OutRun Online Arcade

OutRun Online Arcade

12 Achievements



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Gumball King

Gumball King

Completed 15 Course Continuous Time Attack Mode in Under 14'30"00


How to unlock the Gumball King achievement in OutRun Online Arcade - Definitive Guide

Basically the aim to these time attack achievements is obviously keeping your speed up.
So basically keep off the grass and the fences, though 1 or 2 slip-ups isn't too bad. Basically you need to average about 58 seconds for each stage. I was getting about 56 seconds for the first maybe 6 or 7 then 58 n 59 seconds for a few of them then ended with some 1 minute times.
Got 14:28

Hope this helps

25 Apr 2009 20:06

how many tries did this take
By WardedMocha on 17 Jul 2010 00:35
This is taking me ages and the problem isn't getting it under 14:30. I ran out of time just before milky way at around 12:15 which leaves me plenty of time to finish but the timer at the top always runs out. About two seconds away from the milky way checkpoint is as far as I can make it. Any advice, my lines are near perfect in all but the jungle stage (4th stage keeping right I think?)
By Confused Shelf on 14 Jan 2011 15:05
the difficulty will probably be higher, keep it on very easy. and i cant beat 14.31 :(
By Virtual James 7 on 29 Jan 2011 23:45
Practice Milky Way and the NYC level (Goal E) the most as they will either make you or break you. When I got the achievement I had mostly 56-58 seconds for each level except two I screwed up royally and got 1' 06" and 1' 08" but I still managed to get a final time of 14' 27" or so.

Also the achievement doesn't pop up until the high score entry screen, so don't freak out when it doesn't show up before the credits roll like I did.
By Oreoleo on 16 May 2009 20:24
If there're 15 routes and I should get about 56-58 seconds for every route, how will i get a full time under 14:30? This will be about 15:00!
By xDexbuild on 20 Jul 2009 23:14
Because on the last route it takes bout 40 seconds as there is only a finish line and you don't have to travel past the divider thing where you choose which way to go.
By Nath360skillz on 21 Jul 2009 14:23
Confused Shelf, put the game in easy mode.
By Xonatron on 13 Jun 2013 20:13
What a bitch. I got a 14:38 as my best. The Milky Way and the NY stage (the final two) need to be pretty clean. I always have problems on Milky Way with those barriers!
By Wiznyatt on 30 Jul 2013 07:11
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Just adding onto to Nath360skillz’s Solution, this achievement is a little under the difficulty of Cardiogram but still very challenging, in my opinion, the second hardest in the game. For this you have to complete Time Attack 15 Course Continue Mode in under 14:30:00. When I first tried for this achievement, I kept running out of time 2/3rd of the way through, same as going for the Risky Ride achievement. The trick is to have the difficulty set to Very Easy. This allows more time, and you do not need to worry about not finishing. You will have plenty of time to at least finish for a game complete towards Frequent Flyer, but you still need to beat the target time, which is very challenging like I said above.

Some pointers are to definitely keep your speed up, try for less than 58:00 seconds for each of the first 10 stages, after that they get kind of difficult, and are near impossible to complete in less than 1 minute. You might have some 1:01:00-1:02:00, try not to get over a 1:02:00 time on some of those stages. Now the last stage is very quick, able to be done in less than 55:00 seconds, it is possible.

You must not mess up, this is the most important thing! Keep off the grass, drift when you absolutely need to, this saves you from smashing into the walls as the tuned cars are a little faster. Some corners you’ll need to learn not to drift on, because they can be taken faster if you don’t.

I hope this solution helped! Leave a comment letting me know if there is any room for improvement! Thanks.

07 Sep 2012 01:18

See the "Passing Breeze" achievement.