Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

54 Achievements

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Kill an enemy by making the Pyro drop his Molotov.


How to unlock the Butterfingers! achievement in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Definitive Guide

You need to kill an enemy pyro when another enemy is close to it. I was able to snag this in the Cave of Fear by using Selma to trap another enemy right next to the pyro.

Tabbe adds
"The kill doesnt need to be instant.
I used Selma to trap a Ghoul in the fire and burn to death within 2 rounds."

07 Dec 2018 08:32

The kill doesnt need to be instant.
I used Selma to trap a Ghoul in the fire and burn to death within 2 rounds.
By Tabbe on 10 Dec 2018 07:35
added an edit and credited you Tabbe
By DeliriousDrew on 10 Dec 2018 22:25
To unlock this achievement you need to kill a pyro and make his molotov flames kill an other enemy.
I found a very easy way to make that, you will need the "HOG RUSH" and "TREE HUGGER" mutation from Bormin and Selma respectively.
Do what i do in the video.

30 Dec 2018 19:30

The enemy combination of a Pyro and a Butcher worked well for me.

-Attack the Butcher until he is at 5 or lower HP.
-Disable the Pyro with eg. a charge.
-Lure the butcher within 2 squares of the Pyro. (You do this by moving all the players right next to the pyro. Since the Butcher is melee, he'll have to stand right next to you to attack)
-Kill the Pyro.
-Wait X turns until the Pyros fire kills the Buther.

10 Dec 2018 11:43

Easiest to do at the beginning of the game on easy difficulty. We find the Arsonist standing next to the enemy (preferably a marauder). We entangle them with Selma's (Hippie) skill. Then we lower the health of the “experimental” to 1 HP and kill the Arsonist.

08 Dec 2018 23:12

I did it differently, it seems easier, without dancing with skills. We kill the arsonist next to another enemy so that he breaks out. Burning deals 1 damage per turn, lasts several turns (an indicator of how long is visible above the enemy). We bring the enemy to minimum hp. He dies from burning - we get a trophy.
By ducksel on 14 Dec 2018 00:17
It’s even simpler, the arsonist threw a Molotov and hit his own, I banged
By TheGreenDogs on 31 Jan 2019 00:34
Version 1.006, it is not necessary to fulfill all the conditions, I got the trophy after the Arsonist, in addition to me, set his “comrade” on fire, the arsonist was annihilated and splashed the flame, but he was 15 cells away from the burning “comrade” and could not get him, in the end I wounded the enemy who was set on fire, but the fire finished what he started and the trophy fell out, friendly encouragement, you should try to do this with your squad.
By TheGreenDogs on 31 Jan 2019 01:25
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Dali, when the Arsonist threw a lighter at Dak, a wounded dog of the zone was standing nearby, the dog died from the fire. Profit.

07 Dec 2018 12:36