NCAA Football 09

NCAA Football 09

49 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Ice In Your Veins

Ice In Your Veins

Be the hero and win a game by taking the lead as time expires.


How to unlock the Ice In Your Veins achievement in NCAA Football 09 - Definitive Guide

Start a Play Now game and choose the teams you prefer and set the quarters to 2 mins and turn off the play clock and ice the kicker and all the penalties and lower all the cpu's attributes . If you get the opening kick off run out of bounds on the two yard line and let the opposing team get a safety on you than when you get the ball back run down the clock until haltime . Than when you start the 3rd and 4th quarter keep the ball as close to the other teams end zone run the clock and when it gets down to 2 seconds left in the game kick a field goal and the achievement will pop a few seconds after the win .

08 Jul 2011 01:12

Just like it sounds, all you have to do is keep the game close until the very end, and score either by FG or TD once the clock hits zero.

The only real way to try to pull this off, is to try to cap yourself during the game (punt away when you really dont have to), so that you don't score too much that the other team can't catch up.

06 Apr 2009 15:06

1 Comment
if you look at the solutions for ice the kicker and g8 pontiac achieve you can do all 3 at same time. just go for 2 on ur first td and wait till 20 or so seconds till you do a fg. because of the 2 pointer it will tie you up after 2nd td and they will ice you. than you can kick the fg after (if) they ice you and you could get all 3 at the same time.
By xXxN1GHTFALLxXx on 13 Sep 2010 21:31

Follow the offsides trick to auto-sack the QB but move away from the QB some. Now when the QB hikes the ball either go up or down on the towards the QB to sack him with a hit stick. If that doesnt work stand in front of the Punter on 4th down and use the same trick.

What I did was, I punted the ball and then my opponents Punt Returner didn't call Fair Catch, so I Hit Sticked him and the ball came out, then the achievement unlocked.