Narco Terror

Narco Terror

20 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Bombing Run

Bombing Run

Destroy 5 ground enemies with your aircraft


How to unlock the Bombing Run achievement in Narco Terror - Definitive Guide

Your first time flying with a plane will be during the end of mission 2. When flying the plane use the Right Stick cn_RS to shoot, and cn_RB to hit ground units. Just hit 5 ground enemies and you will pop the achievement.

This is easiest during mission 2 as there's no boss fight and plenty of ground units in the form of boats and huts down in the jungle/river. You can spam cn_RB while avoiding incoming fire.

03 Aug 2013 02:14

1 Comment
Missions 2 and 5 have this...not 3. Awful.
By Big Ell on 02 Apr 2017 04:25

At the end of mission 2 you will hop into a plane for your first vehicle sequence. There will be enemy trucks, boats, and anti-aircraft guns on the ground that you will need to blow up with rockets (). There is also a weapon upgrade that you'll want to grab to shoot more rockets with each volley. You can also try this on mission 5.