My Big Sister: Remastered
30 Achievements
A good ending.
Well, it was nicer than Ashina's.
How to unlock the A good ending. achievement in My Big Sister: Remastered - Definitive Guide
Complete walkthrough for this ending.
- Start new game
- Talk to the Noodle Lady in the lower left hand corner of the screen
- Walk to the top of the screen to the “Creates” directly below the neon arrow
- Press Y and select your Chopsticks to get the Boiler Key
- Walk down to the door towards the center middle of the screen and press Y to use the Boiler Key to open the door
- After the scene examine the locker to your right
- Exit the room and stand on the Man Hole cover in front of the building
- Press Y and select the Coat Hanger
- Walk up to the man in the upper lefthand side of the screen and press Y to use the Boiler Key for a missable achievement
- Walk up to the top middle of the screen and use the Flashlight with the Air Duct (the neon arrow is pointing to it)
- Exit the room and go down the stairs
- Exit the room at the very bottom of the screen
- Talk to the woman
- Walk to the left side of the house and examine the Trash Can
- Return to the house and go upstairs
- Walk up the door on the right and press Y to use the Bobby Pin
- Go downstairs and walk right to the kitchen
- Interact with the Refrigerator and then go back downstairs when you regain control
- Walk up to the woman and press Y to use the Bloody Picture
- Return to your bedroom and interact with the bed
- Return to the kitchen
- Interact with the door at the top of the screen
- Exit the house
- Use the Save Point (the floating book) on the right side of the house to save the game
- Interact with the Truck
- Interact with the Toy Box
- Walk up to the Therapist and press Y to use the Doll
- After the achievement pops, reload your save
- Interact with the Brain Statue
- Walk up to the Therapist and press Y to use the Brain
- Exit the room at the bottom
- Interact with the door at the bottom
- Interact with the Brochures at the top left corner of the screen for a missable achievement
- Interact with the Bathroom door on the far right side of the screen
- Interact with the toilet
- Interact with the door
- Exit the bathroom
- Walk to the bottom of the screen and use the Therapy Key on the door
- Examine the Crack in the Wall in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Examine the Dead Fish on the counter in the center of the screen
- Exit the room at the bottom
- Walk to the far left and exit at the bottom
- Examine the Garbage in the upper lefthand corner of the screen
- Examine the “Draw” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Return to the Hallway and interact with the door on the right. There is no description for this door but you can interact with it to enter
- Interact with the second locker from the left called the Strange Locker
- Exit the room and return to the Buffet room at the bottom right of the Hallway
- Talk to the woman
- Return to the Strange Locker and press Y to use the Bobby Pin on it
- Return to the Buffet and interact with the door on the left-hand side of the screen
- Interact with the noodles on the counter near the center of the screen
- Talk to the Butcher and press Y to use the Dead Fish
- Press Y to use the Stranga Mask with the Butcher
- Exit all the way back to the Hallway
- Walk all the way to the far left and up to the bell hanging on the tree. This is another interact spot that you don't get a text description for
- Press Y to use the Knife and interact with the new hole
- Talk to the Lady on the Wall. She will ask for a random thing that you have to give to her. The options are: Death = Red Spider Lily / Tradition = Dead Fish / Usefulness = Chopsticks
- Exit back to the Hallway and take the door on the left
- Interact with both Tiled Wall spots at the top the screen and use the Red Tile with each of them
- Follow the hallway all the way up for a cutscene
- Interact with the Pile of Wood below you
- Walk to the top right of the screen and press Y to use the wood with the Gap
- Cross the wood and interact with the door
- Examine the Shelves
- Exit the room and walk up to the “WaterPipe" at the top center of the screen. Press Y and use the Magnet
- Walk to the Hole to the immediate right of the “WaterPipe". Press Y and use the Metal Pipe
- Walk down to the flashing “Fishing Spot” and examine it, then press Y and use the Fishing Pole
- Return to the door and go inside. Walk up to the Computer in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and press Y to use the Power Cable
- Exit the room and examine the flashing Key at the very bottom of the screen
- Walk up to the Gate in the upper lefthand corner of the screen and press Y to use the Sewer Key
- Walk to the lower right-hand corner of the screen and interact with the Stairs
- Interact with the Apples
- Interact with the Stairs
- Walk to the upper right-hand section of the Town and up to Landy sitting at the counter. Press Y and use the Apple
- Walk to the lower lefthand corner of the screen and press Y on the Gate to use the Gate Key
- Interact with the Gate and enter the Laundry
- Save at the Save Point (Very important! We have to intentionally die soon and will need to reload here)
- Walk all the way to the upper right-hand corner of the screen and up to the Bath House door. Press Y and use the Bath House Key
- NOTE: this section is slightly tricky. The Lady on the Wall will randomly appear in the hallway (and possibly other rooms) at this point. If she touches you, you are dead and she moves FAST so every time you go into a new screen be prepared to immediately click on the door you just left to return to the room you were in. Luckily this sequence is very short so it's not very stressful. Best pro-tip I can give is use the Save Point in the Hallway every time you cross it as insurance. You do want to let her catch you once for an achievement, however.
- Go up through the door
- Go up into the hole
- Examine the flashing item at the top of the screen
- Return to the starting room and walk to the “Draw" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Press Y to use the Desk Drawer Key
- Go up through the door
- Go all the way to the right and down
- Go up to the door at the top of the screen and press Y to use the Buffet Key
- After the scene exit at the bottom of the screen
- Go all the way down and exit at the bottom of the screen
- Use the door directly across the Hallway from you
- Talk to Sombria
- Press Y and use the Knife
- Return to the kitchen
- Examine the Candy Bar on the counter in the middle of the screen
- You'll now be at a Bus Stop. Use the Save Point, it's very important as we have to intentionally die again soon
- Keep going north until you find Sombria
- You need to collect seven mushrooms within a somewhat strict time limit. I recommend just standing still until you die for an achievement and then reloading
- The first mushroom is visible on the right side of the trees
- The second is on the top middle of the screen
- Now exit the screen at the bottom
- The third is in the center of the screen
- Now exit the screen through the upper lefthand side
- The fourth is towards the top middle of the screen behind the sign
- The fifth is on the other side of the screen directly across from the fourth, you can just barely see it behind a tree
- Now return to the bus stop
- The sixth is to the left of the Save Point
- The seventh is towards the far right side of the screen
- Now rush back to Sombria and press Y to give her a mushroom. You have to do this six more times until they're all gone from your inventory
- Exit the screen to the north
- Talk to the “NoodleGashia" behind the counter of the shop
- Now return to the screen with the bridge on it
- Walk up to the spirit and press Y to use the Noodles
- Return to the Noodle Shop
- Walk up to the giant creature on the left, press Y, and use the Mushroom on him
- Return to the starting screen
- Walk up to Sombria, press Y, and use the Special Leaf
- Exit the screen on the left hand side
- Enter Room 4, then exit
- Enter Room 3, examine the burnt note, then exit
- Enter Room 2, examine the note, then exit
- Enter Room 1, examine the Keycard, then exit
- Exit the screen to the left
- Exit the screen to the left
- Walk to the far left to the E-Lock, press Y, and use the Engine Keycard
- Talk to the man
- Exit all the way right back to your starting screen
- Interact with the Bathroom door for a scene
- Exit the bathroom and exit the screen through the far right
- Walk right to the E-Door, press Y, and use the Luggage Keycard
- After the scene walk a square the left so you can interact with Little Jacket, press Y, and has6 the Luggage Keycard on him
- Walk to the right for a scene, then exit the screen on the far right
- After the scene keep going to the left until you get a cutscene
- Talk to the man
- Now walk all the way to the right through multiple screens until you're in the Luggage Cabin. You'll get a cutscene
- Walk up to the nearby Secret Switch on the wall and interact with it
- Walk to the gate in front of the ladder and interact with it
- Interact with the ladder for a cutscene
- Interact with the gate
- Walk to the far left all the way back to the front of the train
- Talk to Sombria
- Enter the nearby bathrooms and interact with the sink on the left
- Exit the bathrooms and go up the stairs to your left, then exit the screen through Platform 12
- Interact with the Vending Machine
- Walk up to the Window to the left of the Vending Machine, press Y, and use the Metal Pipe
- Enter the room and interact with the Computer
- Exit the room and exit the screen though the right
- Walk up to the elevator door that is partially open, press Y, and use the Candy Bar
- Exit left through Platform 12
- Exit the screen via the Die? Platform exit
- After the cutscene return to your starting screen and talk to Sombria
- Return to the Die? Platform, walk up to the spirit, press Y, and use the Doll
- For a missable achievement exit the screen through the left and interact with the Abandoned Tunnel at the top center of the screen
- Return to the Die? Platform
- Exit the screen on the bottom right hand corner
- Exit to the right
- Examine the Trash Can to the left of the house
- Save at the Save Point before entering the house (very important, we'll be reloading from here to get the other endings)
- Enter the house
- Exit the screen to the right into the kitchen
- Exit the screen via the door in the upper right hand corner
- Interact with the mirror and enter “ANIHSA”
- Exit the house and save again
- Enter the house and go upstairs
- Walk up to the door on the right, press Y, and use the Bobby Pin
- Exit to the south
- Exit to the south
- Walk to the left side of the screen to the “AshBin", press Y, and use the Cigarettes
- Return to your starting screen
- Achievement unlocked!