27 Achievements
All these are futile works
Uncover the truth.
How to unlock the All these are futile works achievement in Orwell - Definitive Guide
Uncover the truth
- Uncover the real truth that it was Abraham who created Orwell.
- Go to web cafe site and upload Harrison's pc number, check his browser and upload his phone ID.
- In Harrison's phone desktop, check his contacts and upload Juliet's number.
- Listen to the call between Juliet and Viktor, an unauthorized pc number Juliet has been using is disclosed. Upload this to Orwell.
- Go into Juliet's phone desktop, enter the skychat app, in the conversation between Juliet and her dad, the information is disclosed that Abraham worked for "Rhosen Tech".
- Visit the Rhosen Tech web site, on Goldfels employee page upload the evidence of the "Demiurge" project he was working on.
- As soon as this is uploaded, Goldfels releases "Flawed" article on the Thought blog. In this entry, Goldfels discloses the information he created Orwell. Upload this information for achievement.
*Note, now you have your own gov target page*
- Uncover the real truth that it was Abraham who created Orwell.
- Go to web cafe site and upload Harrison's pc number, check his browser and upload his phone ID.
- In Harrison's phone desktop, check his contacts and upload Juliet's number.
- Listen to the call between Juliet and Viktor, an unauthorized pc number Juliet has been using is disclosed. Upload this to Orwell.
- Go into Juliet's phone desktop, enter the skychat app, in the conversation between Juliet and her dad, the information is disclosed that Abraham worked for "Rhosen Tech".
- Visit the Rhosen Tech web site, on Goldfels employee page upload the evidence of the "Demiurge" project he was working on.
- As soon as this is uploaded, Goldfels releases "Flawed" article on the Thought blog. In this entry, Goldfels discloses the information he created Orwell. Upload this information for achievement.
*Note, now you have your own gov target page*