NCAA Football 09

NCAA Football 09

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Mr. February

Mr. February

Have the #1 ranked recruiting class in a season in single team Dynasty Mode.


How to unlock the Mr. February achievement in NCAA Football 09 - Definitive Guide

Use the Florida Gators and sim seasons you DO NOT need to win every game and the national championship, im sure its recomned but what i did was in pre season recuiting select "Search prospects" now go down to "Interest" and scroll over to "top school" now when you hit that every one who wants to be in your school will pop up, snag all the 5 and 4 stars now go back and hit top 3 and take all 5 stars and a few 4 stars now make it so you have 20- 25 prospects, cause now when you sim through the computer will pick up a few guys like 3 stars and they help, now i saved right here.

now sim through the season i lost 3 games won the SEC chapionship and the sugar bowl and going into off season as rank 9.

so i have proof that you dont need to be number one

now if every thing went well in regular season you should be nuber one on the board as of now or top 3.
If so save now, if your not satisfied load.

Now sim the off season and if your not number one then re-load just keep trying this method it clearly worked for me it should help you too.

Some more tips:

Create a prospect, its best to make them a 95-99 and make sure there from GAINSVILLE FL cause that is where the gators team is and this should help also.

26 Feb 2009 20:02

how do you tell what number you are on the board?
By HP HAWKEYES on 24 Sep 2009 03:15
this took a few tries but it did eventually work for me. just like in the real bcs, losses earlier in the season have less of an effect than those later on so keep that in mind.
By Oki Gator on 24 May 2010 14:17
can you only control one team to get it...because i controlled florida and ohio state and it didnt pop up
By Pizzaman7294 on 20 Jun 2010 21:10
yea unfortunately i think you only use one team. but i dont remember, its been like 2 years sinc ei poped it.
By JFriZz0424 on 21 Jun 2010 01:34
@ Pizzaman7294- Yea i dont recall when I lost the games but i do know that i finshed the season as No.9 out of the top 25 and im glad every thing worked out for you.
By JFriZz0424 on 21 Jun 2010 01:39
Pizzaman, the achievement says "single team Dynasty" so you can't use more than one team.
By Sashamorning on 05 Aug 2010 08:40
3 seasons in. still didnt work.
By prokop on 27 Aug 2010 20:12
then start over because I cant predict the outcome of the gators 3 seasons form whe i made this. Then keeping trying, it helped 12 people and it will help you.
By JFriZz0424 on 27 Aug 2010 20:27
you should add in : sim to week 5 then check you recruits on your board to see if any have signed elsewhere so you can put different recruits in their place.

i tried what you said and it wasnt working so i took my time and just simmed threw every week to check my recruits by week 15 i had 7 5star and 9 4star so i just simmed the off season.
By P4NDA CAKES on 06 Sep 2010 22:36
@ HP HAWKEYES : press then scroll down one to *recruitment* then look at *top schools*
By P4NDA CAKES on 06 Sep 2010 22:37
Worked great. Got it in the 1st year. I didn't change anything, just simmed one season with Fla only and it popped. I would suggest to make sure your recruitment board is always filled with players that haven't committed to other schools.
By Curtieson on 29 Nov 2010 01:06
took a lot of tries but i got it eventually using michigan though
By SamuelC4 on 18 Dec 2010 06:30
Thanks, worked first try when I followed the instructions properly. I somehow missed the part about the 2nd search for being in a prospect's top 3 schools. After I did that I was number 1 and it popped in the offseason.
By Bill 13 on 14 Jan 2011 05:32
Had to reload my save but got it 2nd time. +1 smile
By VRETENAR 906 on 18 Sep 2014 22:21
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I found the other methods time consuming. Here's what worked for me.

I used Florida Gartors #5 (any top 5 school should work though)
Went undefeated in the first season and won the national championship. At the end of the season you can check recruiting.

Go to "top classes" under recruiting. If you are in the top 3 classes continue. You don't have to save. If you are not in the top 3 classes make note of what teams are.

Go back to the season schedule and you should get a "coaching job offer" to another school. If one of those offers are for one of the top three recruiting classes accept the offer to coach at that school. If not you can quit and try again. (this is why you don't save after winning the national championship)

If you do get a job offer for one of the schools in the top 3 recruiting classes continue to sim the rest of recruiting (5 weeks) at the end check "top classes" again. If your school is #1 continue simming the rest of the off season and achievement should pop up.

If your school is not #1 recruiting class, quit dynasty and try again. Using the same method above. This technique only took me 2 tries.

I started as Florida and accepted a coaching offer to Ohio which had the #1 recruiting class.

13 Jan 2011 20:06

Started with Florida, went undefeated won the Heisman and BCS and was still 7th or lower in draft class. Got an offer from Michigan who was currently #1 and was able to easily net this achievement and Oil Tycoon as an added bonus. NICE!!!!
By SPECTREON on 20 Aug 2011 13:32
I didn't follow this to a t but used this post as a guide. I simply summed the whole season, won the heisman, finished second in the nation and got a championship bid. Then I summed the championship game and lost to OU. Started a new season then achievement popped. I figure I got lucky.
By Blashyrkh#4267 on 06 Dec 2011 05:54
I got this on the very first try with Florida by going 13-1, thanks MrGompers! I did save at the end of the season since I was the top class. Figured I would get the best recruits the following season and I still was all good.
By stevezep19 on 16 Apr 2012 23:06
I did it manually for an entire season with Texas and went undefeated and was still #7 in recruiting. I got a job offer from LSU (#3) and accepted and every time I would simulate through for each one, Michigan would always be #1, so I decided to keep reloading my save until I got the job offer from Michigan and sure enough it popped. Thanks for the advice, even though I didn't follow it exactly.
By Soulbleed426 on 10 Aug 2016 18:32
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Simplified version as I was having problems using others techniques.

-Selected Florida (Rank #5)
-Created 12 Prospects (QB, WR x 2, HB, TE, C, MLB, CB x 2, FS, SS, RE) Just changed surnames to "ProspectXX" for easy ID, Set all with 99s in proper categories with Gainsville, FL as hometown.
-Edited Schedule to A+ by swapping in Ranked teams. Try setting higher ranked teams earlier in the schedule (in hopes that they stay near the top when you have to play them).
-Selected all of my ProspectXX drones and filled the remainder of the 35 slots with 5-star players on the Recruiting Board.
-Sim to Regular Season.
-Sim past lesser teams.
-You can likely just sim past the ranked guys too but rather than repeat the loading process I just ran 1 Min Quarters, No Offsides, No Play-clock when faced with a ranked Team.
-Saved after each win to stay undefeated.
-Recruiting class hit #1 after week 6. (9 5-star, 3 4-Star)
-Continued to Sim/Play through to Conference and BCS wins.
-Ach Popped during off-season housekeeping sim. No need to start a second year. YAY!

I realize this is really an amalgam of many users solutions but I'd run 2 Dynasties using popular solutions with no success, so hopefully having another take will help those still struggling to get Lee Corso's voice out of their heads. ;)

20 Oct 2010 20:27

Great job summing it up, this is exactly what worked for me. It seems the top class recruiting ranks give preference to 5 star recruits. I think five star recruits are weighted, probably as much that it would take three four star recruits to offset one five star.
By Xanothus on 30 Sep 2011 12:40
Thanks, Xanothus. I'm glad it worked for you!
By Beac on 30 Sep 2011 14:47
This one worked perfectly for me. Only thing extra I did was up all Florida's starting players stats as well to gurantee winning every game.... All in all, great guide and helped me out
By M0NKEY R4NGER on 29 Jun 2012 13:08
Tried all the other solutions, got nothing. Gave this guide a shot got it first attempt! I didn't get the #1 Recruiting Class till late in the season after Week 11. Achievement popped during off-season sim. Thanks!!!
By OspreyAttack on 26 Feb 2019 22:07
Great! Glad it's still working for folks. :)
By Beac on 17 May 2019 20:32
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Here’s a solution that worked for me.

Play or Sim a season with a team with Full Prestige, and finish with no more than 1 loss, and winning your Bowl game.
Target, only 5, 4, and 3 star recruits.
Make sure to keep them satisfied with Quick Calls, Call Prospect and Promises(after year 1).
Keep an eye on their Interest if you’re not in the top three after 1 week of “calls” move on to safer prospects.
You don’t have to target only within your pipeline I’ve actually found it harder than necessary if you try do that.
Creating the recruits is a waste of time, even if you create 15 most times you’ll wind up getting 5 of them. But not getting the top class since it’s an overall rating of the class not just 5 star guys.

With this “Method” I was the “Top Recruiting Class” by week 4, the achievement won’t pop until the whole recruiting season ends so just maintain the ranking, by adding other 3 and 4 star recruits and it will pop.

22 Apr 2013 18:39

Alright this achievement is way easier in this year's game than in last year's game. What I did was I played as the Florida Gators. I made sure I went undefeated and won the SEC Championship. Then Tebow won the Heisman(Don't think that helped though), and I also won the BCS Championship. Once you go to the Offseason screen, just sim to the Recruiting Phase, then once there, sim through Week 5, now once Week 5 is over, go to Top Classes and if you're No.1 and the achievement hasn't unlocked yet don't worry as it will not unlock until you start simming the rest of the offseason.

Like I said I chose Florida, but anybody in the Top 10 will work, but for some reason I couldn't get the No.1 draft class with Georgia. I would suggest either picking Florida, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, or Tennessee as they are highly ranked and are well known. teams.

Save your dynasty before you start the recruiting phase in the off season. If you don't get it after the first season, just load your dynasty back up and try again. Also, during the season, try some in season recruiting as that will also help out towards getting this achievement.