NFL Head Coach 09
22 Achievements
I'm The Decider
Get 100 percent correct defining moments during a game day
How to unlock the I'm The Decider achievement in NFL Head Coach 09 - Definitive Guide
I'll tell you what I did, which is what I think is the easiest way. I set the Quarters to 1 Minute and put all of my sliders on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams to 100 and the CPU's sliders on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams to 0. Although some people said the sliders don't really affect anything.
Once in the game, I just made my way down the field until I got to about the 3 yard line. Once I got to 4th Down, my coach's face turned black & white and "Defining Moment" popped up and asked me if I wanted to kick a Field Goal or go for it on 4th down. I chose kick a Field Goal, and my Kicker made the Field Goal. Once the game was over, the achievement unlocked. If I would have went for it on 4th down and not made it, I would not have gotten the achievement as I would have gotten the Defining Moment wrong.
Note: See Nerves of Steel for an alternate method.
For this achievement I do recommend that you follow the guide I have for doing 20 successful defining moments. I will copy that guide here! I also bring duanedust solution in there since you can if you want to risk failing the attempt at reaching overtime and perhaps get that defining moment to trigger. The risk is that your team might fumble and the other team scores and you wont reach overtime.
Here is my solution and I also try to describe things in a way so people who are not into NFL understands. (I am one of them and therefore really struggled with this).
Most below is taken from my other guide for 20 defining moments!
Ok! I am gonna try to make this one easier for everyone! The other guides were too complicated for me and one of them did not work. I never managed to get a defining moment in the beginning of the game from 43/47 yards. There are one defining moment that is actually much more easy to get. It does require you to finish the whole game. I am writing this very detailed in case there are more people like myself who are not known to the sport. Well, here is what you want to do!
1. Choose colts and simulate to first match for the preseason. Make at least one save before the match that you never save on until you have this achievement.
2. Press start and go to settings! Change the time for each quarter to just 1 minute. And also change the clock to off. That way you can manipulate the time and just let the time run out. Making this easier for you!
3. The coin toss is not important but it is better to be the one to kick so you can retaliate if they score during the 3rd/4th quarter. Your goal is to get to overtime! 0-0 in score but they might score on you and you will have to try to even it and score yourself if they do. But since you can manipulate the time and just let the timer run out for one of the quarters you most likely only have to get the ball from them one time during the whole game before overtime. And if they score you might be able to score as well to make it even. Also to make it easier you can press A to choose play/strategy and just let the timer run to get to the next quarter. This will make it easier to reach overtime.
For everyone used to NFL and know the game very well scroll down to were I describe the defining moment that is easiest to trigger. I do mention another trigger here though.
If you need 3 points to catch up on them, your goal is to get close enough so you can choose the strategy called field goal. (It can be found under specials). Then you might not want to choose Q-sneak because that strategy just slowly get you closer to their field. Instead try out different strategies.
You might not know the sport so well! Still have the game and want to complete it! Because of that I will be more detailed.
When you are on attack! You have the ball after they have kicked it. (The receiver after the coin toss).
Choose any of the 4 strategies when they kick the ball or just press B to skip picking in order to speed things up. There are things like steel plays coming up sometimes and many other things. I just always ignored everything by pressing the B-button. (Except play call to pick a strategy for attack).
To more easily keep the ball without advancing too much on the field you want to choose Q-sneak attack. It can be found in two spots but I will describe one of the spots were you pick it.
So press A-to play call and then choose goal line and on the bottom of the list if you press up once you will find the strategy called Q-sneak. Pick that and the quarterback will try to sneak up on their side. If you manage to get stopped by the other team in the 2nd or 4th quarter you can get lucky and be able to find another defining moment. However I very rarely managed to get this defining moment and I am not sure if it was because I was too close to their field. But this is a bonus defining moment you could go for. The risk of trying to go for this one is that you might fail to keep the ball and they might score and you will fail to get to overtime for the defining moment this guide aim for. But I want to still mention this one so you have another one to attempt.
So if you look at the upper right when choosing strategies you will see if the timer is running or not. And to make it stop press back button for a timeout. You only have a few to use so use them when you feel that you want the timer to stop. On the right of the timer you will see what attempt you are on. You have up to 4 to reach their line which starts 10 yards away. You get more attempts if you manage to reach that line before 4 attempts are gone. If you fail you have to punt the ball away to the other team.
You then see how many yards are left to reach their line. If it says 1 you might be able to get a defining moment. In order to trigger this one I believe you have to reach the 1 yard away on attempt 1. But I am not sure! And then it only triggers if you still are 1 yard away on attempt 4.
To reach attempt 4 easily you want to choose special strategy and then spike ball. This makes your team drop the ball on purpose on the ground and you loose one attempt. So when it says 4th attempt and 1 you might get the trigger for a defining moment to happen. You will easily know if this happens since the game will zoom in on your coach and the screen will turn a bit grey.
If that happens you have a chance to get progress towards this achievement! If that happens you want to pick Q-sneak that is found under goal line strategies. Choose formation/goal line and then Q-sneak on the bottom of the list. You only have to pass the line with the quarter back just 1 yard away to succeed with this defining moment.
Further down I will describe what you want to do for the more easy defining moment that can occur during overtime.
On defence:
When on defence there are many strategies to choose from but this achievement and game was so extremely boring so most of the times I got lazy and always let the game pick a strategy for me on defence by pressing the B-button whenever the game asked me. But sometimes the timer will go but you want the ball from them. In order to make the clock tick again you can be able to call for a timeout and the timer will stop. This is good for when they just stand there with the ball letting the timer run out when they have a lead and you need to score.
I did notice however that the strategy under goal line on the bottom called jam cover 1 was very good. So try to use that!
To call for a timeout press the back button! You only have a few so use them wisely. When you have the ball you can abuse the timeouts to stop the clock from advancing. That is good when you are running out of time and need more time to do what you want to achieve.
The goal in defence is to make the other team not advance those 10 yards. (The line you see in front of them). If they don´t manage to do this in 3 attempts they will on the 4th and last attempt decide to kick the ball away to you instead of risking to fail a 4th time were you would get the ball on that spot. (You would start closer to their goal making it easier to score for you). So they will choose the strategy punt to kick the ball to your side.
This is what you want to get the ball from them to make it into overtime! Also this is what you want if you lose the coin toss going to overtime.
The easiest defining moment to trigger:
If you manage to go to overtime you really want to win the coin toss!
If you do choose to receiver the ball! (You can sometimes be lucky that the other team choose to kick but it does not happen often).
If you get to be the one that kicks the ball, then you can still get this defining moment if you manage to make them loose the ball to you and you have enough time left on the clock and are close enough to your field. I got the defining moment to trigger with 17 seconds left but it wont work if you don´t have enough time left so you really want to win the coin toss and abuse the timeouts when they have the ball so there will be enough times and make sure that they reach the middle of the field before you overtake the ball on too many failed attempts. (15 seconds left was not ok).
If you are the receiver you will get the ball from the other team and what you want to do now is to choose special and then spike ball. Do this 3 times so it will say 4th attempt on the upper right. (The first number were it could say 4th & 10 on IND and how far away you are from their goal).
When it says 4th attempt and if there is enough time left in the overtime you will get a defining moment to trigger because you are risking loosing the ball to them if you fail the 4th attempt and it is overtime. (Does not work if you are too close to their goal. I was at either 49 or 48 yards away from their goal and that was ok but at 42 it was not).
You know that you got a defining moment to trigger when the game zoom in on your coach and the game turn a bit grey. Now choose GO FOR IT and then when you get to pick a strategy choose one of the three HAIL MARY which will make your team try to pass the ball to someone further ahead. If your player manage to catch the ball you have gotten yourself a defining moment. You need 20 of these for the achievement. (It is so annoying when your team does not manage to catch the ball and all is for nothing or when your team somehow manage to score a touch down after they kick the ball to you).
Now just finish the match! Win or loose does not matter! Don´t simulate the game since I read you might not get the defining moment success to occur.
When the match is over BE SURE TO SAVE TO PROFILE.
To do so press down on the left analog. Then scroll to the right so the game says save to profile. Do this and you have banked the defining moment. I also manually saved to one save each time but I doubt that do you any good. Just don´t overwrite the save you use for these attempts.
Now re-load the save you did before and have another go at this.
Repeat this enough times if you also want the nerves of steel achievement.
If you know that you will fail you can press start during a match and quit the game. You then don´t have to re load the save for another attempt.