My Big Sister

My Big Sister

28 Achievements

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Asking for help?

Asking for help?

Even if it's about a dead fish.


How to unlock the Asking for help? achievement in My Big Sister - Definitive Guide

Achievement Walkthrough:

10 May 2019 08:44

during chapter 3 after a long conversation, you will end up in a Japanese sushi restaurant and you will see a dead fish on the counter on right side of screen pick it up then head into the double doors behind your sister you will end up in the kitchen where you will have a conversation with a cook with no face. use the dead fish on the cook to unlock this achievement.

08 May 2019 22:24

Chapter 3:
Take the Dead Fish from the counter top in the restaurant and bring it to the Butcher.

25 Jul 2021 00:00

This is missable during a playthrough but can be earned through Chapter Select by replaying the Chapter Taken.

After talking with the long-legged-lady in the bath, you'll end up in the Chinese Restaurant. Sombria will be leaning up against the wall on the top and you'll see a Fountain to the right with a small kitchen area just below it. Go to this area (you'll need to go below it over a small pond bridge to get to it). On one of the counters is a fish. Pick up this fish.

Once it’s in your inventory, go through the door to the left of where Sombria is standing. You’ll end up in another kitchen area and will automatically start some dialogue with a butcher. Once the dialogue is done, walk up in so you are directly below him (there will be a red !). Open your inventory with and scroll over until you get to the Fish. Use the Fish with and you will ask him about said Fish, unlocking the trophy.