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The Power of Two

The Power of Two

Clear all Tag Missions.


How to unlock the The Power of Two achievement in NINJA GAIDEN 2 Black - Definitive Guide

Well this is basically the same thing as NG Sigma 2 with the difference that they changed the UT3. Below is the video of the 3 trials that you should be concerned about.

here's a tip for the Mentor 5 and Master 2 trials for those who are trying with Ryu and can't do it, I recommend using two Rachels and doing the combo cn_Xcn_Xcn_Ycn_Ycn_Y this combo takes a lot of damage from enemies follows a video I made killing the bosses of these trials

Mentor 5

Use the machine gun on every wave and run in circles around the scenery to outwit enemies

Master 2

This trial requires a lot of luck. A tip I give is that when the dragon jumps, hold cn_RT and as soon as he falls to the ground press cn_X that you will be immune to fall damage

These are the trials you should be worried about, the others will only be a matter of time

Ultimate 3

In Genshin you can use the Izuna Drop cn_X cn_Ycn_Xcn_Xcn_Y loop with the Lunar (you need to wait a few seconds and continue doing the combo)

Good luck toast

25 Jan 2025 19:26

Here are my videos of each Tag Mission from Mentor 5, Master Ninja 1-5 and Ultimate Ninja 1-5. Each video will guide you with using the most useful strategies to clear the Tag Missions.

Mentor 5 - Double Rachel, for the first 3 waves just use her machine gun and save your health as high as possible, when it's the 2 Godomuf giants be sure to get up close and wait for it to attack then do her combos. When the Incendiary Claw Ninjas spawn use the Team Ninpo on that, also machine gun kills the Incendiary Claw Ninjas quickly if you ran out of ninpo.

Master Ninja 1 - Double Ryu with Lunar Staff and Blade of the Archfiend Dual Katana, the waves are more straightforward, you can also UT everything when its waves with hordes of enemies. Use Dual Katana on giant Skeleton boss with 360cn_Y more and forwardcn_Y hold on the giant Skeleton boss, each time it's down you can also Piercing Void to do massive damage but if the ai doesn't go into Team Ninpo


Master Ninja 2 - Ryu Blade of the Archfiend and Rachel. The hardest mission of the game because of the Dark Dragon. Conserve your ninpo well and invincibility frames with Ryu such as 360cn_Y and mix it with Forwardcn_Yhold in between, sometimes also wait for the Dark Dragon's next move then you attack it so you don't mistime an attack too soon and get slammed by the Dark Dragon or it's ground flame. If the Dark Dragon is targeting you with ground flame you should rather be running around abit as survival is the key in this mission to beating the boss and maintaining your health too. Team Ninpo at some points when alot bugs spawn for extra health.


Master Ninja 3 - Double Ryu, Blade of the Archfiend and Tonfa - The best mission to practice bosses as well and a big favorite boss rush. Blade of the Archfiend is the best weapon against bosses in this game. Save Tonfa for Fiend Genshin as it's the best weapon against Fiend Genshin. Great combo on Fiend Genshin with Tonfa is stagger it with first hit of forwardcn_Y, then do the combo forwardcn_Ycn_Ycn_Acn_Y.


Master Ninja 4 - Double Rachel. Destroy 100 fiends, machine gun everything. Save Team Ninpo for the Golden Winged Vangelves with Werewolf wave and several Fiend Dogs wave to get a bunch of health and those 2 waves are the toughest part in this mission.


Master Ninja 5 - Double Ryu, Lunar Staff and Blade of the Archfiend. Go for Human Genshin first, make sure Elizabet is not so close and you with Lunar Staff loop Genshin to death. Elizabet is easy to beat with Blade of the Archfiend 360cn_Y and forwardcn_Y hold after some of her attacks or after her double tail.


Ultimate Ninja 1 - Double Ryu, Double Blade of the Archfiend Dual Katanas. The Ultimate Ninja missions toned down alot for it to be doable in Tag Missions. Go for Volf first, you can loop it with forwardcn_Y hold too. Alexei just do cn_Ycn_Ycn_Ycn_Y after it's 3 punch combo and shuriken cancel and it will repeat the punches and you repeat that combo again. Zedonius will come down from the sky after Alexei dies. Zedonius is weak against forwardcn_Yhold after each of its attacks, when it tries to throw you do cn_Ycn_Ycn_Ycn_Y. Elizabet do the forward cn_Y hold or 360cn_Y as she gets close or after you just dodged her attacks, her biggest opening to attack her is after her double tail or the attack she does 3 punches into a tail.


Ultimate Ninja 2 - Double Ryu with both Tonfas. Rasetsu is easy, with Tonfa do the Izuna drop combo and 360cn_Y and usually it misses all it's attacks in between. Be sure to Team Ninpo start each wave except 3 Fiend Genshin wave. Red Tengu is easier if you keep doing cn_Xcn_Acn_Y with Tonfa and you can keep repeating it as when he tries to attack it's his opening to get hit by the end of that Tonfa combo, most important is watch our for Tengu's throws. Obaba wave she is weak against the Tonfa combo cn_Xcn_Xcn_Ycn_Y and when she spins her arms in a 360 around her you can counter her everytime and repeat that combo. 3 Fiend Genshins wave, play it patiently, if ai dies carefully just keep dashing to it and guarding in between each of your dashes, don't jump because Fiend Genshin can get you in the air with fire or his dive attack. Tonfa combo to make stagger openings on Fiend Genshin is forward cn_Y to stagger then forwardcn_Ycn_Ycn_Acn_Y


Ultimate Ninja 3 - Ryu with Lunar Staff and Rachel. It is a new mission now of many Ninjas and Genshin along with 2 Rasetsus at the end. Only main factor of this mission is looping Human Genshin safely and not getting distracted by other enemies. Make sure Rasetsus don't ruin your chance to finish up Genshin also. Mission clears after both Rasetsus are dead.


Ultimate Ninja 4 - It's 2 Fiend Doppleganger Ryus, easy mission. I did with Ayane and Ryu Lunar Staff because for the fun with Ayane looping the Doppleganger when it is on the ground. But you only need to loop with Lunar Staff cn_Xcn_Ycn_Xcn_X on Dopplegangers.


Ultimate Ninja 5 - Double Ryu Lunar Staff. Like with Ultimate Ninja 4 but tougher. Space out the Doppleganger you going for and loop it one by one with cn_Xcn_Ycn_Xcn_X. The hard part is when 2 Scythe Dopplegangers spawn, just make sure you can start looping it safely without the Scythe Doppleganger ruining your attempt to lift it into that loop. Their Scythe attacks are powerful. Be careful of the other Scythe Doppleganger that might come in.


08 Feb 2025 07:52

3 Ultimate Challenge. Ryu with a stick, Rachel. We shoot waves of mobs in front of Genshin with a machine gun. Genshin. We switch to Ryu,
Breakdancing begins - go ahead
2 Challenge Master. 2 Ryu with swords. Charging at the beginning. Ulta. 1 wave with mechs. Charging , switch to the second Ryu. Charging Wave 2 with mechs. Ulta.
Dragon - forward and cancellation in Don't be greedy.
3 Master challenge. 2 Rachel.

16 Feb 2025 22:53