Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
45 Achievements
Eggs Termination
Destroy 75 Labor Egg Crates
How to unlock the Eggs Termination achievement in Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD - Definitive Guide
75 is the total number of Egg Crates in the game, so you will have to destroy them all. They are found in The Loading Dock (22), Labor Egg Storage (36) and Vykker’s Suites (17). Egg Crates can be picked up by using Munch to remote control a crane or Abe to simply pick them up. Once you pick up an Egg Crate, drop/throw it anywhere apart from an escape chute and it will smash. Throwing them into other Egg Crates will create a chain reaction that will destroy some of the surrounding crates.
As mentioned in the Roadmap, you should have made a separate save in your Angelic Quarma playthrough at the beginning of The Loading Dock. Reload this save and then play the rest of the game from there. When you come across the Egg Crates in these levels destroy them all! The trophy will unlock once the last crate is destroyed.