My Big Sister
28 Achievements
An impostor?
Or is it...really me?
How to unlock the An impostor? achievement in My Big Sister - Definitive Guide
Chapter 10. This is a continuation of the solution from the achievement The truth finally revealed!. I will assume you just gave the doll to the blue ghost to get the other achievement. from the blue ghost head back out the way you came in you will see large archway with caution tape across it go up to it and enter to find your Clone/doppelganger or the evil you after the conversation you will leave unlocking this achievement
Chapter 10:
After giving the doll to Verd go one screen back to where the black/yellow line is and go inside that room
After giving the doll to Verd go one screen back to where the black/yellow line is and go inside that room
Story Related.
After The truth finally revealed!, while in the room where you gave the spirit the doll, head left one screen. This time, go up to the tunnel with the yellow caution tape and interact with it to go through. On the other side, you'll find a very familiar face. Exhaust the dialogue to unlock the trophy.
Note: You can skip the dialogue here and the trophy will still unlock.
After The truth finally revealed!, while in the room where you gave the spirit the doll, head left one screen. This time, go up to the tunnel with the yellow caution tape and interact with it to go through. On the other side, you'll find a very familiar face. Exhaust the dialogue to unlock the trophy.
Note: You can skip the dialogue here and the trophy will still unlock.