My Big Sister

My Big Sister

28 Achievements

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I want candy!

I want candy!

What a nice demon!


How to unlock the I want candy! achievement in My Big Sister - Definitive Guide

This is story related and can't be missed During chapter 5 you are back in the bathhouse after you and your sister traped the Monster in the bathroom/locker room you need to head back to the kitchen. you will notice on the left side of the screen a small candy bar on the counter where the cook used to stand. Pick it up and you will be teleported to the noodle lady's house unlocking this.

08 May 2019 23:10

Chapter 5:
After the event in the showers go back to the Butcher and as a thank you he will tell you there is a candy bar on the kitchen counter.

25 Jul 2021 00:00

Story Related, Cannot Be Missed.

During the Chapter Of Blood and Water, you and Sombria will have to trap the Witch in the sauna. Once you have, head back through the restaurant and into the kitchen where the Butcher is. Speak with him and he will leave you (somehow) a piece of candy on the counter, just to the left. Pick up the candy to unlock the trophy.