NHL 08
26 Achievements
Xbox 360
Stay out of the box
As the lead NHL® 08 Profile Play an entire game in Superstar Mode without getting a penalty
How to unlock the Stay out of the box achievement in NHL 08 - Definitive Guide
Rather than using the above solution and hoping your guys don't commit a penalty try this:
1st- Start a Play Now and make sure you set difficulty to Superstar and set time to 5 minutes
2nd- To make sure I didn't go into overtime I immediately pulled the goalie and allowed opponent to score at least one goal
3rd- Gain control of the puck and skate left and right behind your net crossing the red lines before switching directions. If you stand still opponent will come after you, but if you keep moving the AI will simply stand their and do nothing. Simply hold the puck and kill the remaining 15 min.
By controlling the puck yourself you insure that A) Your guys will not commit penalties while your on offense and B) the clock will continue to count down time unstopped making it much faster since you wont have to watch highlights, kill penalties (which slow the clock down to real time), etc.
Got this on my first try using this method, tho there the slightest chance that your team could commit a penalty while AI has control of the puck, if so simply pause the game and choose rematch and start over.
(note I also used my Create a Team with Created Goalie and Player to knock out 3 extra achievements in one game)
1st- Start a Play Now and make sure you set difficulty to Superstar and set time to 5 minutes
2nd- To make sure I didn't go into overtime I immediately pulled the goalie and allowed opponent to score at least one goal
3rd- Gain control of the puck and skate left and right behind your net crossing the red lines before switching directions. If you stand still opponent will come after you, but if you keep moving the AI will simply stand their and do nothing. Simply hold the puck and kill the remaining 15 min.
By controlling the puck yourself you insure that A) Your guys will not commit penalties while your on offense and B) the clock will continue to count down time unstopped making it much faster since you wont have to watch highlights, kill penalties (which slow the clock down to real time), etc.
Got this on my first try using this method, tho there the slightest chance that your team could commit a penalty while AI has control of the puck, if so simply pause the game and choose rematch and start over.
(note I also used my Create a Team with Created Goalie and Player to knock out 3 extra achievements in one game)
1 Comment
Be the away team if you don't wanna get booed the entire third period lol
By Malicious Fury on 09 Jun 2014 03:57
Okay to get this you could just start the game with 5 minutes on each period and just leave the controller and watch TV but just make sure to check back every 5 or so minutes to start the next period
Update: If you slide the "player advantage" and "goalie advantage" towards your team the achievement will not click.
At least it didn't for me!
At least it didn't for me!
By MrARMBARS TV on 23 Jan 2010 06:31
didnt work for me... the A I on my team got me penalties...
By Thatguy9326 on 26 Jan 2010 03:19
Set up a game on Superstar difficulty, then change the time to 5 minutes (the shortest you can) and once you get the puck, just sit behind your net so until the chase you down. OR you can just ice the puck every time you touch it. This will take longer but will almost guarantee you no penalties.