NCAA Basketball 09

NCAA Basketball 09

21 Achievements


Xbox 360
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McDonald's® All-American Game

McDonald's® All-American Game

Played and won the McDonald's® All-American game at All-Conference or higher.


How to unlock the McDonald's® All-American Game achievement in NCAA Basketball 09 - Definitive Guide

I am not sure what some have heard about this achievement, but I gained it in the Dynasty off-season after my first year. Following the Final Four as you progress through your calendar, you will be presented with a McDonald's All-American Game. It does not matter which team you play with (East or West). Just remember to set the difficulty to All-Conference or higher, you can adjust the game time length to 2 minute halves (or longer if you want more of a challenge) and all other sliders. Just play and win, the achievement unlocks after the handshakes.

01 May 2009 00:51

1 Comment
To add to BillJones' solution, I'm fairly certain that if you are losing at the end of the second half, you can pause and exit the game and then restart the game from the Dynasty Menu. I've used this for games I'm losing in my Dynasty while going for the 30 wins in 3 consecutive seasons. If I go back to the game and win, it counts as a win for me.
By Smeds on 10 Jan 2010 16:25
At the beggining of your season play and win the All-American game.

NOTE: Make sure it's on All-Conference difficulty.
1 Comment
McDonald's All-American game should appear in the off-season of your Dynasty career.
By BillJones0302 on 01 May 2009 00:53
You can only play this game in the off-season of Dynasty Mode. It does not matter what team you select to play with. Make sure the difficulty is set to All-Conference and set the Half Length to 2 minutes. Save your Dynasty before this game so if you lose the game you can just load up your save and play the game again.