Naruto The Broken Bond

Naruto The Broken Bond

46 Achievements



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Reach Hokage rank online


How to unlock the Hokage achievement in Naruto The Broken Bond - Definitive Guide

First of all, there is a rumour going around that obtaining 20000 exp gives you the Hokage rank. This is NOT true. I obtained 20000 exp while I was Jonin and I didn't obtain the Hokage rank at the moment I passed the 20000 exp threshold.

To obtain the Hokage rank, you will have to obtain 1 more win in the Tower of Death than the Hokage with the least amount of wins. While I was trying to obtain the Hokage rank, the Hokage with the least amount of wins had 71 so I had to obtain 72 wins. As of January 8th 2014, the threshhold is 75 wins.

As Omnigeek pointed out, you can check your number of wins on the leaderboard. This option is available after you have selected Xbox Live and your Character you wish to play. After you are in the leaderboards you have to press left or right with your thumbstick or with the D-pad. Then press X to find yourself or press Y to see how many wins your friends have obtained.

On to the boosting method. This method works with at least 3 people and works best with 8 people.

First of all, you have to be Jonin rank other wise you cannot enter the Tower of Death which is needed to obtain wins which count towards Hokage rank. There are 3 stages in the Online Tournament: the Streets, the Forest and the Tower of Death. To get into the Tower of Death, you have to win in the Streets and in the Forest consecutively. Then you will be in the Tower of Death. The wins you obtain from then on will count towards the Hokage rank.

On to the actual boosting. I will use the example of 8 people going for the achievement.
There will be 2 people fighting in the Streets. They will boost people up to the Forest. This can be done by just forfeiting ( press Start, then Back, then A ) or just get beaten by the guy/girl you are sending to the Forest. Then there will be 4 people playing in the Forest. They are looking for a match against a Jonin in the Tower of Death. Then there will be 2 Jonin in the Tower of Death. They will take turns in searching for a match against someone in the Forest. Having 4 people in the Forest searching ensures finding a match. The people in the Tower and Forest should call out when they are ready to start searching so the match ups are good. Try to assign 2 of the 4 people to 1 Jonin in the Tower to keep is organised.

It took my boosting party and me 5 sessions of 4 hours each to all obtain the Hokage Rank. This may seem alot but we encountered non-boosting people which kicked us out of the Tower. There is still a small community playing this game. To have a quiet and good session going, plan your session at a time when there are the least amount of people online. We boosted at 2-4 Central time which converts to 9-11 GMT+1 ( Amsterdam ). Everybody should get 45 minutes in the tower but if non-booster start to ruin things, they should get more time. If there are too many people online, you can always take a break for half an hour. It helped us and most of the time they went offline/off to do something else because they could not find an opponent.

NOTE: As twizm31337 said, if you encounter any non-boosting people, try to win or open your tray or return to dashboard at the last moment when you are about to lose. This way they won't win and stay in the Streets/Forest. This usually pisses them off and they will go offline/do something else.

The original method was created by me and I take full credit for it. If you want to post it elsewhere, please let me know. Currently TA is only site where this method is allowed to be posted. This method was perfected mainly by the help of Omnigeek. Others who helped were: Acepurvis, BrutalGuitar, IBIKI MORINO, twizm31337, Zorb Zex.

PS: English is not my native language so let me know in the comments if there are any mistakes, thank you.
PSS: If you vote negatively, please let me know in the comments why so I can change the Solution.

04 Sep 2011 14:15

Great work zero judgement, but you might want to add that one can check the number of wins they or their friends have in the leader board menu. Lastly, I too can confirm this method as I was a contributor of the solution.
By Omnigeek on 04 Sep 2011 23:27
i was also 1 of the 7 boosting this and i can also confirm it works. twizm nailed the just of it. just do this at a time that is most dead for the servers which is what zero mentioned in the solution above and happy boosting
By Acedahatter on 04 Sep 2011 18:31
do i have to win 74 times in row?? i won 3 times but when i get to tower again its count from 0 again...???
By Tomaszkops2 on 28 Apr 2012 15:21
I was 1 of the 7 boosting this and i confirm it works the reason why you need 4 in the forest so the act like decoys for any randoms
and for random hokages wining to rank up on the leaderboard dashboard them a few times they will quit playing then =)
By on 04 Sep 2011 14:31
As of March 16, 2012 the lowest Hokage has 72 wins.

Don't think I'll ever be able to get this.
By JaxTH on 16 Mar 2012 21:27
Currently going for this one by myself since there's not enough boosters on TA today, have 25 wins so far XD
By Connor 193 on 28 Mar 2012 11:29
I got it! 73 wins it took me :D
By Connor 193 on 08 Apr 2012 10:33
if some still need this achievement, we can do together
send me message
By Tomaszkops2 on 26 Apr 2012 18:01
i was wondering that if you do it with 3 , how does it work? player 1 boosts player 2 and 3 to the forest and player 2 boosts player 3 to the tower. But how does another player get to the tower?
also if you quit out of the game while in the tower, before playing a match, will you have to start from the street again or stay in the tower?
By Achti on 25 Feb 2013 16:43
It is more effective to double those numbers, there is a bigger chance of meeting someone you need if you use 2 instead of 1 to boost up. It could work but the chance for randoms would increase. If you quit out of the tower, you will always be reset to the streets. If you dash, reset to the streets. If you quit, reset to the streets. Anything except winning will reset you back to the streets.
By Zero Judgement on 25 Feb 2013 19:51
As of the 7th of October, you need 73 wins in order to become a Hokage.
By General Joury on 06 Oct 2013 23:56
So, is this a leaderboard achievement?
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 27 Oct 2013 01:05
Our boosting group got through this achievement in four weeks. It only should have taken two weeks, however, there were significant bugs that impacted us. I'll name a few off.

- Game oftenly refuses to load on versus screens
- Game refuses to find players even though others are searching
- Some wins don't count
By jackster and dh on 15 Mar 2015 12:32
As of Sunday December 20th, 2015, the lowest Hokage is in 4132nd place with 73 wins.
By Crater Bob on 20 Dec 2015 21:05
I have this unlocked on my Xbox but for some reason it's not updating here? Any idea on what I should do
By ultmate ninja24 on 01 May 2020 02:52
0g 360 achievements require a force scan sometimes. Go to your profile on here and press request update
By Inferno118 on 08 May 2020 03:42
^ Even that usually doesn't work. You'll need to get an achievement of some value first, than scan to pick it up. toast
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 08 May 2020 04:02
I'd be interested in boosting at some point @silentpalmolive
By PurplTreeFrog on 11 Jul 2020 17:32
@SilentPalmolive @PurplTreeFrog are you guys still looking to get this achievement?
By h senghhh 96 on 15 Jul 2020 01:55
If anyone is still looking to boost for hokage let me know via PM or message me directly on xbox
By FuZE o Gypsy on 30 Nov 2020 19:19
im still interested
By SaviourStar on 30 Oct 2021 13:42
If anyones interested in getting this achievement, let me know. I'm still looking to complete it.
By sharpshot3rx on 17 Jan 2022 01:19
82 Victories required as at 22 December 2021
By on 22 Dec 2021 11:05
Hmmmm, it's only gone up nine victories in six years, not bad.
By Crater Bob on 22 Dec 2021 11:31
If anyones interested in getting this achievement, let me know. I'm still looking to complete it.
By sharpshot3rx on 17 Jan 2022 00:12
I'm down to do this. Message me on xbox
By Mr Fumble 122 on 19 Jul 2022 05:04
I'm down as well lets get these achievements
By Isaiah The Wulf on 11 Apr 2023 21:22
To anyone wanting to unlock this achievement, I played 75 matches and won on the King of the Tower ranked match on my first run. Then I lost a match to let a friend reach the jounin level. So I switched character and the victory number was "reset". I won +3 matches and the achievement unlocked. But the counting says I have 75 matches won. I don't know if it is a bug, since they were already marking me on the leaderboard as hokage before I unlock the achievement, but that is what it is. So above 74 victories you should unlock the achievement. Strangely I only unlocked mine after I reached 78. That was yesterday (25.06.2023)
By CastMango150644 on 26 Jun 2023 06:28
I'm looking for someone to boost online achievments. My tag: SonOfBigBoss248 add me if you want boosting session
By SonOfBigBoss on 28 Dec 2023 19:33
Anyone down to boost? GT is XxBeastinXxT813
DM me and lets get this as well as any other MP achievements in Rise of Ninja
By XxBeastinXxT813 on 12 Mar 2024 02:15
I had to do it in a group of eight, not sure if that's still the strategy, but it's the minimum you'd want.
By Crater Bob on 24 May 2024 02:51
As of July 2024, It takes a minimum 82 wins to reach Hokage.
By LSK ArcAziel on 08 Jul 2024 19:53
A lot of negatives votes in general come from people who also make a solution for the same achievement. This way of voting causes their solution to be the top and most viewed. I believe that is also the case here.
By Zero Judgement on 15 Apr 2013 20:06
Sure they can. All they need to do is to is to make a bunch of secondary/alternate gamertags and vote with those. Or they get their friends to downvote other peoples' solutions.
By Rhyolitic on 14 May 2013 19:07
Yeah, took me 74 wins to get the achievement as well. We did it with 4 people and it was easy enough nowadays, only yesterday provided an issue with some really good randoms that intentionally stuck around to screw up the boosting.

As a note, make sure that if you still need to level to Jonin that before you quit out of the match you at least take HALF THE HEALTH OF THE WINNING PLAYER. The reason for this is that you will still get a little bit of XP. For me, as a Chunin when I started boosting with a Jonin, I got 12 XP after quitting out back to the streets because I took at least half his health. Any less than that and it was no XP. Every little bit helps, especially if you have less people to work with.

With 4 people, after one got Hokage...he stayed on the streets while two were constantly sent to the forest to get another to Hokage. Took no more than an hour to get 74 wins from none =) so by theory, you could do this faster with less people than with a full group. Provided of course you don't have a lot of randoms to deal with.
By TVthePunisher on 04 Oct 2013 07:55
Yeah, took me 74 wins to get the achievement as well. We did it with 4 people and it was easy enough nowadays, only yesterday provided an issue with some really good randoms that intentionally stuck around to screw up the boosting.

As a note, make sure that if you still need to level to Jonin that before you quit out of the match you at least take HALF THE HEALTH OF THE WINNING PLAYER. The reason for this is that you will still get a little bit of XP. For me, as a Chunin when I started boosting with a Jonin, I got 12 XP after quitting out back to the streets because I took at least half his health. Any less than that and it was no XP. Every little bit helps, especially if you have less people to work with.

With 4 people, after one got Hokage...he stayed on the streets while two were constantly sent to the forest to get another to Hokage. Took no more than an hour to get 74 wins from none =) so by theory, you could do this faster with less people than with a full group. Provided of course you don't have a lot of randoms to deal with.
By TVthePunisher on 04 Oct 2013 17:02
At 8th january 2014 you need 75 wins to reach the Hokage rank.
By Gonzo345 on 08 Jan 2014 20:49
Thanks for the update Gonzo345, I will update the solution accordingly,
By Zero Judgement on 27 Mar 2014 13:03
Be surprised if anyone is still looking, but anyone willing to boost?
By TTVSilentWho on 12 Jun 2020 02:24
me too
By Chrisxx199 on 04 Mar 2023 22:10
Add me to do online matches. GT: RIG 1807
By RIG 1807 on 22 Mar 2024 11:40
anyone want to do this hmu gamertag isaiah the wulf
By Isaiah The Wulf on 23 Apr 2024 02:21
add me if you want to arrange a boosting session GT is AAGT Eternan
By AAGT Eternan on 30 Apr 2024 14:06
what is the minimum you need to boost with? I hear it's 3 but would be nice if you can do it with two
By HELLRAZORANGEL on 24 May 2024 01:31
Goes faster with eight if I remember correctly.
By Crater Bob on 25 May 2024 19:27
@ Tomaszkops2
You don't have to win 74 times in a row. You just have to accumulate 74 wins in the Tower of Death.
By Zero Judgement on 28 Apr 2012 15:52
thanks i gonna try it ;>
By Tomaszkops2 on 28 Apr 2012 21:36
thats true i just became hokage and i have 74 wins
By L3GENDARYH3R0 on 02 Feb 2013 00:04
I don't understand why someone would negative vote this. Since I was one of the gamers that boosted this with you, Twizm31337, Acepurvis, Omnigeek, and others, I can confirm this works.
By BrutalGuitar on 15 Apr 2013 19:51
You cannot vote on another solution if you have one for the same your explanation is incorrect
By Chunkeh Munkeh on 29 Apr 2013 06:50
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What you need for this achievement is 1 more win than the lowest Hokage in the tower.

30 Apr 2010 18:29

I'm curious as to whether or not this number resets periodically (maybe monthly/yearly)... Since 104 members have this achievement and the lowest number is 72. Granted, there could be hacks out there that got it illegitimately... >_>
By Sketchy McSktch on 26 May 2011 17:32
As of today (1/12/2011) the lowest number of wins is 72, so good luck to everyone going for this achievement smile
By Kaisar Villhelm on 12 Jan 2011 06:17
It never resets
By Ibiki Morino on 12 Jun 2011 04:16
It says the lowest Hokage not the highest. There are 4K+ Hokages. :) And the highest Hokage has 14 K+ Wins. :)
By Evil Sasuke XT on 09 Sep 2013 00:07
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To get this Achievement, first, you will need you gain experience until you reach Jonin Rank. You need 5000 experience and you gain about 80 experience per win depending on your opponent’s rank.

Once you reach Jonin Rank, you will have to win one more time than the last Hokage on the King of The Tower Leaderboard. For example, the last Hokage has 70 wins, you need to win 71 matches to reach Hokage Rank.

To fight in the Tower, you need to win two consecutive matches. From the third match, if you keep winning, all the wins will count towards the achievement.

To see how many wins you have, go to leaderboards, press left on you D-Pad and then press X button.

10 Apr 2011 11:52

Can this be done with 2 copies of the game ?
By Evil Sasuke XT on 04 Sep 2013 12:42
Well, I guess not because In order to fight in the tower both players need to have a 2 win streak... :|
By RetiredRinne on 05 Sep 2013 16:21
As a guide I will go through how I obtained this achievement. I had 3 people including myself, the one who wanted the achievement first must be a Jonin Rank, and the two boosters were a Chunin and a Genin. You can earn these ranks just by playing in Tournament in the streets. The Genins role was to stay in the streets and boost everyone into the forest. There, the Chunin would lose to the Jonin which would boost him into the tower. Then, we can start boosting wins in the forest to earn the achievement. The Jonin in the tower only needs to beat people in the forest to count toward the achievement. The wins must be done with 1 character, and you need to obtain at least 73 wins as of 2016. This method took me 2 and a half hours to boost 1 person to the rank Hokage. Enjoy everyone, but be quick, this is an old game and the servers could be taken down very soon! Good luck!! (Unfortunately I cannot help with this achievement I have plans to sell this game)

16 May 2016 16:33


This is not a guide its just an important note about this game servers that nobody mentioned, So this game has 3 servers (US, EU, Asia) and players from different regions cannot match or find each other so keep that in mind when you are going to boost this game.

Update 27 Oct 2019: Hokage rank requires now 80 to 85 wins i can't remember exactly.

20 May 2019 22:15