NCAA Football 08

NCAA Football 08

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Win by 21

Win by 21

Win a Play Now or Dynasty Mode game by 21 points or more.


How to unlock the Win by 21 achievement in NCAA Football 08 - Definitive Guide

Adjust the sliders to your advantage (max out the user sliders and decrease the computer AI sliders).

As long as the sliders are in your favor, this is pretty simple. One of the easiest things to do is also to turn off offsides (by adjusting its associated penalty slider all the way to the left) and sack the quarterback as soon as he snaps the ball to prevent the computer from even having a chance to score.

Once you have the ball, just pass or rush your way to a 21 or more point lead and finish out the game.

29 Jun 2009 07:23

just score 21 points more than your opponent. Note: if you score more than 100 points you have to score the 21 points or more before the game ends. I just did a match and I didn't get any achievements at the end of the game cause I scored more than 100 points. So just watch how many points you get so that it doesn't glitch the achievement like it did on me. Happy Hunting.

30 Sep 2012 00:03