My Majesty
32 Achievements
100,000 XP
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My Majesty achievements progress.
Celebrate with the people 25 times
Survive 10 plots in a game
Carry out 10 tasks
Ultra Rare
3,000 XP
Open 5 historical characters
Turn a faction into golden zone at least once
Let a faction go into the red zone at least once
Prevent 25 assassination attempts
Build a golden castle
Ultra Rare
4,000 XP
Survive 5 disasters in a game
Open 20 historical characters
Avoid 50 assassination attempts
Help the Inquisition 5 times
Ultra Rare
4,000 XP
Resort to Merlin’s help 20 times
Say ''No'' 15 times per game
Spend 5.000.000 more per session
Give freedom to the thinkers 20 times
Go along with the will of the commoners 10 times
Lower the same faction to the red zone 3 times in one game
Earn 9 golden crosses from one faction
Imprison in the dungeon 50 times
Repress a faction to a critical threshold 10 times in a session
Resolve issues with the wine cellars 10 times
The winner in war 10 times
Ultra Rare
4,000 XP