NCAA Football 09

NCAA Football 09

49 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Is That Even Legal?

Is That Even Legal?

Return a missed field goal for a touchdown. Only valid in Play Now or Dynasty Mode.


How to unlock the Is That Even Legal? achievement in NCAA Football 09 - Definitive Guide

The easiest way to do this is use two controllers using freshman difficulty. Kickoff to the 2nd controller. Then on first down have them try an impossible field goal from 70 yards away. Set your defense to "Field Goal Block Return". That will put a man back to return the field goal. If you don't run it back punt it to the 2nd controller have them try another long field goal. Just keep repeating until you get it.

27 Mar 2009 04:33

Good guide. But Xanothus tip worked on the first try. Suh-weet!! smile
By ImHimDownStairz on 15 Apr 2013 02:53
I tried to do it using the play "Field Goal Block Return" and my team would never catch it. I switched up and used the basic "Cover 3" and they caught it first time, then I ran it back and the achievement popped. You might want to add that into your guide if others are having difficulty with the Field Goal Block Return play working. Otherwise, good guide.
By Xanothus on 30 Sep 2011 11:16
Did it the Xanothus and got it first try.
By GunsTanksCannon on 27 Jul 2013 00:44
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Using the 2 controller method... As soon as you start a game select "Field Goal" with your second controller (If on offense, if contoller 1 is on offense just punt to the 2nd controller). Select "FG Block Return" with your controller. Now press down on the right stick to kick the ball, but dont press up and it will be a short kick. Your guy should run up and catch/attempt to catch the ball (If he isnt getting to the ball in time, before you kick the ball move him forward a little bit). Run through the defenders and score a TD. *Keep trying the method of you punting when you get the ball, and controller 2 kicking FG's everytime it has the ball*