NCAA Football 09
49 Achievements
Xbox 360
Get Creative
On a non-option play, score a TD with at least one lateral.
How to unlock the Get Creative achievement in NCAA Football 09 - Definitive Guide
Use two controllers and have the controller being used to get the achievement pick a much better team than the other controller in Play Now. Have your opponent go into FG Block and call a Hail Mary. Pass the ball to a wide-open receiver immediately and then get near another open reciever and tap LT to pass the ball to them, running the ball in the remainder of the way for a TD. Pop.
By CAPP360 on 10 Feb 2011 17:17
By xX C Town Xx on 07 Aug 2011 15:42
So it's an old game, but I just stumbled upon the easiest way to get this, without needing another controller. Simply run a running play, and the moment you cross the line, hit the lateral button, you'll toss it to nobody, but the touchdown will count and the achievement will pop!
1 Comment
I think you got extremely lucky, as I have tried this 10+ times and it has not worked for me.
By TheBigAndy on 14 Jul 2014 05:59
Using the 2 controller method... While your on offense pick the Hail Mary. Select "Field Goal Block" for your 2nd controller. When the play starts they will rush at you, dump the ball to one of your 4 receivers wide open and run down the field. Once your down field group with your guys and lateral () to one of them and then score your TD.