NFL Tour

NFL Tour

14 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Tour Superstar

Tour Superstar

Complete Tour Mode


How to unlock the Tour Superstar achievement in NFL Tour - Definitive Guide

I put this on easy.

When you get to the last city of Washing, D.C. you will get into challenges that you must put up massive points. If you do not force a turnover, you do not get the ball back, likewise the CPU will not get the ball back without a turnover on downs or a interception of fumble recovery.

25 Dec 2019 10:28

This one is fairly easy, but long. Tour mode consists of beating every other NFL team in games with various rules. Once you have done this, you'll get the achievement. Some games are simply to beat your opponent in a timed game, which you should be used to from working on other achievements in Exhibition mode. Some require you to get to a certain score before the other team, again very simple. Others will have you start the game down a touchdown and require you win win a game or get a certain point lead, again fairly easy.

The annoying ones are the "play to zero" games, where any score, turnover or sack will add to your score and subtract from your opponent and vice versa, with the person who reaches zero first being the loser. Sacks are the key to winning these games quickly, especially later in the tour when the points from scoring are halved (touchdowns are only worth 3, where sacks are still worth 2 each). This will be the hardest against teams like Minnesota that run every single play, but try to stop them so they can't add to their score, and keep picking away at them with touchdowns.

Note that in the "play to zero" games, 1-point conversions are worth nothing, so always go for 2.