NCAA Football 08

NCAA Football 08

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Block a Field Goal

Block a Field Goal

Block a field goal in a Play Now or Dynasty Mode game.


How to unlock the Block a Field Goal achievement in NCAA Football 08 - Definitive Guide

This solution seems to be getting very familiar.

In your game rules settings, turn the offsides penalty slider all the way to the left (0). Allow the opposition to get within field goal range, and then position your defender on their side of scrimmage (being careful not to touch anybody else before the snap) and next to their quarterback. Pick up three easy sacks - careful not to push them out of range - and force a fourth down situation.

When the opposing kicker lines up for the field goal, use the same strategy, but place your defender close to the holder and wait for the snap. It should be very easy to block the kick. If you miss, punt the ball away on first down of your next possession and repeat the steps above.

24 Jun 2009 13:09

The easiest way to get this and any of the other "in-game" achievements is to turn off offsides and penalties and change all the sliders in your favor by putting yourself to 100 and the CPU to 0. You can also edit a team's roster so their players have horrible stats and play against that team.