MLB The Show 22

MLB The Show 22

26 Achievements


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Just a bit outside...

Just a bit outside...

While pitching, strike out a batter with a pitch outside the zone. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)


How to unlock the Just a bit outside... achievement in MLB The Show 22 - Definitive Guide

Adding a guide in case someone doesn't know what this means or doesn't know the rules of baseball.

There is a square in the middle of the screen in front of the batter, if a throw is in the square, it is a strike. Once you get 3 strikes past the hitter they are out. If a pitch is not in the square but the batter swings, it is also a strike.

You need to throw a pitch OUTSIDE the square while the hitter has two strikes and have them miss, causing the 3rd strike and them getting out.

06 Apr 2022 13:51

This is easily unlocked on the easiest pitching difficulty. Remember to alternate between high fastballs and low breaking balls (curve, change up). Once you have two strikes on a batter, throw a fastball just outside of the strike zone. Once the CPU swings and misses you unlock the achievement.