Olympus Rising
25 Achievements
32,000 XP
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Olympus Rising achievements progress.
Build 6 Towers and upgrade them to Level 5
Earn 1,000,000 Gold through Battle
Raise your Player Level to 40
Raise your Player Level to 80
Ultra Rare
2,500 XP
Build Heroes' Temple Level 6
Earn 100,000,000 Gold through Battle
Ultra Rare
2,500 XP
Guard 2 Gold islands simultaneously
Guard 3 Ambrosia islands simultaneously
Guard 4 Wisdom islands simultaneously
Unleash 10 Heroes
Ultra Rare
2,500 XP
Equip one of your Heroes with Legendary or better items
Equip one of your Heroes with Eternal or better items
Raise your Player Level to 10
Equip one of your Heroes with Godlike items
Donate 100,000 to your Alliance
Upgrade 2 of your Heroes to Level 5
Upgrade 4 of your Heroes to Level 7
Upgrade 6 of your Heroes to Level 10
Successfully defend your islands from 100 attackers