NHL 09
27 Achievements
Xbox 360
As the lead NHL® 09 Profile win a fight against another user Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Bully achievement in NHL 09 - Definitive Guide
This achievement is pretty easy to get just make sure your Gamertag is signed in as the primary user. Just intiate a fight with a local friend by pushing the Y button, which is hook/tie-up/fight.
If you want to do it legit, control a grinder like Donald Brashear vs. a weak center than dodge (tap X) and 1 K.O. punch (after dodge the opponent is left wide open). It's up to you. You'll get it fast legit too. Just keep intiating fights.
If you want to do it legit, control a grinder like Donald Brashear vs. a weak center than dodge (tap X) and 1 K.O. punch (after dodge the opponent is left wide open). It's up to you. You'll get it fast legit too. Just keep intiating fights.
Simply set up a game against a friend either on your console or online. In-game, both of you just have to press the Y button and you'll be in a fight. Win the fight, achievement unlocked.