Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
45 Achievements
Vykker Evisceration
Kill 35 Vykkers.
How to unlock the Vykker Evisceration achievement in Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD - Definitive Guide
35 is the total number of Vykkers in the game and they only appear in The Loading Dock, Labor Egg Storage and Vykker’s Suites, the last three levels of the game. They look similar to Interns but have four legs and move a lot quicker. As the last two levels will not be available in a Black Quarma playthrough, you should attempt this trophy in your Angelic Quarma playthrough only.
All 35 Vykkers can be killed so there should not be any issues unlocking this trophy. However, killing the Vykkers in the computer room by raising the water level may not count towards the trophy. In which case you will be earning this trophy in Step 2 of the Roadmap. Please see Vykker Masquerade for tips on killing these Vykkers yourself.