Overlord (JP)

Overlord (JP)

54 Achievements


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50 Wins in Pillage

50 Wins in Pillage

You won 50 ranked Pillage matches


How to unlock the 50 Wins in Pillage achievement in Overlord (JP) - Definitive Guide

The online for this game is dead, you will need to find a boosting partner. It took me some time to find someone on TA to boost with, but try hosting a session.
As far as the game goes, Set up a ranked Pillage match, and have your partner search for you. The person winning must collect any amount of gold by killing any animal or player, or the FASTEST WAY of finding a few coins in vases. As long as the winner scores any points, the other person can quit out, and this will count as a win for you.
A match should only last you about 20-25 seconds, you will need 50 wins for this achievement

10 Sep 2014 02:01