54 Achievements
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Xbox Series
50 Wins in Slaughter
You won 50 ranked Slaughter matches
How to unlock the 50 Wins in Slaughter achievement in Overlord - Definitive Guide
Easiest done with a boosting partner seems nobody plays this game any more. Set up a ranked game of slaughter then simply have the person winning run out and kill or send minions to kill a small animal then have the other person quit. Do this 50 times for the achievement.
I know it does as I did it using this method. Just make sure you get a couple of points first.
By Elite Hero on 03 Nov 2009 12:39
i dont think quiting out gives the other person a win.
By ICoN xLeViAtHaN on 03 Nov 2009 02:56
If you have the Challenge Pack DLC, use the Arena map. You literally start right next to some sheep and this way you can also work towards the 25 expansion wins.