Neon Chrome

Neon Chrome

14 Achievements

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Finish a normal level without being seen.


How to unlock the Sneaky achievement in Neon Chrome - Definitive Guide

An additional solution, which is 99% foolproof: find a floor with the "Crime Against Humanity" modifier.

Sometimes floors will have random modifiers attached and they appear gold on the level screen. I've only ever seen "Crime Against Humanity" it appear on Level 2 (floors 5-8), but it removes all the enemies in the entire floor, except for one powerful boss enemy.

Just run through the level (avoiding the boss) and you should be good -- it's that simple. If you mess up and the boss sees you, just save & quit, and when you continue, you'll be at the start of the room with the modifier still intact.

The only annoying thing about this is trying to get the modifier to appear. You can farm for it by starting on Level 2 and resetting if there are no gold levels, or just stumble upon it naturally while going for some of the grindy achievements.

Here's a video of my run -- I didn't even see the boss enemy, which made it even easier. I used xbox DVR so the achievement pop sadly isn't recorded, but if you prefer a visual guide here you go:
Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

11 Jun 2019 18:26

Cool solution. I could never get this to appear, however, your tip on Saving & Continuing did help when I encountered a room with only 1 enemy on it. For me, it was level 8. Some text appeared right at the beginning with a lot of dead bodies on the floor, saying something must've gone wrong. About halfway through, there was one guard and he spotted me. As I ran to the exit, I didn't see any other enemies on the level. So, I did the save/quit/continue method a few times until I was able to sneak past that one enemy to the exit and the achievement unlocked when I reached level 9.
Maybe others out there will get lucky to encounter something similar with only one enemy on the level. Thanks for your tips, plus one.
By Broon43 on 31 Jul 2019 18:28
Have to submit to the RNG but it works like a charm. +1
By FreakyRO on 17 Sep 2019 18:39
stumbled upon this while I was running through the 20 levels for the other achievement, worked like a charm!
By cowboykiller360 on 22 Oct 2019 03:33
Looks like this might take a few tries, found this version of the room, but reinforcements showed up right away a little after entering, and the boss type enemy was right next to a door for me, so there was no way to avoid it. There was actually an elevator right away, but it was a purple one to a special room, and I guess they don't count, must have to be a green one.

OK, after some tries to find the room, I finally found a "Crime Against Humanity" that worked just fine!
By EarthboundX on 27 Nov 2019 09:16
I was trying to farm this on the second tier (missions 5-8) as suggested and came upon a different gold mission called Eerie Silence I think? Anyway, I was able to melee a couple of guys from behind, collect the red key and exit the green door before reinforcements arrived. I wasn't playing as Assassin if that helps. I did restart once I had a look at the level just so I knew where the bad guys were.
By Wiznyatt on 28 Jan 2020 22:11
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The other two solution seems pretty sound, but I found an alternate method that worked for me.

Instead of focusing on this achievement, I was running through the game collecting credits and unlocking equipment for the grind achievements.

I would pick up keys, but not use them if I didn't have to (if the rooms could be entered by destroying walls or if there was nothing useful in the room).

Anyways, during level 3, There was an exit near the entrance, but needed a key. Since I already had a key (they carry over from previous rooms) I was able to just head immediately to the exit without encountering any enemies.

This isn't a practical strategy, as there is much luck involved, but if you plan on getting the grinds out of the way (better stats and equipment will make the other solutions work better anyways) there is no harm in collecting keys and hoping for this outcome along the way.

23 Aug 2018 12:32

A quick note that the Hacker's drone getting in combat does not count as being seen. I got this by hanging back and letting the drone take out the enemies. I fired Mini-Missiles from the next room and cleaned up the stragglers. Much easier than with the Assassin, which always got me spotted when an enemy bumped into me.

17 Jun 2016 21:44

Thanks guys for the this game.
By D1v1dedL1nes on 21 Aug 2016 17:51
Wonder if I'm doing something wrong? The drone usually gets killed after a few mobs.
By ugli on 06 Sep 2019 09:47
This is a tough, tough achievement, which CANNOT be boosted in co-op by having one person hang back and the other kill everything.

A normal room is any randomly generated level, not the special named rooms, such as the medication etc.

The only realistic way of doing this at the earliest opportunity is to pick an Assassin as your character - if you get the option.

The Assassin has a special skill - a purple eye icon will show when you're in a well lit area, and will change to just show a purple outline when you're in shadow.

In the shade, you cannot be spotted by enemies unless they walk right into you, which can be hard to avoid in the case of those damn spider-bots. Turrets also cannot detect you. You can move around in the shade, even in front of enemies, but if you step foot into the light while in the line of sight of either, they'll spot you straight away.

You can make kills, but unless you have a decent weapon and can kill in one shot - or shoot something in the back, which will be marked on screen near to the enemy as a "Stealth Attack" - it's very likely you'll be seen.

Progress slowly through the rooms, clearing enemies when it's safe and they are sparse, and hope the RNG puts the green elevevator near to you.

Finally, a tip from Kyo:
"Helps make it easier to get the enhancement that lets you stay invisible while not moving, works even in lit areas. Also found high damage weapons like the heavy rifle to be best for killing things in 1 shot."

Good luck!

28 May 2016 13:40

Thanks for the guide. I will attempt this later.
By FullMoonBeaver on 31 May 2016 11:39
Helps make it easier to get the enhancement that lets you stay invisible while not moving, works even in lit areas. Also found high damage weapons like the heavy rifle to be best for killing things in 1 shot.
By Shukuzen 粛然 on 17 Jun 2016 01:23
hey guys so the way i did this may come to a few of you kinda odd i went full out bombing with the ability called antioch grenades and the enhancement called nanoedge chameleon skin also using the gun called rg-115 Electron with this combo it made the lv pretty easy now the way i did it was i would throw in a grenade where ever i thought there was gonna be enemies and using the gun to pick off people that i just could not get
now the nano skin should make you undetectable when you are standing still i would suggest taking small steps and when ever you see enemies on your screen just bomb the hell out of them even if its just one just to be safe also keep your distance

i hope this helps as it did me

happy hunting

05 Aug 2019 01:29

This is by far the hardest miscellaneous achievement, and the one that relies on the most luck/RNG. I will go through a few ways that this achievement is possible, going from most reliable and practical to hardest but most opportunities to try.

Option 1 - Gold Level Modifier
I'm honestly not sure what triggers gold levels to show up, but I believe it's after you beat the game for the first time. I thought they were only showing up on Overseer 2.0, but then I lowered the difficulty and still saw many. When you play a gold level, the level will contain a random modifier. These modifiers can range from a huge level with less enemies, to mines everywhere, to constant reinforcements. There are two that are extremely conducive to this achievement though: Eerie Silence, or Crime Against Humanity. I'm honestly not entirely sure what Eerie Silence was supposed to do, but it seemed like if I didn't make any noises (no shooting, melee, abilities, etc.) enemies just ignored me. I was very clearly in enemies' line of sight, but they didn't react to me at all, and I was able to run right to the elevator and use it without anyone engaging me. If you get this and screw it up, use the Save and Exit exploit in the roadmap to try again. The other option, Crime Against Humanity, is one I've read about but never saw personally (as opposed to get Eerie Silence at least twice). Crime Against Humanity apparently eliminates all enemies on the level and instead there is one very strong boss enemy. This means you need to get to the elevator by just avoiding that single enemy instead. This is obviously the most practical, but in all my time with this game I never once saw this modifier.

Option 2 - Utilize Enhancements to Eliminate Enemies
There are two "instant" enhancements: one that immediately eliminates all human enemies, and another that eliminates all robot enemies. If you start a level with an enhancement station right by you (I've had this happen multiple times), you can use the Save and Exit exploit in the roadmap to restart the level over and over until the enhancement station gives you either of these two enhancements. Which one you want is dependent on the enemies in the level. In general, human enemies are easier to avoid but their placement can also screw you over entirely. There's never two enhancement stations in a level, so you'll only be able to eliminate one type of enemy or the other. I personally tried this method a few times but I found it practically impossible to avoid spider bot detection since their movement is so random.

Option 3 - "Legit" with the Assassin
The Assassin class is undetectable in darkness, which is shown via an onscreen indicator. This makes it way easier to pass by people unnoticed, but you'll assuredly still need to kill enemies to get past certain parts of a level. To do this, you need a high damage gun, because the only way to kill enemies with guns undetected is to kill them undetected (indicated by a "sneak attack" popup on screen when you shoot them) AND you need to kill them in the first bullet, because if you don't, even if you kill them an instant later with another bullet before they turn around, as soon as the exclamation mark shows above their head from being shot, it counts as being seen and voids this achievement. I tried to do this a few times with the Assassin but it's just really frustrating because one wrong move ruins it for the entire level. You can still use the Save and Exit exploit from the roadmap to try again on the same floor with the same layout, but you could end up spending a ton of time attempting this over and over.

Option 4 - "Legit" with Melee
I'm just guessing that this is one of the options the game expects you to utilize. There are a couple enhancements that drastically increase melee damage, and so you could approach all enemies from behind and melee them to kill them in a single hit without being seen. I personally never tried this, but I imagine it would be absurdly RNG, because sometimes enemies are just facing exactly where you're coming from and you have literally no way to avoid them. I don't recommend actually trying this method unless it somehow falls in your lap.

Option 5 - Hacker Drone
The Hacker class has a drone that flies around and attacks enemies. Enemies engaging with it and fighting it don't count as you being detected, so you could theoretically let your drone do all the fighting for you while you stay back and out of sight. I personally never tried this method, but I did use the Hacker class a couple times. The drone did fine with me, but if I wasn't shooting it seemed like enemies could take out the drone relatively easily. Maybe this would be possible on the first or second level of a run, but I can't imagine it being possible any later than that. I'm also not sure if any stat upgrades in the hub affect the Hacker's drone to make it stronger.

Another thing that can make this easier is if you have a leftover keycard from a previous floor that you can use to skip right to an exit and bypass the need to hunt one down on the current level. This may sound very situational, but you'll likely find it happens often while grinding special levels and unlockables - that you'll have extra keycards left over. Use leftover keycards along with the Save and Exit exploit from the roadmap and any of the options above to make this achievement easier to get.

Personally, the gold level modifiers are the most reliable to succeed but are the rarest and hardest to come by. You should assuredly come by a bunch though while grinding special levels and unlockables, so as long as you get either of the two mentioned in Option 1 above, take advantage of it and go for this achievement.
This in my opinion is the hardest trophy in the game. If an enemy sees you, an exclamation mark will appear above their heads. People and robots count for this so you can’t be seen by anything. Again there are a few options you can try for this:

Option 1- Play as the assassin load-out, you can hide in the shadows and not be seen, there will be an eye above your head which will indicate if you are hidden or not. Equip a heavy rifle or railgun for long distance single hit kills and try to sneak to the end.

Honestly though, this is hard. I’d personally do option 2 unless you are very skilled.

Option 2- The yellow level on floor 2 (see runner and pacifist) is by far the easiest way to achieve this trophy. If you don’t get the right level, disconnect your character and restart floor 2 until you see the yellow level and repeat until you get the right one. If you get the right level and mess it up, just QUIT and restart. Stress free.
Trophies Runner, Sneaky, Pacifist are taken at the same level. It's much simpler than it seems. I recommend saving these trophies for the end.

What you need to get the trophy:

1) There must be 2 speed improvements open (one gives +20, the other +10, and the character himself gives another +10)
2) You need a level where it is possible to go to an additional level (with a purple elevator), in such rooms, as a rule, the green elevator is very close to where you started. You need to go exactly to the green one to finish the level!
3) Take a character class with a bonus to speed and he also has invisibility.
4) We set the reboot level to 1.0 (after we complete the game, it will rise by +1), you can change it in the console at the starting location.
5) We start the level and just clear it and explore it. We remember the road and all the nuances. Then go to the menu and select exit. When the game starts, we will return to the beginning of the level with the timer reset.
6) When you run through the level, don’t shoot at anyone and don’t get noticed.

PS I completed it in 11 seconds.

11 Jun 2017 13:12

1 Comment
In addition to the previous tip:

We choose the Assasin class - it just gives an increase in speed and an invisibility perk in darkened areas of the map.
Then we just walk through the dark corners. It will be even easier to pass if you come across a special level (on the level diagram they are in a yellow frame) - there may be a level with the lights turned off - just go through it.

I can add from myself that it will be easier to do this trophy separately, clearing your way.
When shooting from an invisible weapon, you inflict critical damage and see the corresponding inscription, so you can navigate that you were not noticed.

PS turrets jumping out of the floor and kamikaze drones affect the receipt. You may not notice how a turret has popped up somewhere far away, and it may not even fire.
By kvintkonta on 12 Jun 2017 06:58