Neon Chrome

Neon Chrome

14 Achievements

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How to unlock the Unlocker achievement in Neon Chrome - Definitive Guide

Throughout your playthrough(s), you will come across cylindrical chests that have loot in them. They'll either be a weapon, ability, or enhancement. Each floor has a specific number of loot and you can check your overall progress on the big overseer board next to the chair you enter. Once you have unlocked something, you'll be able to purchase it for your next agent in the area above the chair.

You will unlock almost everything simply from finding these upgrade chests in the normal and special levels, but there are 8 gold chests which only appear select special levels (you enter a special level by going into a purple elevator instead of the green (exit) one).

Because each route to the Overseer is randomly generated for every new asset your choose, there is not a way to choose the special levels with gold chests in them. I recommend checking a guide against the names of the special levels you enter (or remembering it), that way when you actually get the special level with the gold chest, you won't miss it!

Hooloovoo has a great guide on the steam community site complete with annotated screenshots for the secret weapons, abilities, and enhancement which you can find here and I recommend you read it.

The special levels you need to watch for are:

* Fireworks (1st floor)
* Locked Out (2nd floor)
* Triple Towers (2nd or 3rd floor)
* Exordium Imports Inc. (3rd floor)
* Hovertank boss fight (3rd floor)
* Welcome Back? (4th floor)
* Commuter District (4th floor)
* Emergency Accomodation (5th floor)

For the Fireworks and Commuter District special levels, you will need a rocket or missile ability (or rocket launcher) and for Exordium Imports Inc. you will need an explosive ability or weapon. I unfortunately found the Fireworks level, but had a grenade launcher ability and I wasn't able to shoot across the gap to destroy things I needed to.

17 Jun 2017 05:55

Did you farm while on overseer 1?
By Vyger on 17 Jun 2017 14:05
To look for the gold chests, yes. Once your health and damage are high enough, you can run through the levels very quickly.
By Vestride on 17 Jun 2017 17:35
I'm not 100% sure about this. Special levels seem to come in at random order for the first time BUT cannot be entered again until all of them have been cleared. (there are quite a few per floor)

So this one is a bit less grindy to do the first time you get to special level.
Just keep abilities like rocket or mini missiles for fireworks. After that explosives.

Also enhancement: Armocore Explosive rounds should work in most cases of blowin' stuff up.
By Pystynen on 06 Jul 2017 17:57
The floors listed here are indeed 100% accurate. And the original guide on steam is great for visual aid. Thank you for the solution. smile

One quick note: Much like Fireworks, Commuter District requires long range explosives. Neither hand grenades nor the grenade launcher have enough reach. Mini-missiles will get it done!
By Healtti on 31 Aug 2019 07:18
Good guide! I'd add that if you come to a level requiring missiles/explosives and you don't have the required abilities, abort the level. That way, you've got a much better chance of that level appearing in future runs while it's cycling through each special level.

For example, I got to Fireworks and didn't have rockets. I completed the level, and then had to fish for ages waiting for that level to randomly show up again after I'd completed all the other special levels for floor 1.
By HeyMrBassman on 17 Jan 2020 08:08
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You will find unlockables throughout the game naturally. There are a few secret ones though:

Secret weapons

Laser pistol- Floor 1 Fireworks
Heavy Rifle- Floor 4 Welcome back?
Gauss Gun- Floor 2 Locked out
Blowtorch- Floor 3 Hovertank boss room

Secret Abilities

Antioch Grenade- Any floor Exordium Imports Inc
C4- Floor 4 Emergancy Accomodation
Piercing Pulse- Floor 2/3 Triple Towers

Secret Enhancement

Duramax Wall Smasher- Floor 4 Commuter District

Check the link below for an amazing in-depth guide and make a list of the special levels these appear in. I’d suggest having the rocket ability on you, mainly for the ‘fireworks’ level as it’s impossible to get it without.

Thanks Shuric1981 for the link

There are terminals in the main hub that will indicate which ones you are missing and what floor they are on. Remember; although the levels are randomly generated, you will unlock everything in an order. None are missable and all can be obtained through normal play. Just make sure you open everything in each level.
There are a total of 75 unlockables in the game, and the amount you have can be tracked on the giant screen on the right of your chair in the hub. Here, unlockables are weapons, abilities, and enhancements. You can see specifically which ones you have and don't have by going to the top of the hub to the crates for each and scrolling through what's available. Red items are ones that you haven't gotten from the blue gear towers, and if you hover over them, it'll tell you which Floor's levels you can find them in. Like with special levels that don't repeat, the blue gear towers will never repeat and will always give you something new until you've gotten all gear from that Floor's levels. This gear is all straightforward and just requires you to replay levels and open more blue gear towers to get more gear on that floor. The special levels via purple elevators are best for this, because each one is guaranteed to have a blue gear tower to open. Regular levels just have a random chance to contain a gear tower.

Beyond those normal gear chests, there are eight hidden gold gear chests with eight hidden items. These are represented by the question marks in the gear chests in the hub. Each one is found in a specific special level accessed via purple elevator. Because they are found in specific special levels, take note of my important bit in the roadmap about avoiding RNG. To sum it up here, get the hidden golden chests in each special level when you reach it for the first time, because if you don't, you'll have to first complete all special levels on that floor, then access more over and over while you wait for RNG to give you the special level you need. This is very tedious and could add hours to your completion time. To avoid this, use the below guide to look out for the following special levels. This is repeated from the roadmap. Below the points are how to find the hidden collectible in each special level.
  • Floor 1 - Fireworks (Laser Pistol) *ROCKET LAUNCHER or ROCKET ability REQUIRED!*
  • Floor 2 - Locked Out (Gauss Gun)
  • Floor 2 - Triple Towers (Piercing Pulse)
  • Floor 3 - Exordium Imports Inc (Antioch Grenades) *GRENADE ability REQUIRED!*
  • Floor 3 - Hovertank Boss Fight (Blowtorch)
  • Floor 4 - Welcome Back? (Heavy Rifle)
  • Floor 4 - Communter District (Duramax Wall Smasher) *ROCKET LAUNCHER or ROCKET ability REQUIRED!*
  • Floor 5 - Emergency Accomodation (C4)
To address those bolded notes first, as you can see, there are three instances where you need specific gear to access the gold chest. Personally, once I unlocked Rockets ability, I would buy it for every run anyway, and I recommend doing the same, just to be safe. If you do get one of those three special levels that requires specific gear and you don't have the gear, DO NOT complete the special level. Save and Exit, and go through the purple elevator again to get a different special level. This will "save" the special level for later and will keep it in rotation, avoiding the need to wait for RNG at the end.

Here's a description of how to get the hidden chests in each of those special levels above.
  • Floor 1 - Fireworks (Laser Pistol) *ROCKET LAUNCHER or ROCKET ability REQUIRED!*
    • This one is a pain. If you go to the green elevator but don't leave, you'll be able to see an orange destructible tower up top off the screen in a place you can't reach. What you need to do is head to the catwalk off to the left and shoot up into that area with a rocket (either a launcher or the ability) so that the blast destroys the tower. The pain is that you're shooting at something offscreen, so you have to just hope you've got the right angle to hit it. I found it best to aim a little "low" (i.e. down to the right more) so you can actually see your rocket exploding on the wall just off screen, and from there make tiny adjustments "up" little by little until you break the tower. That'll open up the purple door off to the right so you can access the gold chest
  • Floor 2 - Locked Out (Gauss Gun)
    • Right at the start of this special level, there is a button that opens the purple door on the left with a timer. Don't go through it or use the button. Instead, go straight up and you'll see what looks like an uninteractable door on the wall up top. You can actually destroy this "door." Do so and go up to find this chest
  • Floor 2 - Triple Towers (Piercing Pulse)
    • On the left side of this special level are tons of units where enemies spawn from. Go into that room (which is accessed via the blue key in the top room) and destroy all of those units. That'll open the purple door on the right side above where you entered, so you can reach the chest
  • Floor 3 - Exordium Imports Inc (Antioch Grenades) *GRENADE ability REQUIRED!*
    • Right in the center of this level is a crate with a interact symbol inside it. Use grenades to destroy this crate to reach the button under it. For some reason, grenades definitely work (I used them) but there are reports that rockets don't. Once you destroy the crate and press the button, this opens a door on the far right bottom corner to the chest
  • Floor 3 - Hovertank Boss Fight (Blowtorch)
    • This gold chest is easily visible but is only accessed by using the white key that the Spiderbot boss drops at the end of Floor 1. So, you'll need to play starting from the beginning of a run, defeat the Spiderbot boss, grab the white key it drops, then play through your run up to the Hovertank boss at the end of Floor 3, destroy it, then use your white key to open the obvious door by the elevator with this gold chest inside
  • Floor 4 - Welcome Back? (Heavy Rifle)
    • In this special level is a little training course where you need to run through and shoot the dummies and get to the end before time runs out. It's extremely lenient and you'll easily do it first try. Doing so successfully opens the door to this gold chest. As a side note, I got this during the tutorial of the game, and hopefully you do too, because this is the best weapon in the game by far
  • Floor 4 - Communter District (Duramax Wall Smasher) *ROCKET LAUNCHER or ROCKET ability REQUIRED!*
    • ​​​​​​​This is another case of shooting a rocket off screen, like the Fireworks gold chest above, and is equally annoying. If you go to the northeast corner of this special level, you'll be able to see the orange destructible tower off to the right. You barely have any room to squeeze a rocket in there. You need to go up to the upmost point on the balcony and shoot east-southeast so your rocket hits the corner of the wall opening to destroy everything. Again, this is offscreen, so you have to just make minor adjustments. I recommend firing 2-3 rockets with minor adjustments, then go check and see if the door is open, and if not, come back and try a few more. Once you hit it, you'll open the purple door to reach the gold chest
  • Floor 5 - Emergency Accomodation (C4)
    • You'll first need to get the blue key, which is off to the right side past a bunch of enemies. Once you have it, head northwest to the green elevator and you'll see the blue door to use the key. Do so, and now you can press the button near the elevator. This opens a door back where the blue key was, giving you access to two orange destructible towers. Destroy them, and this opens a purple door by where you first started this level. Go through to find the final gold chest
The most boring trophy if you didn't start making it from the beginning.

At the starting location you will see what is not yet open. Replay these chapters.
Some purple rooms have secrets, always the same condition, you need to blow something up to open the door. Therefore, it is best to have the special ability large rocket. There is only one level exception where you just need to kill targets in an improvised shooting range for a while.

Write down these levels on a piece of paper and when you hit one of them, look for the secret.

Locked Out Level 2
Welcome back? Level 4
Fireworks Level 1
Exordium Imports Inc. Level 2/3
Emergency Accommodation Level 5
Triple Towers level 2/3
Commuter District Level 4

If you couldn’t guess it yourself, thank Hooloovoo for its excellent guide .
By the way, the levels drop out completely randomly and this does not depend on the reload level!

11 Jun 2017 15:35

In the starting location, go higher from the connection module, there will be a room with four consoles: weapons, special moves, implants, as well as a console with trophies.

In each console it shows what can be opened, divided by floors. If memory serves, there are thirteen items on each floor.

Plus, there are “special” items that can drop out randomly on any floor - they will most likely be the catch.

12 Jun 2017 07:39