Nat Geo Quiz Wild Life
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How to unlock the Unbelievable achievement in Nat Geo Quiz Wild Life - Definitive Guide
Episode: Amazing Planet, Forests.
Q= A Forest is considered any Area with...
A= High Tree Density.
Q= Which of the following Japanese Islands do the
Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests not cover?
A= Hokkaido.
Q= What do you see?
1. Logging.
2. Tropical Rainforest.
3. Wildfire.
4. Snow covered Trees.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest covers 5% of Australia.
A= False.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest contains 65% of all
Australia's Bat & Butterfly Species.
A= True.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest is the 2nd. largest Rainforest
in Australia.
A= False.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest is not actually a Rainforest.
A= False.
Q= Letters.
1. Amazon.
2. Taiheiyo.
3. Congo.
4. Daintree.
Q= Why are Wildfires rare in Temperate Rainforest's?
A= High Moisture Levels.
Q= Which of these Trees is found in North America?
A= Sitka Spruce??? YES.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Tropical Islands.
Q= Which Ocean contains the Hawaiian Islands?
A= Pacific Ocean.
Q= Which British Explorer was the 1st. European to explore the Hawaiian Islands?
A= Captain James Cook.
Q= In which Ocean can the Seychelles Islands be found?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= Which Ocean is the Island of Bali located in?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= What do you see?
1. Palm Trees.
2. Turtle.
3. Islands.
4. Tropical Fruit.
Q= Letters.
1. Indian Ocean.
2. Arctic Ocean.
3. Atlantic Ocean.
4. Pacific Ocean.
Q= The Maldives are located in which Ocean?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= The Islands of Hawaii is Home to the World's biggest Volcano.
What is its name?
A= Mauna Loa.
Q= What is an Atoll?
A= A Ring-Shaped Coral Island Encircling a Lagoon.
Q= Which is the odd one out?
A= Iceland.
Episode: Amazing Planet, North American National Parks (NP).
Q= Which Federal Agency was established to manage the NP?
A= National Park Services.
Q= Which U.S. President is the only one to have a NP named after
A= Theodore Roosevelt.
Q= What do you see?
1. Lake.
2. Mountain.
3. Geyser.
4. Giant Sequoia.
Q= What type of geological feature's old Faithful?
A= Geyser.
Q= Order these from largest to smallest.
1. Wrangell-ST. Elias NP.
2. Yellowstone NP.
3. Badlands NP.
4. Hot Springs NP.
Q= Which was the first NP?
A= Yellowstone NP.
Q= Which is the smallest of the U.S. NP?
A= Hot Spring NP.
Q= Which of these Rivers runs through Rocky Mountain NP?
A= Colorado River.
Q= Which NP sees most Visitors each year?
A= Great Smoky Mountains NP.
Q= Facts...
A= Grand Canyon NP.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Amazon.
Q= What is the name of the River that runs through the Amazon
A= Amazon.
Q= Which of the following is a popular Rainforest Bird?
A= Toucan.
Q= What colour is the Amazon River Dolphin?
A= Pink.
Q= What were the Spanish Conquistadores looking for in the Amazon
A= A Golden City.
Q= What is the upper layer in a Rainforest called?
A= Canopy.
Q= What class do these Animals belong to?
1. Bird.
2. Fish.
3. Bird.
4. Amphibian.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bird Eating Spider.
2. Horned Frog.
3. Harpy Eagle.
4. Toucan.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Madagascar.
Q= Where is Madagascar located?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= Which of these is an Owl endemic to Madagascar?
A= Madagascar Red Owl.
Q= What are Lemurs?
A= Primates.
Q= What Phenomenon is threatening the future of the Lemur?
A= Deforestation.
Q= Where do most Lemurs spend the majority of their time?
A= In the Trees.
Q= What is the total Area of Madagascar?
A= 587,040KM/2.
Q= Which of these are not found on Madagascar?
A= Glaciers.
Q= Which of these is a Madagascan River?
A= Ikopa.
Q= What do you see?
1. Gecko.
2. Gila Monster.
3. Montor Lizard.
4. Chameleon.
Q= Facts...
A= Ring Tailed Lemur.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Dangerous Dens.
Q= Pregnant Polar Bears create a Den known as what?
A= Maternity Den.
Q= What is the term used to describe Baby Foxes?
A= Kits.
Q= How do Spotted Hyenas sometimes obtain their Dens?
A= Use abandoned ones.
Q= Letters.
1. Badger.
2. Fox.
3. Polar.
4. Cougar.
Q= Which of the following Animals can be found in the wild in Europe?
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. No.
5. Yes.
Q= What do you see?
1. Polar Bear Cub in Den.
2. Cougar.
3. Badger.
4. Red Fox.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Slumbering Bears.
Q= What time of the year do most Animals hibernate?
A= Winter.
Q= Letters.
1. Resting.
2. Sleeping.
3. Snoozing.
4. Hibernation.
Q= Which of the following is a place where Bears hibernate?
A= Inside hollow Trees.
Q= What is different about the Koala in relation to other Bears?
A= It is not actually a Bear.
Q= The Brown Bear can be found in Northern Eurasia and where else?
A= Northern North America.
Q= Which of these is a subspecies of Brown Bear?
A= Tibetan Blue Bear.
Q= Facts...
A= Grizzly Bear.
Q= Where can the Giant Panda be found?
A= China.
Q= What do Giant Pandas eat?
A= Bamboo.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bear walking in Snow.
2. Polar Bear Den.
3. Bear emerging from Den.
4. Bear hibernating.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Smell.
Q= What are Stink Bugs usually in the shape of?
A= A Shield.
Q= With what do Wolverines mark their skill?
A= A strong smell.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bear Roaring.
2. Bear Standing.
3. Green Stink Bug.
4. Red Stink Bug.
Q= Letters.
1. Territory.
2. Marking.
3. Predators.
4. Hunting.
Q= A Snake's tongue is...
A= Forked.
Q= What does a Mouse's sense of smell help it to avoid?
A= Predators.
Q= Why do Moles have a well developed sense of smell?
A= To find food.
Q= Where in the World can the following Animals be found?
1. Europe.
2. North America.
3. Asia.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Deadly Asia.
Q= What type of Animal is the Slender Loris?
A= Mammal.
Q= What Animal grouping does a Giant Centipede belong too?
A= Arthropod.
Q= Name an Animal that the Terrestrial Banded Krait does not prey on.
A= Leopard.
Q= Facts...
A= King Cobra.
Q= How many Rhino species can be found in Asia?
A= 3
Q= Which of these was the name of a species of Rhinoceros (that could
be found in the Himalaya) which became extinct during the Pleistocene
A= Woolly Rhino.
Q= Letters.
1. Eastern Coral Snake.
2. King Cobra.
3. Reticulated Python.
4. Malayan Pit Viper.
Q= What do you see?
1. Krait.
2. Giant Centipede.
3. Slender Loris.
3. McGregor's Pit Viper.
Q= Letters.
1. Malayan Pit Viper.
2. Asian Forest Scorpion.
3. Giant Centipede.
4. Snow Leopard.
Q= What is unusual about the diet of a Slender Loris, considering it is
a primate?
A= They mostly prey on Insects.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Food.
Q= Which of the following do Flies not eat?
A= Glue.
Q= What teeth do Humans use to crush food to be digested?
A= Molars.
Q= Letters.
1. Vomit.
2. Trapped.
3. Brain.
4. Digestion.
Q= A Fly's tongue works like...
A= A Straw.
Q= What do Flies do with a meal before eating it?
A= Vomit on it.
Q= What triggers a Venus Fly Trap to close around its prey?
A= Trigger Hairs.
Q= Facts...
A= Cordyceps.
Q= How do Starfish eat?
A= By forcing their stomachs out of their mouths and pulling the food in
using it.
Q= How do Snakes eat their food?
A= By swallowing their prey whole.
Q= What do you see?
1. Open Venus Flytrap.
2. Robber Fly.
3. Cordyceps.
4. Black Caiman.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Tiny Fish.
Q= What is the Royal Gramma a Species of?
A= Basslet.
Q= Apart from the markings, Neon Tetra Bodies are...
A= Transparent.
Q= Which of the following Animals doesn't eat Goby?
A= Emperor Penguins.
Q= Facts...
A= Royal Gramma.
Q= Why do Elegant Firefish Owners have to be careful with
their Aquariums Security?
A= Firefish like leaping.
Q= The Round Goby, an invasive Species in the Great Lakes
of North America, is Native to which Landlocked Sea?
A= Caspian Sea.
Q= The Family of Fish Gobiidae contains approximately how
many Species?
A= Over 2000.
Q= Letters.
1. Aquarium.
2. Tiny Fish.
3. Symbiosis.
4. Shoaling.
Q= What do you see?
1. Goby with Orange Spots.
2. Black Goby.
3. Transparent Goby.
4. Orange Goby.
Q= Which of the following best describes Gobies?
A= Most are small.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Scary Shallows.
Q= What was the name of the Amphibian also known as a Waterdog?
A= Mudpuppy.
Q= Which of the following will bite Divers to defend its Eggs?
A= Gray Triggerfish.
Q= What do Lamprey use to cling on to their Hosts?
A= Many Teeth.
Q= What do you see?
1. Mudpuppy.
2. Remora.
3. Lamprey.
4. Lemon Shark.
Q= Fish living in the Shallows are vulnerable to which of the following?
A= Hunting Birds.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Giant Clams.
Q= Giant Clams often trap Divers.
A= False.
Q= Giant Clam can swallow a Man in one gulp.
A= False.
Q= Giant Clams can live up to 100 years.
A= True.
Q= Giant Clams can grow up to 1.2m.
A= True.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Fish Swarms.
Q= Which of these is another name for a Swarm of Fish?
A= Shoal.
Q= Where do you find Schooling Fish?
A= In all the World's Oceans and Seas.
Q= What is the Picture of?
A= A School of Black Jack Fish.
Q= What is the difference between a Shoal and a School?
A= Fish in a School move in Synchronicity.
Q= Which of these is an advantage to Swarming Fish?
A= A Group provides better Protection from Predators.
Q= What do you see?
1. A Sailfish.
2. Atlantic Cod.
3. A Tuna.
4. A School of Jack Fish.
Q= Which of these is a disadvantage to Swarming Fish?
A= Food Depletion.
Q= Letters.
1. Swim.
2. School.
3. Swarm.
4. Shoal.
Q= Are they shorter or longer in length?
A= Shorter.
Q= Are they shorter or longer in length?
A= Shorter.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Seahorses & Dragons.
Q= What Family do Seahorses belong to?
A= Syngnathidae.
Q= How did Seadragons get their name?
A= Because their Fins resemble Dragon Wings.
Q= What do you see?
1. Leafy Seadragon.
2. Weedy Seadragon.
3. Pipefish.
4. Seahorse.
Q= Seahorses can change their Colour to match their Surroundings.
A= True.
Q= Seahorses can swim at a speed of 40 Knots.
A= False.
Q= Seahorses gang up together to Hunt bigger Fish.
A= False.
Q= Seahorses are Blind.
A= False.
Q= Facts...
A= Leafy Seadragon.
Q= In which Country are Seadragons Endemic?
A= Australia.
Q= Which Word best describes a Seahorse's Tail?
A= Prehensile.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Marine Molluscs.
Q= Cuttlefish are sometimes referred to as...
A= Chameleons of the Sea.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Hermit Crab.
Q= Molluscs have soft Bodies.
A= True.
Q= All Molluscs have outer Shells.
A= False.
Q= All Molluscs have Tentacles.
A= False.
Q= All Molluscs are Invertebrates.
A= True.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Nautilus.
Q= Cuttlefish use their Ink for what purpose?
A= Defence.
Q= Tritons are named after...
A= A Greek God.
Q= What do you see?
1. Cockle.
2. Oyster.
3. Mussel.
4. Clam.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Prey.
Q= What do some Prey use in order to avoid Predators?
A= Camouflage.
Q= Some Animals that are faced with predation will give birth
to Offspring that are able to do what within hours of being born?
A= Run.
Q= Which of these Animals do not attack in Groups as a
defence mechanism?
A= Gazelle.
Q= Letters.
1. Mimicry.
2. Stinging.
3. Mobbing.
4. Stotting.
Q= This Animal is brightly coloured in order to let Predators
A= It's Poisonous.
Q= Why does the Rattlesnake rattle its Tail?
A= To warn Predators.
Q= What is the killing of more Prey than is necessary by a
single Predator called?
A= Surplus killing.
Q= What is the technique of imitating another Animal called?
A= Mimicry.
Q= What is it called when Prey attack Predators together to
defend themselves?
A= Mobbing.
Q= Why do some Animals form Groups?
A= Safety in Numbers.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Domesticated Predators.
Q= Which Dog breed has been banned in several Countries for being
A= Pit Bull Terrier.
Q= Which domestic Dog breed has received an unfair reputation as
being excessively violent?
A= Doberman.
Q= What is it?
A= Rottweiler.
Q= What do you see?
1. Dog.
2. Cat.
3. Barn Owl.
4. Rabbit.
Q= Letters.
1. Snake.
2. Budgie.
3. Dog.
4. Cat.
Q= Pit Bull Terriers have been involved in fatal attacks on Children.
A= True.
Q= The Bobcat is a domesticated Cat?
A= False.
Q= Selective breeding has been used to create Wild Cat lookalikes.
A= True.
Q= A Doberman's full name is Doberman Pinscher.
A= True.
Q= Which Cat breed is a domestic hybrid of the Asian Leopard Cat?
A= Bengal Cat.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Under-Rated Predators.
Q= Name the place that the Honey Badger cannot be found?
A= Canada.
Q= Which of the following is one of a Honey Badger's main Weapons?
A= Teeth.
Q= Name a Animal in Madagascar that the Fossa does not feed on.
A= Polar Bears.
Q= What do you see?
1. Chameleon.
2. Fossa.
3. River Otter.
4. Portia Spider.
Q= Capable of hunting Penguins and even other Seals, Leopard Seals
also eat which of the following?
A= Cephalopods.
Q= Which of these is the odd one out?
A= Chameleon.
Q= Name the Country where the Fossa can be found.
A= Madagascar.
Q= The Portia Spider uses many ingenious techniques to catch other
Spiders but which of the following methods is not true.
A= Spitting Poison into their Victim's Face.
Q= The River Otter is a member of the same Family as the...
A= Weasel.
Q= North American River Otters hibernate during which Season?
A= They do not hibernate.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Tiny Terrors.
Q= The Weasel is known to perform a...?
A= War Dance.
Q= On which Continent would you find Meerkats in their natural habitat?
A= Africa.
Q= Order from smallest to biggest.
1. Ladybird.
2 Lesser White-Toothed Shrew.
3. Weasel.
4. Dwarf Caiman.
Q= Letters.
1. Vole.
2. Rodent.
3. Squirrel.
4. Raccoon.
Q= Voles can be found in Eurasia.
A= True.
Q= Red Squirrels are a Species native to Europe.
A= True.
Q= Meerkats are burrowing Animals.
A= True.
Q= Moles are mostly blind.
A= True.
Q= Which Industry can be affected by populations of Moles?
A= Agriculture.
Q= What do you see?
1. Weasel.
2. Meerkat.
3. Wolf Pups.
4. Ferret.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Hidden Predators.
Q= What is the name of the colour changing hunters?
A= Chameleon.
Q= Which of these occupations would not normally use Camouflage?
A= Police.
Q= Which of these is an Insect that uses Camouflage to hunt?
A= Praying Mantis.
Q= What do you see?
1. Antlion.
2. Praying Mantis.
3. Chameleon.
4. Stick Insect.
Q= Which of these Animals do not use Camouflage?
A= Poison Arrow Frogs.
Q= Which of these Animals do not use Concealing Camouflage?
A= Tigers.
Q= What kind of Camouflage is this Animal showing?
A= Concealing Camouflage.
Q= Which skill is exhibited by Chameleons?
A= Camouflage.
Q= Chameleons use which body part to hunt?
A= Tongue.
Q= Which Creature is pictured here Camouflaged to catch its Prey?
A= Praying Mantis.
Hope this guide was helpful :-)
Q= A Forest is considered any Area with...
A= High Tree Density.
Q= Which of the following Japanese Islands do the
Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests not cover?
A= Hokkaido.
Q= What do you see?
1. Logging.
2. Tropical Rainforest.
3. Wildfire.
4. Snow covered Trees.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest covers 5% of Australia.
A= False.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest contains 65% of all
Australia's Bat & Butterfly Species.
A= True.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest is the 2nd. largest Rainforest
in Australia.
A= False.
Q= The Daintree Rainforest is not actually a Rainforest.
A= False.
Q= Letters.
1. Amazon.
2. Taiheiyo.
3. Congo.
4. Daintree.
Q= Why are Wildfires rare in Temperate Rainforest's?
A= High Moisture Levels.
Q= Which of these Trees is found in North America?
A= Sitka Spruce??? YES.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Tropical Islands.
Q= Which Ocean contains the Hawaiian Islands?
A= Pacific Ocean.
Q= Which British Explorer was the 1st. European to explore the Hawaiian Islands?
A= Captain James Cook.
Q= In which Ocean can the Seychelles Islands be found?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= Which Ocean is the Island of Bali located in?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= What do you see?
1. Palm Trees.
2. Turtle.
3. Islands.
4. Tropical Fruit.
Q= Letters.
1. Indian Ocean.
2. Arctic Ocean.
3. Atlantic Ocean.
4. Pacific Ocean.
Q= The Maldives are located in which Ocean?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= The Islands of Hawaii is Home to the World's biggest Volcano.
What is its name?
A= Mauna Loa.
Q= What is an Atoll?
A= A Ring-Shaped Coral Island Encircling a Lagoon.
Q= Which is the odd one out?
A= Iceland.
Episode: Amazing Planet, North American National Parks (NP).
Q= Which Federal Agency was established to manage the NP?
A= National Park Services.
Q= Which U.S. President is the only one to have a NP named after
A= Theodore Roosevelt.
Q= What do you see?
1. Lake.
2. Mountain.
3. Geyser.
4. Giant Sequoia.
Q= What type of geological feature's old Faithful?
A= Geyser.
Q= Order these from largest to smallest.
1. Wrangell-ST. Elias NP.
2. Yellowstone NP.
3. Badlands NP.
4. Hot Springs NP.
Q= Which was the first NP?
A= Yellowstone NP.
Q= Which is the smallest of the U.S. NP?
A= Hot Spring NP.
Q= Which of these Rivers runs through Rocky Mountain NP?
A= Colorado River.
Q= Which NP sees most Visitors each year?
A= Great Smoky Mountains NP.
Q= Facts...
A= Grand Canyon NP.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Amazon.
Q= What is the name of the River that runs through the Amazon
A= Amazon.
Q= Which of the following is a popular Rainforest Bird?
A= Toucan.
Q= What colour is the Amazon River Dolphin?
A= Pink.
Q= What were the Spanish Conquistadores looking for in the Amazon
A= A Golden City.
Q= What is the upper layer in a Rainforest called?
A= Canopy.
Q= What class do these Animals belong to?
1. Bird.
2. Fish.
3. Bird.
4. Amphibian.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bird Eating Spider.
2. Horned Frog.
3. Harpy Eagle.
4. Toucan.
Episode: Amazing Planet, Madagascar.
Q= Where is Madagascar located?
A= Indian Ocean.
Q= Which of these is an Owl endemic to Madagascar?
A= Madagascar Red Owl.
Q= What are Lemurs?
A= Primates.
Q= What Phenomenon is threatening the future of the Lemur?
A= Deforestation.
Q= Where do most Lemurs spend the majority of their time?
A= In the Trees.
Q= What is the total Area of Madagascar?
A= 587,040KM/2.
Q= Which of these are not found on Madagascar?
A= Glaciers.
Q= Which of these is a Madagascan River?
A= Ikopa.
Q= What do you see?
1. Gecko.
2. Gila Monster.
3. Montor Lizard.
4. Chameleon.
Q= Facts...
A= Ring Tailed Lemur.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Dangerous Dens.
Q= Pregnant Polar Bears create a Den known as what?
A= Maternity Den.
Q= What is the term used to describe Baby Foxes?
A= Kits.
Q= How do Spotted Hyenas sometimes obtain their Dens?
A= Use abandoned ones.
Q= Letters.
1. Badger.
2. Fox.
3. Polar.
4. Cougar.
Q= Which of the following Animals can be found in the wild in Europe?
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. No.
5. Yes.
Q= What do you see?
1. Polar Bear Cub in Den.
2. Cougar.
3. Badger.
4. Red Fox.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Slumbering Bears.
Q= What time of the year do most Animals hibernate?
A= Winter.
Q= Letters.
1. Resting.
2. Sleeping.
3. Snoozing.
4. Hibernation.
Q= Which of the following is a place where Bears hibernate?
A= Inside hollow Trees.
Q= What is different about the Koala in relation to other Bears?
A= It is not actually a Bear.
Q= The Brown Bear can be found in Northern Eurasia and where else?
A= Northern North America.
Q= Which of these is a subspecies of Brown Bear?
A= Tibetan Blue Bear.
Q= Facts...
A= Grizzly Bear.
Q= Where can the Giant Panda be found?
A= China.
Q= What do Giant Pandas eat?
A= Bamboo.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bear walking in Snow.
2. Polar Bear Den.
3. Bear emerging from Den.
4. Bear hibernating.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Smell.
Q= What are Stink Bugs usually in the shape of?
A= A Shield.
Q= With what do Wolverines mark their skill?
A= A strong smell.
Q= What do you see?
1. Bear Roaring.
2. Bear Standing.
3. Green Stink Bug.
4. Red Stink Bug.
Q= Letters.
1. Territory.
2. Marking.
3. Predators.
4. Hunting.
Q= A Snake's tongue is...
A= Forked.
Q= What does a Mouse's sense of smell help it to avoid?
A= Predators.
Q= Why do Moles have a well developed sense of smell?
A= To find food.
Q= Where in the World can the following Animals be found?
1. Europe.
2. North America.
3. Asia.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Deadly Asia.
Q= What type of Animal is the Slender Loris?
A= Mammal.
Q= What Animal grouping does a Giant Centipede belong too?
A= Arthropod.
Q= Name an Animal that the Terrestrial Banded Krait does not prey on.
A= Leopard.
Q= Facts...
A= King Cobra.
Q= How many Rhino species can be found in Asia?
A= 3
Q= Which of these was the name of a species of Rhinoceros (that could
be found in the Himalaya) which became extinct during the Pleistocene
A= Woolly Rhino.
Q= Letters.
1. Eastern Coral Snake.
2. King Cobra.
3. Reticulated Python.
4. Malayan Pit Viper.
Q= What do you see?
1. Krait.
2. Giant Centipede.
3. Slender Loris.
3. McGregor's Pit Viper.
Q= Letters.
1. Malayan Pit Viper.
2. Asian Forest Scorpion.
3. Giant Centipede.
4. Snow Leopard.
Q= What is unusual about the diet of a Slender Loris, considering it is
a primate?
A= They mostly prey on Insects.
Episode: Dangerous Encounters, Food.
Q= Which of the following do Flies not eat?
A= Glue.
Q= What teeth do Humans use to crush food to be digested?
A= Molars.
Q= Letters.
1. Vomit.
2. Trapped.
3. Brain.
4. Digestion.
Q= A Fly's tongue works like...
A= A Straw.
Q= What do Flies do with a meal before eating it?
A= Vomit on it.
Q= What triggers a Venus Fly Trap to close around its prey?
A= Trigger Hairs.
Q= Facts...
A= Cordyceps.
Q= How do Starfish eat?
A= By forcing their stomachs out of their mouths and pulling the food in
using it.
Q= How do Snakes eat their food?
A= By swallowing their prey whole.
Q= What do you see?
1. Open Venus Flytrap.
2. Robber Fly.
3. Cordyceps.
4. Black Caiman.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Tiny Fish.
Q= What is the Royal Gramma a Species of?
A= Basslet.
Q= Apart from the markings, Neon Tetra Bodies are...
A= Transparent.
Q= Which of the following Animals doesn't eat Goby?
A= Emperor Penguins.
Q= Facts...
A= Royal Gramma.
Q= Why do Elegant Firefish Owners have to be careful with
their Aquariums Security?
A= Firefish like leaping.
Q= The Round Goby, an invasive Species in the Great Lakes
of North America, is Native to which Landlocked Sea?
A= Caspian Sea.
Q= The Family of Fish Gobiidae contains approximately how
many Species?
A= Over 2000.
Q= Letters.
1. Aquarium.
2. Tiny Fish.
3. Symbiosis.
4. Shoaling.
Q= What do you see?
1. Goby with Orange Spots.
2. Black Goby.
3. Transparent Goby.
4. Orange Goby.
Q= Which of the following best describes Gobies?
A= Most are small.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Scary Shallows.
Q= What was the name of the Amphibian also known as a Waterdog?
A= Mudpuppy.
Q= Which of the following will bite Divers to defend its Eggs?
A= Gray Triggerfish.
Q= What do Lamprey use to cling on to their Hosts?
A= Many Teeth.
Q= What do you see?
1. Mudpuppy.
2. Remora.
3. Lamprey.
4. Lemon Shark.
Q= Fish living in the Shallows are vulnerable to which of the following?
A= Hunting Birds.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Giant Clams.
Q= Giant Clams often trap Divers.
A= False.
Q= Giant Clam can swallow a Man in one gulp.
A= False.
Q= Giant Clams can live up to 100 years.
A= True.
Q= Giant Clams can grow up to 1.2m.
A= True.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Fish Swarms.
Q= Which of these is another name for a Swarm of Fish?
A= Shoal.
Q= Where do you find Schooling Fish?
A= In all the World's Oceans and Seas.
Q= What is the Picture of?
A= A School of Black Jack Fish.
Q= What is the difference between a Shoal and a School?
A= Fish in a School move in Synchronicity.
Q= Which of these is an advantage to Swarming Fish?
A= A Group provides better Protection from Predators.
Q= What do you see?
1. A Sailfish.
2. Atlantic Cod.
3. A Tuna.
4. A School of Jack Fish.
Q= Which of these is a disadvantage to Swarming Fish?
A= Food Depletion.
Q= Letters.
1. Swim.
2. School.
3. Swarm.
4. Shoal.
Q= Are they shorter or longer in length?
A= Shorter.
Q= Are they shorter or longer in length?
A= Shorter.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Seahorses & Dragons.
Q= What Family do Seahorses belong to?
A= Syngnathidae.
Q= How did Seadragons get their name?
A= Because their Fins resemble Dragon Wings.
Q= What do you see?
1. Leafy Seadragon.
2. Weedy Seadragon.
3. Pipefish.
4. Seahorse.
Q= Seahorses can change their Colour to match their Surroundings.
A= True.
Q= Seahorses can swim at a speed of 40 Knots.
A= False.
Q= Seahorses gang up together to Hunt bigger Fish.
A= False.
Q= Seahorses are Blind.
A= False.
Q= Facts...
A= Leafy Seadragon.
Q= In which Country are Seadragons Endemic?
A= Australia.
Q= Which Word best describes a Seahorse's Tail?
A= Prehensile.
Episode: Aquatic Life, Marine Molluscs.
Q= Cuttlefish are sometimes referred to as...
A= Chameleons of the Sea.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Hermit Crab.
Q= Molluscs have soft Bodies.
A= True.
Q= All Molluscs have outer Shells.
A= False.
Q= All Molluscs have Tentacles.
A= False.
Q= All Molluscs are Invertebrates.
A= True.
Q= Which one is the odd one out?
A= Nautilus.
Q= Cuttlefish use their Ink for what purpose?
A= Defence.
Q= Tritons are named after...
A= A Greek God.
Q= What do you see?
1. Cockle.
2. Oyster.
3. Mussel.
4. Clam.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Prey.
Q= What do some Prey use in order to avoid Predators?
A= Camouflage.
Q= Some Animals that are faced with predation will give birth
to Offspring that are able to do what within hours of being born?
A= Run.
Q= Which of these Animals do not attack in Groups as a
defence mechanism?
A= Gazelle.
Q= Letters.
1. Mimicry.
2. Stinging.
3. Mobbing.
4. Stotting.
Q= This Animal is brightly coloured in order to let Predators
A= It's Poisonous.
Q= Why does the Rattlesnake rattle its Tail?
A= To warn Predators.
Q= What is the killing of more Prey than is necessary by a
single Predator called?
A= Surplus killing.
Q= What is the technique of imitating another Animal called?
A= Mimicry.
Q= What is it called when Prey attack Predators together to
defend themselves?
A= Mobbing.
Q= Why do some Animals form Groups?
A= Safety in Numbers.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Domesticated Predators.
Q= Which Dog breed has been banned in several Countries for being
A= Pit Bull Terrier.
Q= Which domestic Dog breed has received an unfair reputation as
being excessively violent?
A= Doberman.
Q= What is it?
A= Rottweiler.
Q= What do you see?
1. Dog.
2. Cat.
3. Barn Owl.
4. Rabbit.
Q= Letters.
1. Snake.
2. Budgie.
3. Dog.
4. Cat.
Q= Pit Bull Terriers have been involved in fatal attacks on Children.
A= True.
Q= The Bobcat is a domesticated Cat?
A= False.
Q= Selective breeding has been used to create Wild Cat lookalikes.
A= True.
Q= A Doberman's full name is Doberman Pinscher.
A= True.
Q= Which Cat breed is a domestic hybrid of the Asian Leopard Cat?
A= Bengal Cat.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Under-Rated Predators.
Q= Name the place that the Honey Badger cannot be found?
A= Canada.
Q= Which of the following is one of a Honey Badger's main Weapons?
A= Teeth.
Q= Name a Animal in Madagascar that the Fossa does not feed on.
A= Polar Bears.
Q= What do you see?
1. Chameleon.
2. Fossa.
3. River Otter.
4. Portia Spider.
Q= Capable of hunting Penguins and even other Seals, Leopard Seals
also eat which of the following?
A= Cephalopods.
Q= Which of these is the odd one out?
A= Chameleon.
Q= Name the Country where the Fossa can be found.
A= Madagascar.
Q= The Portia Spider uses many ingenious techniques to catch other
Spiders but which of the following methods is not true.
A= Spitting Poison into their Victim's Face.
Q= The River Otter is a member of the same Family as the...
A= Weasel.
Q= North American River Otters hibernate during which Season?
A= They do not hibernate.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Tiny Terrors.
Q= The Weasel is known to perform a...?
A= War Dance.
Q= On which Continent would you find Meerkats in their natural habitat?
A= Africa.
Q= Order from smallest to biggest.
1. Ladybird.
2 Lesser White-Toothed Shrew.
3. Weasel.
4. Dwarf Caiman.
Q= Letters.
1. Vole.
2. Rodent.
3. Squirrel.
4. Raccoon.
Q= Voles can be found in Eurasia.
A= True.
Q= Red Squirrels are a Species native to Europe.
A= True.
Q= Meerkats are burrowing Animals.
A= True.
Q= Moles are mostly blind.
A= True.
Q= Which Industry can be affected by populations of Moles?
A= Agriculture.
Q= What do you see?
1. Weasel.
2. Meerkat.
3. Wolf Pups.
4. Ferret.
Episode: Predators VS. Prey, Hidden Predators.
Q= What is the name of the colour changing hunters?
A= Chameleon.
Q= Which of these occupations would not normally use Camouflage?
A= Police.
Q= Which of these is an Insect that uses Camouflage to hunt?
A= Praying Mantis.
Q= What do you see?
1. Antlion.
2. Praying Mantis.
3. Chameleon.
4. Stick Insect.
Q= Which of these Animals do not use Camouflage?
A= Poison Arrow Frogs.
Q= Which of these Animals do not use Concealing Camouflage?
A= Tigers.
Q= What kind of Camouflage is this Animal showing?
A= Concealing Camouflage.
Q= Which skill is exhibited by Chameleons?
A= Camouflage.
Q= Chameleons use which body part to hunt?
A= Tongue.
Q= Which Creature is pictured here Camouflaged to catch its Prey?
A= Praying Mantis.
Hope this guide was helpful :-)
Great guide. Thanks for putting in the hard work.
By Ian 1485 on 30 Mar 2012 16:50
Thank you :)
By HellCreeper666 on 31 Mar 2012 01:46