NHL 09
27 Achievements
Xbox 360
EA Sports™ Hockey League
As the lead NHL® 09 Profile play EA Sports™ Hockey League with your team
How to unlock the EA Sports™ Hockey League achievement in NHL 09 - Definitive Guide
You must play an OTP game as a club (team) member. Either create your own club or join one, then play a game with that club by entering your dressing room in the EASHL lobby. Minimum 2 people to start a club game. Achievement will pop at end of game.
As of December 2010, this achievement appears to be broken. A bunch of us have tried on 4 separate occasions to play club matches (on two different clubs), but the search fails each time. Hopefully, this is a problem that will be resolved before the servers are taken offline.
By beavis on 18 Dec 2010 22:55
well they have less that a month to fix it lol
By Iceberg082006 on 07 Jan 2011 03:58
This can be done in two ways:
1. Create your own club, go to Xbox Live > EA Sports Hockey League > Create Club. Set up your club, then go to "Invites Sent" and press X to invite friends.
2. Join the "x360a" Team by requesting to be added in the "Official MMO League Thread." It's a team set up primarily to boost the online league achievements.
Either way, go to the Dressing Room, as soon as 2 people are in the dressing room you can play a game. Finish the game and the achievement will unlock.
The server for this game is now closed and this achievement is no longer obtainable.