Moonglow Bay

Moonglow Bay

37 Achievements

1000 XP

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Fishing Season

Fishing Season

Complete the story in 30 in-game days or fewer

100 XP


How to unlock the Fishing Season achievement in Moonglow Bay - Definitive Guide

For this achievement, you need to complete the story in 30 in-game days or fewer. This may seem a very short time but during my 2nd run I managed to reach the end in 15 days, so there is a lot of room for error. Below I will give some general tips and recommended upgrades to unlock this achievement. Additionally, I have included a story roadmap to use as a guideline for the completion of each chapter in the story.

However, it is also possible to unlock this achievement if you complete the game within the first 30 days after one or multiple in-game years have passed, as commented by RAD90. If you failed to make it before the initial 30 days, you can wait (or sleep to speed things up) until you pass the year mark and complete the game then. After 120 days have passed in total, the second year will start as explained by DJBringa, and it will show as "Day 1, Year 2" in-game. This will make the achievement much easier to get, although it might take some additional time to wait until the next year.

Other missable achievements
I recommend doing this simultaneously with the other missable achievements for a single playthrough completion:
  • Versus the Sea: Complete the story without ever calling Abi for a tow.
  • Restauranteur: Complete the story without buying, selling, or trading for shells, any unprepared fish.
General Tips
  • Story only: Only focus on completing the story. Fortunately, everything else (e.g. side missions, collectibles, town renovation) can be finished after the story has been completed, so this can still be a single playthrough completion.
  • Stay awake: Sleeping is not required, and therefore not recommended. You will only lose precious time and there is no gain for it. If you are waiting for opening hours or certain characters, use the time instead to do more fishing.
  • Frozen time: Time stands still when inside, talking to people, and generally during cutscenes. Preparing fish meals is always indoors so this will not take time in-game, only in real-time.
  • Save: This game can be quite buggy, so I highly recommend saving often and preferably using multiple save files. If anything goes wrong, you don't have to redo the whole game (like me). This is especially important for the first two Boss Fights where you can easily damage your boat too much or when traversing the Astral Clouds where you can get your boat stuck.
  • Fishing Net: The most time-saving item is the fishing net!! You can use it on groups of non-moving fish in the water to easily get 3-6 fish in one throw, and this is much more time-efficient than using a rod. This will make some of the next tips even easier.
  • Research: Always give new species to Marina at the aquarium first, before using them to make meals. You will need to research at least 90 species to complete the game. As a bonus, every new species at the aquarium increases the sale price of your fish meals.
  • Cooking: You will need to earn enough shells (money) during the story for some renovations and to acquire some upgrades. This will be done by preparing fish meals. I recommend taking the time during the first few days/chapters to prepare lots of fish meals. Don't use batch cooking, instead prepare single meals perfectly to increase mastery of certain meals. This will unlock better recipes that will sell for more shells. Simultaneously, you will get progress towards the achievement Culinary Arts.
  • Sell before sail: Be sure to stock up your vending machine whenever you set out to sea. During this time, you can earn shells by selling your prepared meals and you will always have enough shells when needed. In the Story Roadmap, you can see how many shells you roughly need each chapter.
  • Side mission: Most side missions can be ignored until the story is finished, but I do recommend doing "20 Years of Moonglow" earlier. You will need to give Kevin a Beast-o-the-Ice (Frost Octopus) and you will get the Meat Cleaver as a reward. This will open up more complex recipes, including one to make high-grade bait yourself.
Recommended Upgrades
  • Lobster Traps from Abi's Scrap Shop: use these in every region to get even more new species.
  • Polyvend "Street Food" sign at the Tech Shop for +10% sale price for fish meals.
  • Reinforced and Armored Hull to decrease the amount of damage to your boat.
  • Engine Tuning and Fine Engine Tuning to increase the maximum speed of your boat.
  • Recipes from Kevin at the Sea Market to earn more shells.
  • Cooking batch upgrades from Kevin at the Sea Market. Not necessary, but can be helpful after reaching mastery level of certain fish meals.
Story Roadmap

I hope this was somewhat useful. Let me know if I can improve anything.

01 Nov 2021 19:46

So you don't need to complete "The Aquatic Collection: house 90 species in the aquarium" for this achievement. I just got it with The Aquatic Collection not completed (only had 70 species identified). Would have completed it on Day 16 but spent 5 days trying to get species then just decided to beat the last boss while I was in that area and I forgot it automatically puts you back into town for the end.

Edit - So when placing the transmitters the game didn't give me an option to place the last Sparkle Tide transmitter. I had forgot that you receive it from completing the aquatic collection task and thought my game had bugged. I decided to save/reload right in front of the transmitter and when I loaded back in the game, the icon was there for me to place the last transmitter, despite not having received it from completing the aquatic collection (I looked this up after I had already done that and read The Aquatic Collection needs to be completed to get the last transmitter). So the game must have internally flagged The Aquatic Collection as complete once I placed the last transmitter I guess. Maybe try doing this if you're in that area to save a lot of time without having to get the 90 species? Not sure how easy it is to replicate or not. Once I actually did get the 90 species after completing the game, then I got the cutscene for receiving the last transmitter but the task completed as normal.
By Jazz Apples on 23 Apr 2022 02:26
i just completed this on day 20 (aswell as restauranteur and versus the sea), but none of the achievements unlocked, not even the one for attending the centennial festival.
has anyone else has something like this happen? am i missing something?

edit: nevermind, reloading a save and doing the ending and attending the festival again unlocked it. if anyone is near the festival, save shortly before it just incase it doesnt unlock the first time around.
By Figbender on 09 Nov 2021 18:19
@Figbender I am glad you could reload a save (hopefully close to the end) and unlock the achievement the second time. I've heard more achievements in this game sometimes won't unlock. Not sure what the cause is.
By F77Bloky on 09 Nov 2021 23:08
The game is full of many bugs, I had to completely restart twice before I learned to cycle my save files so I could revert if necessary, which came in handy big time especially the further in I got. Theres several game breaking bugs relating to the story quests, including characters simply disappearing (Claude vanished on me completely at one point and i couldnt get the code from him, which rendered the chapter 4 boss an inanimate blob).
It seems like if you dont do the story quests perfectly in sequence they interfere with each other and the game just falls apart.

Honestly the hardest part of the game is save file management and deciphering which quest broke.
By Figbender on 10 Nov 2021 01:07
The hardest part is definitely getting the 90 unique species. I got to the end on day 29, but didn't have the 90 species to finish :(

Guess I'm starting a new save.
By Vok 250 on 29 Nov 2021 06:43
Something I found in my game: If you "start" a boss fishing scene (get near enough to trigger dialogue about it with River) and then sail away, time does not advance. The boss music will play and you can go sail around, fish, fix your boat, and time remains still. I don't know if this is a bug but it was consistent in my game.
By PalmettoBling on 03 Dec 2021 00:53
@PalmettoBling Interesting find! Although I am a bit hesitant to recommend it as I don't know how this affects the game, like introducing bugs and not being able to finish the game.
By F77Bloky on 03 Dec 2021 08:08
Great info after my first run I skimmed through this and I'm on pace for less than 20 days easy, one thing I ran across doing some digging: everywhere has the Beast o Ice / Ice Octopus listed wrong, you NEED low bait in addition a Strong Rod, Plug Lure, and fishing in the broken glaciers a short distance from the bay in order to pull that fish in any reasonable sort of time.
Same with the Jungle King it's Poise Spinner and High Q Bait.
By Ssj Sean on 12 Jan 2022 22:42
Great work. Though, never understood these kind of Achievements which ask you to breeze through the game as fast as possible and hence possible miss some stuff.
By SlayerSpecial on 21 Apr 2022 21:06
@Jazz Apples Thanks for the comment. I am not sure if this is easy to trigger though. During my first playthrough, I didn't know yet how to receive the final transmitter so I thought my game was bugged. So, I tried reloading my saves but the game never gave me the option to place the transmitter without receiving it first. It might work for others though.
By F77Bloky on 24 Apr 2022 18:07
I had made a new save right in front of the final transmitter and loaded from that one instead of trying earlier saves, so maybe that can make it trigger. Just something to try if you're in that area and not very close to the 90 species I suppose. Good guide though! Also, catching sand fleas on the beach count as oysters so you can use them to make grilled oysters for money. That's what I did mainly for generating money quickly.
By Jazz Apples on 25 Apr 2022 18:21
I took so long doing this I was on year 2 day 17 and still got achievement for under 30 day don't know if it was a glitch or if you go over a year it just counts the days it took you in that year worth a try for anyone who hasn't saved and is close to 100 days which is when the year tipped over I think
By RAD90 on 31 May 2022 15:10
@RAD90 Thanks for the tip! I have included this in the guide.
By F77Bloky on 02 Jun 2022 19:37
Can confirm Jazz Apple's method works as of 7/14/22
By DJBringa on 15 Jul 2022 00:54
@DJBringa Thank you for confirming this and explaining that day 121 is "Day 1, Year 2".
By F77Bloky on 15 Jul 2022 17:41
Firstly, great guide, I like what you did with the Roadmap as a guideline to completing this within 30 days. I would suggest adding that during Chapter 4, you will have a quest ‘The Aquatic Collection: house 50 species in the aquarium’, I would honestly add this as you cannot progress the storyline to receive the quest ‘Darkwater Bay’. I was stuck for hours trying to solve this.
By TuKraZe on 21 Jul 2022 08:28
@TuKraZe Thank you for the suggestion. I think during my second playthrough I might have already completed this quest before reaching that point. Sorry for the confusion but I will add it to the solution.
By F77Bloky on 21 Jul 2022 08:40
Not so much confusion lol, I was trying for this achievement and kept reading multiple posts in forums that stated a glitch on this exact chapter that wouldn’t allow people to progress. Just glad I was able to move on from this. Thanks again ;D
By TuKraZe on 21 Jul 2022 09:04
In my first playthrough I did the Culinary Arts achievement and got all 151 fish and was well past the 30 days. I let time lapse and slept a lot in order to get past day 120 before going to the Centennial celebration. I did it on year 2 day 1 and didn’t get the 30-day achievement. Not sure if it glitched or if they patched that out.
By PhillipWendell on 29 Jan 2023 03:05
Completing the game at Year 2 no longer seems to work. I completed the story [Year 2, Day 3] and it didn’t trigger.

I reloaded my save (just before the final boss) and completing the story again. This time it awarded me the achievement!
By TheTwistedTaste on 20 Mar 2023 21:50
Can confirm the Year 2 bug still works as of April 6th, 2023.

Funny, there is a similar bug in Breathedge that I just used a few months ago (accidentally). There is an achievement to beat the game in under 7 hours, but if your elapsed time went past 24 hours then the timer reset. So if you beat the game between 24 hours and 31 hours played, you got the achievement. Handy stuff!
By Dark Evil Emu on 07 Apr 2023 02:39
I can confirm that saving and reloading in front of the sparkle tide transmitter allows you to place it before acquiring 90 fish. Seems easy to replicate as well
By Pipipo kun on 15 Apr 2023 16:46
I can also confirm that waiting until year 2 to complete the story will unlock this achievement. The game switches over to year 2 after 120 days. On day 121, it will say "Day 1, Year 2". I was around 80 days when i was near the end of the story, so i slept over and over again until it switched over to year two. I went and completed the final part of chapter 5 and the achievement unlocked at the end of the festival scene
By DJBringa on 15 Jul 2022 05:07
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