Overcooked! 2

Overcooked! 2

54 Achievements

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Soaker Cola

Soaker Cola

Wash 150 dirty plates or glasses with the water gun


How to unlock the Soaker Cola achievement in Overcooked! 2 - Definitive Guide

First go into level 1-3 and pick up the plates and serve them in the left kitchen instantly. The game will spit them back in the bottom left dirty. Wait into all 3 plates come back and set them in the bottom of the middle counter tops. Then switch to the right kitchen and grab the water gun and spray all the plates and rinse and repeat. I would recommend waiting till the end of the dlc to go for this so you can get some out of the way. Do this 50 times and it is all yours!

05 Oct 2018 13:25

I almost want to classify this as buggy, I attempted this with a friend, counted 40 plates cleaned per level, completed and restarted about 5 levels, no unlock.
My counter currently says 31%
I feel that the game now patched the fact that sending an empty plate will return a dirty one.

I will soon try to send one ingredient in and wash.
By Mini Yuuzhan on 21 May 2019 08:02
Awesome guide! Thanks!
And it's even faster in coop, just sayin'! (approximately 35/40% in 1 game with good coordination) toast
By JiTeuBey on 05 Oct 2018 22:06
Great idea thank you!
By Jinus2015 on 06 Oct 2018 02:47
Small typo: you need to do this 150 times, not 50 times. :)
By mrbellek on 28 Nov 2018 07:40
Sorry,but where in level 1-3 is a water gun? Screenshot? Short movie?
By Notarzt on 19 Apr 2019 07:29
He means DLC Surf 'n' Turf 1-3, you would even see the tutorial for water gun after loading screen.
FYI~the water gun is at the right hand side when the game starts on 1-3.
By Aura Battler on 30 Apr 2019 14:16
Buggy for me too. Tracker won't progress. And the bellows one unlocked on my screen and popped, but still shows as locked and tracker is stuck at halfway... That's a new one for me. This Surf and Turf DLC seems to be the buggy ones. Any suggestions?
By Andrew C TTV on 09 Feb 2020 11:59
Can someone who has this dlc help me with this? This is the last one I need
By IRL Games X on 29 Mar 2020 01:54
Friend and I went to 2-1 I believe Unlimited time only 2 plates though. But one of us was up the stairs on the left and shot the water gun across and the other stood next to the plates and delivered. Counter only went up after we exited the level but unlocked when it should have for both of us.
By Undeadinawig on 18 May 2020 22:19
took 2 runs after the game. thumbs up
By TheOnlyMatto on 08 Sep 2020 01:30
It tracked fine for me, not sure why it says the tracker is broken
By DarkDragonEye7 on 08 May 2022 17:45
This is a lifesaver, I had no idea sending empty plates produced dirty plates still. I had all 3*'d on S&T and I only had 19% towards this and thought I'd have to serve lots more meals. The meals are not as easy in this DLC as the standard game was!
By Flopsy86 on 25 Dec 2022 00:08
just a grind but the tips in this solution and comments were excellent
By evorgnayr on 30 Apr 2024 13:30
It’s actually correct after you clean the 3 plates 50 times you will unlock itsmile
By Jinus2015 on 28 Nov 2018 10:10
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Go to level 1-3 in the Surf ‘n’ Turf DLC on Practice mode in Single Player. Send out 3 empty plates with your left kitchen character, wait for the dirty plates to stack up and place them on the middle barrier, then clean them all with the Water Gun on your right kitchen character. Send the newly cleaned empty plates back out and repeat. Do this 50 times and the achievement will pop.

It looks bugged, as it doesn’t properly track progress on the Achievement tracker, but the game itself does accurately keep count of the plates washed with the water gun and when you wash 150 it will pop. I recommend washing all 150 at once, so you don’t lose track during normal play.

02 Jan 2020 16:01

When I was playing versus online with a friend on the Roasted Resort map, we discovered that if you walk into the pool with an already cleaned glass it will spawn back as a dirty glass.

The easiest way to get this done as fast as possible would be to make a drink consisting of 3 ingredients and deliver it. Make sure to deliver the drink to the correct side, red team should deliver on the red exit and visa versa. After you have delivered the drink it will spawn back as a dirty glass, rinse the glass with the water gun and give it to your other character on the other side of the counter. Switch to that character using the cn_LB or cn_RB button and walk with the newly cleaned glass into the water. The glass will respawn again after 5 seconds in the dirty glass crate, rinse and repeat. Doing it this way you can easily get up to 15-20 glasses per round.

This also works offline in couch versus. However it doesn't work with multiple glasses at a time, since the 2nd glass dropped in the pool will just spawn back as a normal glass.

14 Apr 2020 16:58

2-1 is ideal, where the plates appear one step away from the receiver.
3-2 will be difficult, there is fire there. 1-3 is better, but it’s also problematic to play with two or switch.

30 Jan 2020 10:40

Yes, the level is perfect. Got the trophy in 14 minutes.
By LipetskiyPacan on 24 Mar 2020 10:35
Yes, this level is optimal, firstly, minimal body movements need to be made, and secondly, the timer does not tick, there is no need to be distracted by restarts.
By Fanquery on 18 Apr 2021 23:34
Level 1-3 from the add-on. After the start, grab clean plates and bring them empty for distribution. They will almost immediately appear dirty nearby. Wash a stack of three plates and repeat the process. In one round I was able to wash 39 pieces. In general, the trophy is taken in 10-15 minutes (plus some of the plates that you will wash as you progress through the campaign).

28 Oct 2018 02:50

1 Comment
Not suitable if you are playing together, since only the second player can wash the plates.
At level 3-2, any player can wash. The scheme is the same: take clean plates/glasses for distribution and dirty ones quickly appear in their place, which can be washed with a water cannon
By j1o1 on 27 Nov 2018 11:06