on 23 May 2022 17:00
I just finished playing through and unlocking this on Series S. I didn't have a single problem with a glitch or a freeze. I think the game was in Quick Resume the entire playthrough. I only died once, because of the Tzar fish on The Volga. I watched a video by MrReign on YouTube on this level, and then didn't have an issue for the rest of the game. Played on reader difficulty.
By Geezr Pleazr on 04 Jul 2022 03:25
Very frustrating glitch in Dead City. Killed the Large worms in the water. One landed on the boat which slowly sank it and drowned me. Cool bro.
By Timmay on 16 Aug 2022 19:55
@kriegir holy shit it worked for me. thank you!!
By Putin on 31 Aug 2022 05:36
Can't get the glitch @kriegir mentioned to work on Series X. Does anyone have a good explanation of the steps involved?
By Vulture GTX on 10 Sep 2022 02:59
Does Ranger Hardcore not save at all? I can understand taking away Quick Save but dying once I had to go back all the way to the beginning of the chapter. I screwed up so many things I even lost the ability to chapter select so I'm just going to rush through it on Easy. 😩 Smh
By bluedemon218 on 26 Sep 2022 21:09
On the final quick time fight with the blind one, I always die, I previously completed the game on normal with no issues.

2 attempts on iron mode on Reader in new game +, that's it I'm done! I really enjoyed the game and the excellent DLC, I just had the final extra cheevos and "bad ending" so this glitch is a real kick in the bollocks.

Next day update.... I am a bit of a completionist... so I had to try again, I speed ran it even more but essentially did the same as before, however this time, the quick time event did not randomly kill me, so 3rd time lucky.....yeah, now just hard-core
...oh god!!
By Captain Heroic on 13 Jul 2023 23:36
Just a suggestion, in the gameplay options, change the QTE to 'Press'. This will turn QTE events into a single button press making them easier as well.

I suggest this because another site member and I experienced a problem where the game would ignore the meter being filled by tapping or holding the X button and would kill us anyway. We both had this happen in the QTE that occurs after you open the Bukhanka and the ghoul jumps on you. Artyom's supposed to stab it in the head with the key, but for us we died even after filling the meter.
By AllOvaMyself on 05 Apr 2019 05:33
We're May 23rd, and this still isn't fixed.

I've frozen twice now at the end of the first level, when entering the Locomotive. With the unskippable dialogue and cutscenes, which is by far the biggest loss of time, this is a nightmare. I only have a One X and I have sent the devs an email asking if a patch was on the way. I will update this message when I receive an answer.

EDIT: here is the answer, an automated mail telling me to check if my Xbox was up to date and the game was running the last version. Also other tips blatantly stating that it's on my side and not their fault.
By Asturgis on 25 May 2019 10:43
I have just unlocked this achievement today.
Played on Xbox One X.
Completed it over period of 5 days.
Not one freeze.
I think they may have fixed the freezing.
By I Cretinator 94 on 21 Feb 2020 10:18
If you redo these steps up to and including dashboarding and restarting your original mission select will come back

by: Djentlives

First I created a new game on Ranger Hardcore in a new slot, then quit and started the Two Colonels DLC from the menu. After loading I quit out of this too.

Then I loaded a save from my original completed slot. As described by other comments this leads to not seeing all of the chapters in the menu.

Then I quit the game from the dashboard and restarted. On reloading I had all of the Chapters available again as I was in my original save slot.

I loaded my Two Colonels save from the other slot, then I quit the mission after loading.

I then had access to all of the missions in my alternative slot and could start the finale. Although I somehow ended up with the bad ending instead.
By BL4DE on 15 Apr 2020 14:49
The worst enemy and difficulty in Iron Mode seems to be the freezes.
Game freezed 3 times in Volga already and everytime it starts from the beginning *argh* i even tried to run trough, freezed at workbench.

EDIT: Correction 4 times now just in the Terminal with a brzzzzzzzzz Audio and then it crashed from alone to Dashboard.

EDIT: Correction 6 Times now. The Volga Level seems to be a Freeze-fest.

EDIT: Correction 7 Times now (B Button suddenly didn't respond, after 30 seconds game crashed to Dashboard and also A Button didn't respond to start game, so i pulled the plug) It's a real bugfest, especially in Volga, i remember that it freezed over and over too in ranger hardcore, but there was at least some saves, but in iron mode, well i don't know if i will even reach the end of Volga like this.

EDIT: Freezed right in the animation of entering the Dreysin in the Terminal, so that's 8 freezes already. Sorry but i did retry 8 Times now already and i do absolutely nothing extra only the mandatory story stuff. So either they fix that or at least provide saves for when it freezes, i mean i never die, but have to restart and restart and restart because of freezes, it's hilarious really.

EDIT: Finally finished Volga after total 9 freezes.
By NeXuS23 on 10 Apr 2019 11:52
Ok, thanks for the advice. I'm also playing on a Xbox One X. Until now, I completed Moscow without a problem. Yeah, I know Volga and Caspian Sea will be conflictive. I will tell you my experience when I "hopefully" finish them.

Edit1: I manage to finish Volga and Yamantau without a single freeze/crash. I hope to be as lucky as I was with those levels in Caspian...

Edit2: Caspian finished without crashes :) It seems they hace fixed the problems the game had. I will report when I finish the game in Iron Mode.

Edit3: Finished Taiga without freezing. When I was dealing with the blinded ones in Dead City.... Pum, crash. The first crash in the whole game so I suppose I "can't" complain about my luck. Let's try again...

Edit4: Finish! Only one crash in the entire playthrought. I don't know if I'm lucky or it is just they've fixed the so-many crashes bug, but if someone is trying to obtain this achievement, I think it deserves the try (only 1 or 2 crashes are perfectly affordable).
By LinKPePo on 23 Jan 2020 02:13
Only had the game crash once whilst doing this, about halfway through the Caspian level during the firefight where you get ambushed by a truck. Then on my successful run, Damir got glitched in the caves after the fight with the humanimals and kept running back and forth in the same spot, but thankfully continuing on and crawling out of the caves made him appear behind me. No issues with any other level. Really the worst bit about doing this achievement is the stress of hoping the game doesn't crash/glitch or that you don't do something stupid that leads to a death and having to start all over.

If you're not above using glitches, I found out about one that lets you skip from the start of Caspian to pretty much the end where you go into the Baron's base (I only found out about this after completing it legit sadly). Basically, you have to play through the first few minutes until you're in the car, take it towards the Baron's base on the east side of the map, drive off the cliff to where the grate leading into the base is (you have to exit the car just as it goes off the edge to avoid an insta-death) and then ram the car into that grate. It should pop open letting you in and just like that, you've skipped most of the level. Watch from about 8:10 here to see it in action:
By on 06 Oct 2022 23:30
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EASY METHOD! Did this on 17/01/23 on the Series X fyi, this method may not work on PC or PS4/5

After reading a comment in the prior guide about unlocking ironman after a save corrupt message, i managed to duplicate how he stumbled onto it with great success! Take note this will not earn you the 3 toys in ng+ achievement.

1- You must have a save file with the finale available, load it so it auto-saves then back to the main menu.
2- Create a new save file in a new save slot and play the 1st level until it auto-saves, double check it saved then quit to main menu.
3- Load save file 1 which loads the finale and force quit the game from the home page/dashboard as soon as the finale starts to play.
4- Boot the game up again and load save file 2 in Moscow and quit to main menu as soon as you can, go to chapter select and finale should be selectable, select finale and again quit to main menu as soon as it starts to play.
5- New game plus should be selectable on save file 2 now! toggle ironman on, quit to main menu as soon as Moscow starts.
6- Select load game, your finale save should be there, load it and you should get a save corrupted notification, it will boot you to main menu now.
7- Select continue and finale should load up here. Watch it all, both achievements unlocked right as the credits started.

Please comment and let me know if you were successful in duplicating this method.

17 Jan 2023 22:13

Additionally it for some reason you don't have a save file with finale ready to load, you can create a new save file and from chapter select, an option to unlock all chapters is there, ignore the warning message. Load finale and do steps 1-4 twice so your ironman save is save file 3 then do steps 5-7 on that save. Speaking from my hour or so's experience here messing around to unlock this.
By Jobber on 17 Jan 2023 22:42
7. Should I overwrite my save or cancel? 8. I choose to continue the game save is Moscow instead of the final chapter
By xiaotudo1015 on 15 Apr 2023 18:58
Thank you my friend this method works on Windows I have been tortured by this achievement for a week you are a good man 😎👍
By xiaotudo1015 on 16 Apr 2023 06:20
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved my day! You are the best! It works!!!! I got 4 achievements! Hardcore, Iron Mode, Mutation and Endless Journey! Absolut fantastic! Great Work! Thank you so much!
By Macomedia77 on 20 May 2023 14:01
Worked great for me thank you very much
By LCDS Ansson on 20 Aug 2023 11:46
What do you mean force quit game ? By quitting it from console stand point or quitting by menu ?
By RyanDunn0554 on 21 Aug 2023 14:01
@ryandunn0554 if you're referring to step 4 and 5, do it by pausing and quitting through the games menu as soon as the level pops up
By Captain Cotchy on 06 Dec 2023 12:30
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'Iron Mode' is a modifier that makes it so you can't use the quick save feature at all and will have to instead rely on the level checkpoints. The levels can take upwards of two hours, if not more, so you may want to consider doing this as a speed-run, of sorts. The game is prone to crashing too, so be aware of this when playing as you can lose a few hours if you take your time going through a level.

This achievement should be attempted along with "Mutation" and can be done on the eaisest difficulty, 'Reader'. After choosing New Game +, go into the modifiers and choose 'Iron mode' then scroll to the bottom and select 'My Weapons' which will give you access to all of the weapons you had on each level during your initial playthrough, just to make it that much easier.
Iron Mode is not a difficulty but a mode you can select in the modifications menu during NG+ start-up. Iron Mode fully disables the save system so you progress is only saved between Chapters but on Reader difficulty this shouldn't be a problem, however because of glitches, cheap deaths and even the car getting stuck in the CAPSIAN Chapter, this can be a real pain. This is made worse by the fact that none of the cutscenes are skippable. Be careful, drive slow and don't walk over bonfires. A cheap death towards the end of any Chapter will be rage inducing, therefore I don't recommend playing it on anything other than Reader.
I received it today with the current game patch 1.09 on digital.

I will describe my actions:
1. Started the game ng+ in hard mode (save slot #2), difficulty level normal.
2. After loading, go to 1 mob -> kill (most likely this is not necessary).
3. Went to the main menu.
4. I loaded the last auto-save through the “load” button (save slot #1), where the conclusion was.
#drop# during the cutscene.

I didn’t leave the game, all within 1 session. (it is possible that there was 1 save slot in 1 point).

Slot 1 simple walkthrough completely completed.
Slot 2 ranger hardcore completely completed.

05 Apr 2022 22:04

This method worked on PS5.
By DiMMMkA on 15 Jun 2022 13:09
Xbox series X. The method works the same way
By Spyman on 24 May 2024 19:25
I got it in numbers (1.06) as follows. I started NG+ in hard mode. Immediately went to the menu and then restarted the game. A conclusion appeared in the list of levels, but I ignored it and clicked “continue”. After control was given, I went back to the menu and chose conclusion. Thus he received an iron regime and a mutation.

09 Oct 2019 18:41

Version 1.08 - does not work, unfortunately. You'll have to do it by hand.
By Asmodeus_SPB on 28 Feb 2020 03:24
I used this trick from StrangePassenger to clear several trophies: Iron Mode, Mutation, Hardcore and Endless Journey (the game generated my playthrough as if I was bad). Made on 02/02/2020. As we wrote earlier, it’s better to do this before the new DLC comes out. Special thanks to StrangePassenger.
By Mob on 02 Feb 2020 00:12
01/29/20 glitch with new game+ on 1.07 works. Due to the imminent release of the second major dlc, the hole may be patched.
By Chronicle on 29 Jan 2020 13:47
On Ps5 the trophy seems to be glitchy. I beat the game twice in Iron mode, but still didn't get the achievement.
By Mr_alienCat on 15 Jul 2021 13:55
7.02.20 - game version 1.08 seems to be a fixed bug
By Mag on 07 Feb 2020 22:39
The hint from N1ckholas helped, but..
For those who do not have a subscription and are unable to upload a save to the cloud.
1. Make a backup of the system (games (will greatly increase the time), save data and media (if you don’t want to lose them)), delete the account.
2. Create an account and do a backup restore (first the console is reset to factory settings, and then it downloads your copy).
3. Log on to the network - download the game, if you haven’t added it to the copy - turn off the Internet.
4. Launch the game - load the desired save - watch the ending and get the missing trophies.
5. Turn on the Internet and do manual synchronization
By vorchundj on 05 Nov 2022 00:05
With the iron mode, the glitch will not work. The fact is that it, like the new game +, was introduced only in version 1.4, and in the first version it simply does not exist. I tried to start the hard mode on patch 1.09, and then roll back to 1.0, but it didn’t help, then the game doesn’t see the saves at all. Perhaps, somehow, through dancing with a tambourine, you can install version 1.4 -1.6, in the same way as people roll back digitally to 1.0.

In general, I advise you to choose my weapon mod for this mode, so as not to reassemble all the upgrades and guns, as I was stupid at first. Although for some reason they are given only at the beginning of the next chapter, and not in the one where they need to be collected. The difficulty level is reader, although it is easy to die on it. The main thing is never to fuss. Didn't it work out in stealth? Well, okay, kill everyone, don’t run away straight to the target. It’s just that when running, sometimes such uncontrollable accelerations and jumps result that the player simply flies off somewhere into space. If you speed up on the level with the barge, you can fall into the water, and there you will be immediately eaten. One unsuccessful jump from container to container in the port at the Cross is death. During the entire game, the catfish never killed me, but here on you, it caught up with you and gobbled it up when I was swimming towards the goal. At the Gul lighthouse in the cave he fell into a trap, etc. In a word, those places that in a normal game you don’t get into and don’t pay attention to, here they can shoot and turn out to be fatal, although you would never think about it. Maybe here random is more critical of the player. In general, the main thing is to get through the Volga, and then it will be easier.
By Fanquery on 16 Jun 2021 10:24
Version 1.001 PS5.

If suddenly someone, like me, has 2 trophies - Mutation and Iron Mode - don't be upset, there is a way out.
I completed New Game + in hard mode, but in the end two trophies did not appear.
1) In this case, throw the save into the cloud (otherwise it won’t work);
2) Create a second user on the console;
3) Delete your account from the PS5 console;
4) Log in to the created second account under your main account;
5) Throw the save from the cloud back into the console memory;
6) TURN OFF THE INTERNET on the console!!!
7) We go into the game and click “continue”, watch the ending and get two ill-fated trophies;
8) Turn on the Internet on the console and synchronize the trophies yourself;
By N1ckholas on 26 Nov 2021 00:23
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