MLB The Show 22

MLB The Show 22

26 Achievements


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Sombrero Dealer!

Sombrero Dealer!

Strikeout the same batter three times within a game. (Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. The trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, by switching teams, by simulating, and excludes DD moments.)


How to unlock the Sombrero Dealer! achievement in MLB The Show 22 - Definitive Guide

I would suggest classic pitch style, or whatever you're comfortable with, but I had my Franchise set to Dynamic pitching/hitting, beginner difficulty. Also, most importantly, I got this to finish the 6th inning and popped immediately - not after finishing all 9 innings. So I believe you might just have to be a full game scenario, without having to play all 9 if you didn't need/want to.

05 Apr 2022 20:38

Just want to add that the strikeouts don't need to come from the same pitcher. Something I was curious about as I used three different pitchers in a 9 inning game to strike out the same player and the achievement popped.
By ShoTime83 on 08 Apr 2022 22:24
Perfect solution .
By Maceteur on 07 Aug 2023 21:21
You will probably unlock this while working on the Dynamic achievements. You simply have to strike out the same batter three times in the same game. Remember this can be done on the lowest difficulty and you can use sliders to help. Once the same batter strikes out for the 3rd time the achievement will unlock.