Narco Terror

Narco Terror

20 Achievements



Xbox 360
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The Specialist

The Specialist

Use all special ammo and weapons


How to unlock the The Specialist achievement in Narco Terror - Definitive Guide

This Achievement is actually rather easy since natural progression through the game have you use ALL Special Weapons so as long as you make sure to change Normal Weapons when you get them & make sure to use them,special weapons & all 4 different Ammo Types to kill an enemy with this shouldn't be that hard,Good Luck :)

Here's a list of the Weapons & Ammo Types as well as a small guide in how to activate/select them:

(Selected by holding down cn_LT & then flicking the cn_RSc in the direction of the weapon you want.
E.g: To select the Pistol you press & hold down the cn_LT & then press

Pistol cn_LT + cn_RSu
Shotgun cn_LT + cn_RSr
Machine Gun cn_LT + cn_RSd
Minigun cn_LT + cn_RSl
The Last Normal Weapon is the Minigun & that is found in Level.6. "Jungle Rip"
(This should be the last thing needed for the achievement so given that you have used all weapons & ammo types the achievement should now pop,NOTICE that by use I mean killed someone with every weapon/ammo,it's not enough to just fire the weapons)

(These CAN NOT be kept & are only picked up until you either Drop them,Change Weapon or Run Out of Ammo. NOTICE that if you drop them on the ground for too long they will disappear so make sure to get at least one kill before dropping them)

Rocket Launcher
Laser Rifle
Grenade Launcher
The Last Special Weapon is the Grenade Launcher & that is found in Level.5. "The Betrayal"

(Selected by holding down cn_RT & then flicking the cn_RSc in the direction of the ammo you want. Several types of Ammo can be used at the same time. Once an Ammo Type has been "Turned On" it will stay on even when you run out of ammo so as soon as you collect that Ammo Type it will be used again. You "Turn Off" the Ammo Type the same way you "Turn it On".
E.g: To select the Electric Ammo you press & hold down the cn_RT & then press

Electric Ammo cn_RT + cn_RSu
Homing Ammo cn_RT + cn_RSr
Incendiary Ammo cn_RT + cn_RSd
Armor Piercing Ammo cn_RT + cn_RSl
NOTICE: That Ammo Types need to be collected before they become available to use.
The Last Ammo Type is the Homing Ammo & that is found in Level.5. "The Betrayal"

Should you (LIKE ME) have failed to use one of the Special Weapons & the achievement doesn't pop once you reach & use the Minigun in the start of Chapter.6 "Jungle Rip" then simply exit the game & go to the menu & use "Mission Select" to jump to whatever chapter you think you might have made the mistake my case it was the Rocket Launcher in Chapter 1 that I had tried to save for a time when I really needed it & by doing so it disappeared while it was placed on the ground & therefore I never actually got a kill with it so make sure to actually GET A KILL WITH ALL WEAPONS/AMMO TYPES. Good Luck wave

24 Nov 2015 01:39

Pistol - up
Shotgun - right - Mission 1
Assault Rifle - down - Mission 4
Minigun - left - Mission 6

Incendiary Ammo - down - Mission 1+
Armor Piercing - left - Mission 2+
Stun Ammo - up - Mission 3+
Homing Ammo - right - Mission 5+

Rocket Launcher - Mission 1 after hopping over two trash barges, Mission 8 on the sub
Flamethrower - Mission 2 a short while after leaving the interior part of the factory, Mission 4 in the factory area
Laser Rifle (WTF?)- Mission 3 after clearing out the first big camp of enemies, Mission 6 on the left side of a boat that you walk over.
Grenade Launcher - Mission 5 on the helipad where Delgado kicks you in the face after climbing a ladder