Operation Flashpoint: Red River

Operation Flashpoint: Red River

55 Achievements


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Millionaires' Club

Millionaires' Club

Complete a VOD Last Stand map with over 1 million points


How to unlock the Millionaires' Club achievement in Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Definitive Guide

Since we just got this achievement last night I hope to shed some light, write a sensible guide, and help you get this achievement. Please message me or put in a comment before you down vote me. I am willing to modify, clarify, fix, or make my guide better.

First I want to thank ZeroDesolation, Lady Death 13, and MightyMango for doing this game with me! Also I want to thank them for helping me write this guide!


The achievement requires you to obtain over 1 million points on any of the VOD Last Stand maps as the achievement states. The VOD maps are part of the DLC and include Last Stand 03 "The High Ground" and Last Stand 04 "Hold the Line".

If all four players escape alive, by getting into the chopper near the green smoke, you will receive a 1.5X multiplier. Which means your total team score only needs to be 666,668 to score 1,000,002 points (remember to score OVER one million). To be safe our goal was 667,000.

I also recommend to end the game at the end of a wave, you don't want to leave your spots to try and board the chopper and end up losing the game because you could not hold mission objectives. Only exception would be if your low on respawns and it is worth the risk.

You get 4 respawns to start with and as each stage is completed you will get more.

By doing so we ended the game with a score of 687,000 points at Stage 7 Wave 2 with well over 16 respawns.


We played both maps and found that, with the right setup, "The High Ground" was better. We got the 1 million points in 2 hours and 10 minutes. Also the current top 2 leaderboard positions are held by playing the High Ground map.

Other reasons why we picked High Ground map: 1. We could see enemy vehicles and shoot them from one spot. 2. Enemies and vehicles spawn farther away so you have time to react. 3. You are closer together in this map to heal and help out others when needed. 4. Higher ground while the other map had you for the most part on lower ground.


There has been a long debate between us if 3 people is better then 4 and I honestly believe 3 people will do a better job then 4 people. It worked out so well for us I am suggesting 3 people but if you have a fourth, please go for it. The reason being is that a level 20 computer player has a great amount of accuracy, fast response times, and is very good in close and medium range combat. Placing the computer in the right spot will allow him to take out plenty of enemies. By the time the game was over the computer racked up over 180,000 points (which is over his share of the points).

You will want two level 20 Grenadiers, a level 20 scout, and a level 20 Auto Rifleman (this will be the computer if you have one).

The equipment setup is my suggestions, there are many different setups with cons and pros to each.

The Grenadiers should be equipped with M4A1 (with the M203 Grenade Launcher) and M16A4 weapons, equipped with C4 charges, and M21 AT Mines. B-Mod should be the Advanced Demolitions Training. The Special mod will depend on the position. The position taking the Javelin will want the Heavy Assault Gear. The Team Leader, healer, and enemy management for Area 1 will equip the M203 HEDP Rounds (slug upgrade).

The level 20 scout should be equipped with the M39 EMR, M16A4 (don't equip the suppressor because it lowers your damage and the enemies know where you are already), and the M18 Claymore. B-Mod should be the Sharpshooter Training and Special mod should be the Marksman Rifle Muzzle Velocity. I used to equip the special mod Marksman Rifle Ammo Pack but fell in love with the velocity mod because you can hit targets that are moving so much better. I'd rather go and reload more often.

The level 20 Auto Rifleman will be the computer (if you elected to only take three people in) and should be equipped with MK48 MOD 0 with the Marksman Scope and the M4A1 with no suppressor. For B-Mod equip the Advanced Gunner Training and for the Special mod equip Light Assault Gear for added armor since this position may take heavy fire at times.


The scout will go on top of the building with the Mk19 grenade launcher. His job will be to cover the hills to the East to South East and Area 2. He will also mount the Mk19 grenade launcher when needed (you only have 120 rounds and you can NEVER replenish the rounds, so I suggest using them sparingly and only when you see a large group together).

To protect the base from sneaky enemies and to protect yourself, the scout should lay down his M18 Claymores at the bottom of the steps and all around the scout's building on the ground. Enemies like to hide inside the building the scout is on top of. So a good place to place the claymores are the entrances to that building.

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Both Grenadiers and the Auto Rifleman will take the North East wall looking down the hill and marked in the picture below.

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The second Grenadier will be more mobile and the job is to take out enemies with the M203 Grenade Launcher (for extra points), keep people outside of area 1, lay down AT mines, C4, heal/revive everyone, call in air strikes and to use the Stinger against choppers if the main Javelin guy is overwhelmed. Keep in mind the second Grenadier should be the team leader because the Javelin operator will be too busy to keep track of the computer and to call in the air strikes.

The Auto Rifleman (the computer if you have one) will be set up to oversee Area 1 and Area 2. He should be positioned at the South East end of the wall. His job will be to take out people down the hill for Area 1 and will also thin out enemies on the hill to the East. When it gets crazy he will take out enemies who have entered into Area 2.

The Grenadier taking the FGM-148 Javelin will stay close to the ammo spot because the Javelin only takes one round at a time and is a pain to run with, reload, heal with and stow away. A tip, if you fire a shot and go over to the ammo pile and press [A] button, you will load a shell into your gun so you don't have to go through the painful reload time. The Javelin's job, once the vehicles and choppers start rolling in will be to take them out. Your teammate's should be calling out chopper locations and vehicle locations as they see them, you also need to be on the look out for them as well, especially the back road. Vehicles enter the main in two areas:

1. The East Road (the main road)

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2. The Back Road which is South/South West (behind the scouts spot). Also notice the FIM-92A Stinger and ammo is found right here.

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You can target both vehicles entering the area from the Javelin ammo spot although the back road you have to act fast as it has a short window.


The ammo to refill your normal rounds and your M203 Grenade Launcher will be found under the American flag behind the scouts position.

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The back road is hard to guard when the vehicles start rolling in fast so this area must be well protected with AT mines and C4. You want lay the AT Mines out in an alternating pattern. They will only explode if the tires or treads roll over them. So you want to place one on the left side of the road and the next one on the right side of the road as pictured below.

Each one will take out a tank or other vehicle, you want to place 4-5 in the location at all time. If you die you start with more AT Mines so lay them down!

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You also want to keep at least one C4 planted at the stopping point for the back road as a last resort.

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Communication is key! The scout should always be calling out choppers and looking behind his spot to help call out vehicles entering though the back road. If a vehicle enters in the back road the scout needs to TAKE COVER until the vehicle is taken out. If your the scout remember to look at the back road often, it is your life if you miss one. My rule of thumb was during a reload I was checking my 6.

Call the chopper in early. To call the chopper just walk through the green smoke. We called the chopper at Stage 2 Wave 1 and it stayed the whole time until Stage 7 Wave 2. The chopper can't die and if an enemy chopper is above head the enemy chopper will focus some of it's fire on your invincible chopper and not you! The chopper may leave if it gets too hot and heavy but you can call it right back after stuff calms down some.

Bonus points are awarded if you keep the enemies from breaching Area 1, Area 2 and the Main area. If they breach it even for a second you lose your bonus points. At later stages if will be nearly impossible to keep the areas clean because if an enemy chopper flies over head an area (and it will, a lot) you will lose control of that area.

Explosive kills net you more points. So use the M203 Grenade Launcher as much as you want and refill it often. The Mk19 grenade launcher at the top of the scout's position DO NOT COUNT as explosive kills (only normal kills), unfortunately!

Protect the Main Road. The Back Road should be well protected with plenty of AT mines however you should always have at least one AT mine placed on the Main Road. You should place it on the Main Road past the bend right before area 1.

20 Jun 2012 14:15

Awesome guide. I have yet to get the DLC, but I am sure this will be of great use.
By ScottMacFreedom on 22 Oct 2012 04:27
Best of luck!
By Fafhrdd on 23 Oct 2012 02:45
If there is any way you could fix the images that'd be great.
By John Caboose on 13 Aug 2017 08:03
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Play with 2 guys on high ground as lvl 20.
Yourself and your mate as grenadier.
Make soto and balletto auto rifleman and upgrade the core skills for the Ai, give them extra healing and fast reload.

Your Job is to keep placing mines around the hill and on the backroad, other than that keep an eye out for choppers.
Your mate will take out vehicles that come from down the road.
Make sure you have noobtube's!( and dont use them, abuse them)

When you run out of mines make sure you get killed so you get new one's.
Give soto and balletto the order to supress the area's where the enemys are coming from.

also, dont forget your support strike's, wich can be activated by hitting RB and LB, then move your stick on the desired option and press A.
Keep this up for 3.5 hours and you'll get it

Reason why i did it with 2 guys is because when i play with 4 then the server would kick me out just like that.

Good luck!

21 Jan 2014 09:35

1 Comment
Worked like a charm. I did it with a friend being both of us grenadiers with additional grenades mod and 2 AI (both auto rifleman) having additional armor mod equipped.
By Zurbum on 29 Jan 2014 20:54

It is highly recommended that you don’t attempt this with less than four human players if possible. Having all human players is far more effective than three human and one A.I. players, but it is doable to unlock this achievement with just three humans. Note that the A.I. doesn’t fight as well and having four humans will alleviate the squad leader from having to constantly issue commands to the A.I. when they could be doing something more important. It’s your choice.

Of the two VOD maps, this is much easier to unlock on ‘The High Ground’. In the Last Stand game mode, you start off with four (4) deploys and for every stage you complete you gain four more.

At some point before you’re ready to extract, it is recommended that you call in the extraction helicopter early so when you are finally ready to withdraw, the helicopter is already there. Otherwise you will have to wait almost a minute for it to get into position. It will remain ready to lift off the entire duration of the mission.

All players should be high level Grenadiers and have the M4A1 rifle equipped with the M203 grenade launcher attachment. They should also equip C4 Charges and M21 AT Mines or M14 AP Mines. Depending on their XP level, it is suggested that you assign the ‘Advanced Demolitions Training’ B-Mod and either the ‘Grenades Ammo Pack’ (to hold more grenades and M203 rounds), ‘Demolitions Ammo’ (to hold more C4 and Mines) or ‘M203 HEDP Rounds’ (for higher damage M203 rounds) S-Mod.

On this map, enemies generally only come from one direction (the valley). You will get the occasional APC or tank along the back road of the base in later stages (where your extraction point is), but if there is one player, equipped with a Javelin (just in case), in the elevated structure in the center of the Main Area keeping an eye on the road, there shouldn’t be any real issues. That person should also be laying down C4 and AT mines at every opportunity as not to get overrun (you have three of each at your disposal by default [without the ‘Demolitions Ammo’ S-Mod] but you cannot replenish these two gadgets unless you die). When there aren’t any vehicles to destroy, they should be concentrating their efforts in the same direction as the other players (to the valley).

Of the three remaining players, one should be equipped with a Javelin to take out the technical trucks, APCs and tanks that come from the valley. In later stages, there are also attack helicopters that need to be destroyed. These players should be standing against the short wall overlooking the valley firing their grenade launchers exclusively. Have one player concentrate their efforts to the right/middle and one to the left/middle. The Javelin player should go between them, switching between grenade launcher and Javelin as necessary. In later stages, that player will be using the Javelin more than the grenade launcher.

Communication is key, whether it’s calling out vehicles, running out of ammo or you are downed. Make sure that everyone doesn’t go to refill their ammo at the same time. Always have someone shooting at the enemies. Rifle and M203 ammo are in the Main Area directly under the American flag. Javelin ammo is close to that for the player in the elevated structure. For the other player with the Javelin, there is an ammo cache directly behind the short wall.

The first couple of stages are just infantry and light vehicles (technical trucks). Starting with Stage 3, Spec Ops teams start to show up, and in later waves, APCs arrive. Stage 4 introduces tanks with attack helicopters appearing in later waves. Listen to Mustang calling out if areas are being overrun. Make it a point to clear those areas immediately as you can quickly become overwhelmed. More often than not a lone enemy may make it up to your position so eliminate him as quick as possible. If everyone performs the role they are tasked with, once you get in the groove, it should run relatively smooth and efficient.

It will be time to extract when you’ve reached no less than 670,000 points (which will happen around Stage 7 or 8, depending on your efficiency). It is up to you if you want to complete the current wave before running for the helicopter. With all four players alive, you will receive a x1.5 bonus which will take you over the 1 million points necessary for this achievement.

Thanks to CuppaChoc for a more in-depth strategy guide for this achievement. You can find it HERE.

Thanks to TheTruegamer3000 for the video (the video is mislabeled ‘Hold the Line’; it is actually ‘The High Ground’):


It is highly recommended that you don’t attempt this with less than four human players if possible. Having all human players is far more effective than three human and one A.I. players, but it is doable to unlock this achievement with just three humans. Note that the A.I. doesn’t fight as well and having four humans will alleviate the squad leader from having to constantly issue commands to the A.I. when they could be doing something more important. It’s your choice.

Of the two VOD maps, this is much easier to unlock on ‘The High Ground’. In the Last Stand game mode, you start off with four (4) deploys and for every stage you complete you gain four more.

At some point before you’re ready to extract, it is recommended that you call in the extraction helicopter early so when you are finally ready to withdraw, the helicopter is already there. Otherwise you will have to wait almost a minute for it to get into position. It will remain ready to lift off the entire duration of the mission.

All players should be high level Grenadiers and have the M4A1 rifle equipped with the M203 grenade launcher attachment. They should also equip C4 Charges and M21 AT Mines or M14 AP Mines. Depending on their XP level, it is suggested that you assign the ‘Advanced Demolitions Training’ B-Mod and either the ‘Grenades Ammo Pack’ (to hold more grenades and M203 rounds), ‘Demolitions Ammo’ (to hold more C4 and Mines) or ‘M203 HEDP Rounds’ (for higher damage M203 rounds) S-Mod.

On this map, enemies generally only come from one direction (the valley). You will get the occasional APC or tank along the back road of the base in later stages (where your extraction point is), but if there is one player, equipped with a Javelin (just in case), in the elevated structure in the center of the Main Area keeping an eye on the road, there shouldn’t be any real issues. That person should also be laying down C4 and AT mines at every opportunity as not to get overrun (you have three of each at your disposal by default [without the ‘Demolitions Ammo’ S-Mod] but you cannot replenish these two gadgets unless you die). When there aren’t any vehicles to destroy, they should be concentrating their efforts in the same direction as the other players (to the valley).

Of the three remaining players, one should be equipped with a Javelin to take out the technical trucks, APCs and tanks that come from the valley. In later stages, there are also attack helicopters that need to be destroyed. These players should be standing against the short wall overlooking the valley firing their grenade launchers exclusively. Have one player concentrate their efforts to the right/middle and one to the left/middle. The Javelin player should go between them, switching between grenade launcher and Javelin as necessary. In later stages, that player will be using the Javelin more than the grenade launcher.

Communication is key, whether it’s calling out vehicles, running out of ammo or you are downed. Make sure that everyone doesn’t go to refill their ammo at the same time. Always have someone shooting at the enemies. Rifle and M203 ammo are in the Main Area directly under the American flag. Javelin ammo is close to that for the player in the elevated structure. For the other player with the Javelin, there is an ammo cache directly behind the short wall.

The first couple of stages are just infantry and light vehicles (technical trucks). Starting with Stage 3, Spec Ops teams start to show up, and in later waves, APCs arrive. Stage 4 introduces tanks with attack helicopters appearing in later waves. Listen to Mustang calling out if areas are being overrun. Make it a point to clear those areas immediately as you can quickly become overwhelmed. More often than not a lone enemy may make it up to your position so eliminate him as quick as possible. If everyone performs the role they are tasked with, once you get in the groove, it should run relatively smooth and efficient.

It will be time to extract when you’ve reached no less than 670,000 points (which will happen around Stage 7 or 8, depending on your efficiency). It is up to you if you want to complete the current wave before running for the helicopter. With all four players alive, you will receive a x1.5 bonus which will take you over the 1 million points necessary for this achievement.

Thanks to CuppaChoc for a more in-depth strategy guide for this achievement. You can find it HERE.

Thanks to TheTruegamer3000 for the video (the video is mislabeled ‘Hold the Line’; it is actually ‘The High Ground’):

You can only get the achievement in co-op. You need to go through wave after wave until you earn more than 1 million points - that’s about 9-10 waves.

10 Jan 2012 12:32