NFL Head Coach 09
22 Achievements
Xbox 360
Repeat Offender
Win back to back Super Bowls with one team
How to unlock the Repeat Offender achievement in NFL Head Coach 09 - Definitive Guide
Take a good team like New England or Indy, Win enough games such as 10 or so to make the playoffs. When you make the playoffs you can sim the games as long as you win. Just make sure you win so you can advance to the Super Bowl and win. If you lose a simmed game just exit out and reload your save before the loss and try again. Do the same for the next season. You can sim the off season because there shouldn't be many players you would have to resign because of contracts.
Just repeat for the 1st Super Bowl By winning 10 games to get to the playoffs.
Just repeat for the 1st Super Bowl By winning 10 games to get to the playoffs.
Yes Im sure you can sim the super bowl. Honestly I never have played a game in this yet. And When I simmed it I got it. Maybe Trying Supersim? I dont know otherwise
By Elmo TeH AzN on 08 Aug 2009 19:29
For some reason it awarded me the repeat offender on my 3rd super bowl in a row, it awarded 2 wins and 3 wins at the same time so weird but i got it. Thanks!
By CORNHOLIO666 2 on 14 Aug 2009 00:42
Just make sure win enough games to where you make the playoffs( 10 or more wins would pretty much guarantee you a playoff spot.) You will either play 3 or 4 playoff games(depending on how many games you win in the Regular Season and your seed in the Playoffs.) Just sim or play and make sure you win the playoff games. Once to the Super Bowl game, also either play it or sim it. Once you win the Super Bowl game, the achievement will unlock.