My Big Sister

My Big Sister

28 Achievements

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Only eyes can tell the truth.

Only eyes can tell the truth.

Not ears.


How to unlock the Only eyes can tell the truth. achievement in My Big Sister - Definitive Guide

Chapter 11 You will be back at your house this is one of Six endings and you need to do all six for separate achievements.

First thing is to grab the bobby pin out of the garbage and head inside. Head upstairs grab the screwdriver off the little table and head back downstairs into the kitchen and into the bathroom before you open the trap door interact with the mirror and a little text thing will appear you need to enter your name ASHINA. After that use, the screwdriver on the trap door talk to the person down there and grab the shovel off the wall head back to the kitchen and interact with the fridge and then head out t the front of the house and use the shovel on the garden behind the garbage cans to get the knife. Head back inside and use the knife on the noodle lady by the stairs to kill her and head upstairs and use the bobby pin on your sister's bedroom. After some dialog, you will be in the Hospital and in control of your big sister you need to head out of the room and down to the main entrance of the hospital and use your pack of cigarettes on the right side of the main door. you will know it is the right ending when you re-enter the hospital and see all the blood everywhere. Re-enter your sister's room to unlock the achievement.

09 May 2019 02:57

Chapter 11:
Go to the mirror in your bathroom and type "ashina" all in small letters. In the Sombria chapter smoke on the right side where you're no supposed to smoke.

25 Jul 2021 00:00

This is one of 6 endings available for the game. If you miss it on your initial playthrough, use Chapter Select and replay "Break or Strengthen".

You will follow the exact same steps listed under Every story has a happy ending! (see the trophy just above). When you exit the hospital, instead of having a smoke on the left side of the doors, have one on the right side (you'll be blocking the middle yellow light). Head back inside the hospital, back into the hospital room, and go through the last of the dialogue to unlock the trophy.