MLB The Show 22

MLB The Show 22

26 Achievements


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Backwards K!

Backwards K!

Trigger a perfect pinpoint accuracy pitch that strikes out a batter looking. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)


How to unlock the Backwards K! achievement in MLB The Show 22 - Definitive Guide

A perfect pitch is broken down by feedback on three criteria:
  • Gesture (the path your thumbstick tracks on wind-up)
  • Release (how quickly and with the correct timing you get the stick back to the release final circle)
  • Direction (how far off left or right you are from the final circle).
Good is the best rating you can get for each individual criteria, then there's Okay, Failed, Early and Late. If all three criteria are Good, then you'll achieve a Perfect for all three.

*I've confirmed this does not work in local multiplayer against a second controller. Unconfirmed if online against a boosting friend will work.
Multiple people confirming this works in Play with a Friend

This achievement relies on some influence RNG, I say influenced because although you can’t actually dictate if the CPU will swing at a pitch or not, there’s things you can do to make it more favourable they won’t. You’re going to be attempting to do this to every single batter you face, throughout playing the game. This is literally your job as a pitcher, to get strikeouts and the ones caught looking are the sweetest of the bunch.

Without delving too deep into pitch strategy there’s some game mechanics and knowledge to consider.

  • First turn on Pinpoint pitching from the settings menu if not already on.
  • Second turn on API (Adaptive Pitch Intelligence), this will bring up a graphic of the catcher’s suggestion to pitch location, remember this is just a suggestion, but it is based on your pitcher’s pitch portfolio and where the batter’s strengths/weaknesses are in the strike zone, and your previous pitches thrown.
  • Third, play on the lowest difficulty setting you’re able to.
You’re going to need to fool the AI into thinking the third strike they’re about to get out on, will be a ball, and thus letting it go by them. You can achieve this by mixing up your pitch velocity and location during the count. If all you pitched was fastballs down the middle, it’s an easy pattern for the batter to recognize and they’ll swing most of the time.

Throw some off the plate, not in the strike zone (but close), throw some off-speed knuckle and curves. Throw up at the top of the zone, and then go low, all keeping the AI guessing what you might do next.

A highly rated pitcher with full energy and confidence meters are going to help. The higher your energy the more accurate your pitches. The higher your confidence the longer your wind up animation time is as well, which helps enable you to perform the controller motion to achieve a perfect pitch.

Offspeed pitches have a lower Gesture accuracy criteria to meet Good/Perfect. Changeups and Sinkers have an even further reduce criteria. If you're struggling to nail perfects, these are good to help achieve them.

Batters lower in the order are typically not as good so you might have better luck down the lineup than the leadoff guys.

This is a matter of time type achievement. It's going to happen as long as you're able to secure strikeouts using Pinpoint, but focusing on things I've said above will help you unlock it sooner than later.

I'm including a video on pinpoint pitching, that explains each step of the pitch and what you need to do. It was created for The Show 21 but the mechanics are still the same. This breaks things down quite well if you're not familiar with the pitching type.

If you prefer a text-guide: In-game you'll pause and got to
Settings> Controls/Guide > Strategy Guide > Pitching > Pg. 2

Check out a Moliitov's suggestion below from the comments:
I had an exhibition match selecting Triple A Knights (Away) vs Rays (Home).
Got it with the 1st batter using Yarbrough's Cutter - Sinker - Cutter sequence. Cutter is very easy to master. After getting the achievement I tried 2 more times with the same set-up and worked again.
Please leave a comment and let me know if this helped you or what can be changed to improve for others

Here's an example of me doing it recently in the April Moment's program
Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

06 Apr 2022 03:18

Is there any way to make getting a perfect pitch easier? I think that is the hardest part of this.
By j2kworld on 06 Apr 2022 03:50
Edit: All three do need to be green, but gesture accuracy doesn't nec need to be 100% to achieve green.

no, I've had accuracy be in the 70's before and still get a perfect pitch. It's mostly about ensuring on the release you get the tracker back into the small circle, with proper timing.
By Prattalmighty on 06 Apr 2022 17:36
There is a training that breaks down the mechanics of a perfect pitch.
By j2kworld on 06 Apr 2022 18:43
This is a really aggravating achievement. I finally get perfect pitches on the 3rd strike and they swing or I get it on the 2nd and they just look at it.

I finally got a bright idea to try Local MP as the description doesn't say it excludes it, but of course it didn't work. I tried twice so I think it is excluded.
By Avatar o Apathy on 06 Apr 2022 20:37
Such an aggravating achievement. I’m either going to slow, to fast or neither.
By DarthMatt95 on 07 Apr 2022 02:19
I was able to get this with Dennis Eckersley throwing his sinker. I had tried using multiple other pitchers and did not get Perfects consistently. When I used Eckersley I was able to get perfects frequently and got it by the 4th inning. His pitching motion was easy for me to figure out.

My setup
- I followed all of the settings above.
- Exhibition
- Pitching difficulty : Beginner
- Teams : Away : Any double A team. Home : Expansion Era
- Quick Count turned on in Options
- Dennis Eckersley is the Closing pitcher so he is at the bottom of the list
By CcAaRrSsOoNn3 on 07 Apr 2022 13:48
I've just updated the solution with a video explaining how to achieve a perfect pitch with pinpoint. For a text guide, in-game. Pause and got to Settings> Controls/Guide > Strategy Guide > Pitching > Pg. 2
By Prattalmighty on 07 Apr 2022 16:31
What a pain but finally got this achievement.
By Kuvei on 07 Apr 2022 22:08
I got it with Nolan Ryan’s fastball. Only took about 4 innings to get the timing down.

I also only got a perfect pitch on the 1st and 3rd strike. I think you only need the final pitch to be perfect.
By Groux on 09 Apr 2022 10:15
After some struggling and trying everything written above, I had an exhibition match selecting Triple A Knights (Away) vs Rays (Home).
Got it with the 1st batter using Yarbrough's Cutter - Sinker - Cutter sequence. Cutter is very easy to master. After getting the achievement I tried 2 more times with the same set-up and worked again.
By Moliitov on 09 Apr 2022 12:10
I used Eckersley's fastball. I intentionally walked the first batter so he would throw out of the stretch. Made the timing much easier to get.
By FerociousTiger1 on 10 Apr 2022 02:36
Moliitov method +watching the YouTube video made this easy peasy
By MisterSledge on 11 Apr 2022 18:18
I got it using strictly fastballs with Shane Mcclanahan against the Knights. Took some practicing to get the timing down, but I got it. One to go and this game is 100%ed.
By Osmagic17 on 15 Apr 2022 04:21
By Prattalmighty on 15 Apr 2022 04:47
I'm struggling with this one. I boosted Shohei Ohtani all the way to 99 and put pitching on beginner. I got multiple strikeouts looking at 100% but it didn't pop so I recorded and my middle timing was yellow with .47 sec early. I'm going to try some of the other pitchers mentioned in the comments because I can't seem to get the middle timing correctly. Cutter seems to be the easiest for me to do 100% so far.

Update: I changed my pitching animation to Dennis Eckersley and got it after 3 innings using the cutter. Thanks for the solution and all the commenters. Good luck!
By Joker De Pablo on 15 Apr 2022 13:06
worked with yarbrough solution first try
By i am 4orty2wo on 16 Apr 2022 19:16
If you’re struggling watch the video. Got it using a fastball. The key is holding the pitch up till the circle gets small and then sliding the RS down as fast as possible, got a strikeout looking with a perfect pitch. Make sure you play on easy and turn down all the CPU sliders for hitting.
By Carmona25 on 20 Apr 2022 15:24
Wanted to confirm that this works in a exhibition multiplayer. I just got it that way.
By retstak on 01 May 2022 04:13
DeGrom...intentionally walk the first hitter...Fastball...super easy and shouldn't take you more then an inning or two.
By TheN0TORI0USPig on 19 May 2022 05:24
done this like 15 times wont unlock anyone else
By Mouth 420 on 26 May 2022 04:57
Just got it. Mine were all blue but it said perfect so it doesn’t HAVE to be green as stated above. Played with degrom and just threw a couple innings of 4-seam fb. Easy once I switched to using him as opposed to other suggestions
By EazyE2285 on 01 Jun 2022 06:42
They turn blue (perfect) when you get all greens
By Dwyane on 01 Jun 2022 22:21
Turning on "Quick Counts" was a huge help. Thanks for the tip!
By Aleran on 09 Jun 2022 21:35
Quick Counts, editing the opposing teams batting stats(vision, etc.) and just a little practice helped. I used Ohtani, cutter and fast ball were the easiest to get a perfect pinpoint on.
By Joey3455 on 20 Jul 2022 13:16
I can confirm it works in a Play with Friends match in diamond dynasty
By anthonyd46 on 20 Aug 2022 18:29
Yarborough's sinker is the way to go. Watch the video. I was missing the idea behind the blue circles and it helped greatly. I can also confirm only the strikeout pitch has to be perfect.
By UGotta Check It on 29 Sep 2022 04:59
Wanted to confirm that this works in multiplayer Exhibition
By MagmaticNevada8 on 01 Jan 2023 20:02
There’s really no need to mess with the slider settings just pick a good pitcher like DeGrom and play against a double A team, it will take some practice to get the timing but once you are consistently hitting it the strikeout will happen naturally took me about 2 games
By NeoFlynn on 23 Feb 2023 13:21
Not sure if it’s because of my handedness or lack of thumb dexterity, but I had a much easier time holding/anchoring the controller with my right hand and moving the pinpoint pitch joystick with my left.
By FrankieFreakout on 19 Mar 2023 13:37
A comment says that this actually works in exhibition matches, anyone wants to try with me? :c GT ThePhobos1
By ThePhobos1 on 30 Mar 2023 19:40
85 tries for me .
By Maceteur on 07 Aug 2023 21:17
there's no magic trick that I've come across. Pick a pitch pattern you're familiar with when going for your 3rd strike (e.g. I wouldn't pick a circle change as the timing throws me off). Focus on the 2nd half of the pitch, the follow through. It when the pitcher is about to release, every pitcher's timing is slightly different, you can watch their animation for it and take in the on-screen feedback as well (.38s early, late, etc) and hone from there. When you do go to snap back to the starting circle, do it with conviction. Make sure the line traces back to the small starting circle. If it does, even if you didn't get 100% on the windup, it'll be a perfect pitch
By Prattalmighty on 06 Apr 2022 04:49
Got it using Moliitov's setup, as well as switching between all four pitches. If it helps, I also held my right joystick between three fingers for more accuracy. Once I got the down timing and alternated pitches, I got perfects nearly every time, and they struck out not too long after (on a sinker).
By DuelinDonuts on 28 Apr 2022 16:34
I've been trying for over an hour now. I swear this is rigged for If I hit all 3 greens (for the blue) they swing. If I miss one and don't get blue, they just stand there looking. This was pretty frustrating. I ended up using Yarborough, like everyone else but used his cutter. This biggest thing that helped was editing rosters.. I used triple A (Knights)..drop everyone's plate vision to 0 and put their plate discipline to 100. I also went up high with cutter, down low with a change, thru a sinker in the dirt, then up and in with a cutter.
By Chaoticstea1th on 27 Dec 2022 20:50
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Video guide:

28 Mar 2023 12:46

This will most likely be your last achievement. To get this you have to use the Pinpoint pitching interface. I got it using a fastball. The key is holding the pitch up till the circle gets small and then sliding the RS down as fast as possible, getting a strikeout looking with a perfect pitch. Make sure you play on easy and turn down all the CPU sliders for hitting. You can watch thevideo tbelow to understand how pinpoint Pitching works. There is a small amount of RNG element since the batter has to NOT swing on strike three. It looks like you can get this boosting online versus another player and still unlock the achievement.