Narco Terror
20 Achievements
Fully Upgraded
Upgrade all weapons
How to unlock the Fully Upgraded achievement in Narco Terror - Definitive Guide
Load up the first mission on Hardcore. BIG THING TO NOTE: CHOOSE THIS MISSION BY CHOOSING "SELECT MISSION"! If you don't, the game will reset your progress and start a completely new playthrough. Fight your way towards the section where you can get on the flatbeds with the mini-guns on them. Press to get on the turret. After that, make a manual save.
Now destroy everything in sight. You should get about $100 worth of money here. It might take you a while to locate where everything is the first time, but don't worry, I did this about 80 times to finish this game up, and you'll get quicker and quicker on this.
Here's the real time saver though, when you are done getting your $100, leave the turret: jump off of the flatbed truck, and get absolutely annihilated in no time by the goons that are still very prevalent.
The game will load your save as the checkpoint and you can rinse and repeat after that. Takes about 15 seconds max to get $100 each time. Buy the final upgrade(s) after getting the correct amount you still require, and hey presto, achievement!
This requires cash which is earned by detonating red barrel and vehicles. Also, beating levels gives you cash too as does finding collectables.
To buy an upgrade use LT and the right stick to select your weapon and press 'A' to upgrade it.
You'll need over 15,000 (that achv pops before this one) and it took me over 1.5 playthroughs to get that much cash (and I was destroying everything).
This isn't a hard achv though, it's just a bit of a grind.
I wanted to start a new game on hardcore though...not sure if there was another way to switch difficulty?
I played alone on Hardcore & tried as much as possible to destroy all barrels & vehicles so when I was finished I think I needed around 3000$ to get the last upgrade or 2.
So in short everything that blows up gives you money but in "The Betrayal" you also get 50$ for each generator you shut off, so with that & the many vehicles & barrels there are in the beginning of this mission,you'll make around 8-900$ before reaching the plane where I chose to restart the mission by exiting to the menu & start the mission over & make sure that you ALWAYS start the mission from "MISSION SELECT"
In Total you're gonna need 19,000$ to get all the upgrades:
Pistol - 1st Upgrade = 500$ - 2nd Upgrade = 1200$ (Pistol Total: 1700$)
Shotgun - 1st Upgrade = 1000$ - 2nd Upgrade = 3000$ (Shotgun Total: 4000$)
Machine Gun - 1st Upgrade = 1500$ - 2nd Upgrade = 4000$ (Machine Gun Total: 5500$)
Minigun - 1st Upgrade = 1800$ - 2nd Upgrade = 6000$ (Minigun Total: 7800$)
Adding up to a Total of: 19,000$
To upgrade a weapon, you must first reach the required amount of money (the purple numbers in the top left of the screen) and then hold to open the gun menu and us to select the gun you want to upgrade, then to upgrade it.
Pistol 1 - $500 (Fire rate + laser sight)
Pistol 2 - $1200 (3-round burst)
Shotgun 1 -$1000 (Range + Flashlight)
Shotgun 2 - $3000 (Increased Spread + Damage)
Assault Rifle 1 - $1500 (Shoots faster, seems more accurate too)
Assault Rifle 2 - $4000 (Dual wield!!!!)
Minigun 1 - $1800 ( I have no idea, but it's a minigun!)
Minigun 2 - $6000 (Shoots two bullets at a time)
Any upgrades purchased on weapons will carry through a death, even if you lose the newly picked up weapon in the process.