Narco Terror
20 Achievements
Xbox 360
A Fistful of Dollars
Earn 15,000 dollars
How to unlock the A Fistful of Dollars achievement in Narco Terror - Definitive Guide
Important Notes:
You don't need the $15,000 all at once. You just need to accumulate $15,000 throughout the course of playing the game.
I had made around $3,500 playing online co-op with my friend, however, once I reached the $15,000 mark (in solo play) my achievement didn't pop. So, it could be the counter is a tad bit off and it may take more than $15,000 for some people, or it could be playing online (and not being host) has something to do with it. Therefore, don't worry if your achievement doesn't pop, you don't have to delete your save or anything like that. Just keep playing and eventually you will get the achievement, it will just take a bit more time.
A Fistful of Dollars Achievement
Basically, you gain money by blowing up cars and barrels. Killing people actually doesn't get you any money. If you die your money saves, so you could possibly run a part of a mission and purposely die once you blow up the barrels and cars in order to keep grinding money. Since you could potentially grind money in any level, it all comes down to personal preference of what level you want to grind the money in.
Chances are you will be somewhat close to the $15,000 mark once you complete the game the first time, so you could either do another play-through, or you can find a level that has a lot of barrels and cars in it. After my first play-through I utilized "The Betrayal" mission because the beginning part of this mission has a ton of barrels and cars. Run through the first part of this mission as fast as you can blowing up everything and when you get to the part that requires you to take the airplane out of the area just save the game and restart the mission from the beginning.
You don't need the $15,000 all at once. You just need to accumulate $15,000 throughout the course of playing the game.
I had made around $3,500 playing online co-op with my friend, however, once I reached the $15,000 mark (in solo play) my achievement didn't pop. So, it could be the counter is a tad bit off and it may take more than $15,000 for some people, or it could be playing online (and not being host) has something to do with it. Therefore, don't worry if your achievement doesn't pop, you don't have to delete your save or anything like that. Just keep playing and eventually you will get the achievement, it will just take a bit more time.
A Fistful of Dollars Achievement
Basically, you gain money by blowing up cars and barrels. Killing people actually doesn't get you any money. If you die your money saves, so you could possibly run a part of a mission and purposely die once you blow up the barrels and cars in order to keep grinding money. Since you could potentially grind money in any level, it all comes down to personal preference of what level you want to grind the money in.
Chances are you will be somewhat close to the $15,000 mark once you complete the game the first time, so you could either do another play-through, or you can find a level that has a lot of barrels and cars in it. After my first play-through I utilized "The Betrayal" mission because the beginning part of this mission has a ton of barrels and cars. Run through the first part of this mission as fast as you can blowing up everything and when you get to the part that requires you to take the airplane out of the area just save the game and restart the mission from the beginning.
If you spend money to upgrade weapons, does that remove money from your accrued total or do you not need $15000 at once?
By CPCrookedMan on 11 Aug 2013 21:45
No, you don't need it all at once..I'll throw that into the solution.
By R3NEG4D3 on 11 Aug 2013 22:16
You get money by blowing stuff up ($3 per object, $5-10 for vehicles) and getting the collectibles. You will get about half of this in a single playthrough, so if you're going the 1 playthrough (Hardcore first) route, you will want to keep repeating farm the rest. Also note, the value is cumulative, and you do not need $15,000 on you at a single time.
To farm money easily, load up mission 1 and proceed to the minigun section where you clear out all the enemies with the mounted gun. Use the gun to clear out all of the cars and explosives, then die. When you continue you will get to repeat the process, and you'll also still have the money from last attempt. Repeat the process as long as you want.