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Full Corruption

Full Corruption

Really Evil Overlord


How to unlock the Full Corruption achievement in Overlord - Definitive Guide

To get this achievement, you have to get to 100% corruption and then defeat the final boss in the game. To get to 100% corruption, you have to complete certain tasks and make certain decisions throughout the game:

Plot-Related Decisions:
3% - Keep Spree’s Food
5% - Burn down the Sacred Grove in Evernight Forest
10% - Choose Velvet over Rose
5% - Feed the elves to the slugs in the Glittering Mine
10% - Take Goldo’s Gold rather than save the elven women in Goldo’s Stronghold
5% - Keep the Mother Goddess Statue
5% - Kill the traitors at Spree (occurs after Kahn has trashed Spree)

Non-plot Related Tasks:
3% - Kill a peasant
5% - Kill 20 peasants
10% - Kill 100 peasants
15% - Enemy of Mankind – The jury is out on how many peasants you have to kill in order to get this. I've seen estimates ranging from 500 to 1000. In my experience, I would say I only had to kill about 400 or so, but that's a guess. Probably the easiest way to do this is in Heaven's Peak.
5% - Wenchbane – Kill ten peasant women.
1% - Harasser of Humans – Kill several peasants in Spree
3% - Suppressor of Spree – After you’ve killed several peasants, the rest will attack you in a little uprising. Just continue killing them until they give up.
2% - Spree Homewrecker – Use your minions to wreck every home in Spree (must be done in a single trip).
3% - Heaven’s Peak Town Trasher – Wreck all four homes in Heaven’s Peak (must be done in a single trip).
3% - Capture 10 Servants – After you’ve killed a number of Spree’s peasants, you’ll teleport into Mellow Hills and find a woman tied up along the path to Spree. The townspeople are offering her as a servant. Have your minions attack her until she falls on the ground and then take her back to the teleport stone. There are nine other women scattered around Mellow Hills, just capture them all.
2% - Start a fight at the Halfway to Heaven Inn
5% - Destroyer of Elves – You have to kill ten elves for this. The Ghost Elves of Evernight do not count.

Note: Plot Related Decisions are missable. Non-plot Related Tasks are not, with the possible exceptions of Capture 10 Servants and Destroyer of Elves - these should be taken care of as soon as possible within the story.

22 Apr 2009 17:37

@ Mike: Yes, there are. Just kill any elves you find whenever you are able.
By APB Plays on 06 Feb 2011 16:30
I missed those elves as well, maybe put "MISSABLE" next to it so others dont make the same mistake I did.
By death metal jay on 06 May 2020 16:29
BEFORE CAPTURING JEWEL you must complete these, stuck at 85% because I haven't killed enough peasants, and now I'm locked into the endgame track, making all my grinding for this achievement worthless since its one singular save that autosaves as you go.

EDIT: Your save postgame reverts you to before the point of no return, effectively allowing you to collect tower upgrades and farm peasants before going after the boss again. Still would save you a lot of time to get 100% corruption before the boss track.

EDIT: https://www.xboxachievements.com/forum/topic/25046-enemy-of-...
Great guide here^
By xEBx GEN Dread on 16 Oct 2022 06:22
I used this list to help find locations for capturing the 10 servants as I only found 7/10 on my own

1) right out of the tower gate
2) in the lower sheep by tower gate
3) where the tower heart was
4) by the cooking pig, outside right of the main spree gate before the little stone bridge
5) by the entrence of slave camp
6) by mana pit behind Tower gate
7) Sheeps on left side Spree
8) mana pit in Spree, left back
9) by the spree bar house
10) Left form Spree main gate by pumkins...

source/credit: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/archive/index.php/t...
By Doctor Mantis on 04 Dec 2009 12:00
Very useful guide;) thx.
By Yuhans on 06 Jan 2010 21:54
Just a pointer. It was 400 peasants for me as well and yes I counted them.
By FMA Wrath 2069 on 08 Jan 2010 00:22
a little side note to killing the elves, inside the mines, stationing some reds at a guard marker to enable to torch the runts, although seems like a good idea can break the possibility of reaching the milestone:
- "5% - Feed the elves to the slugs in the Glittering Mine"

I'm not saying don't, I'm just saying be cautious
By Ragenarok124 on 20 Jun 2010 11:29
Excellent guide, just thought I'd remind anyone that you can only get the collect all tower objects in a corrupt playthrough
By UlteriorDesert on 26 Jul 2010 15:12
Are there any other ways to gain corruption?

Just wondering because adding those up is exactly 100%, meaning if you make a mistake and accidentally do something good there would be NO way to gain any more?

It seems to me that there should be more than 100% corruption points to help prevent that accident.

If you have any idea send me a PM

Positive vote.
By Quarantane on 22 Aug 2010 01:57
Had another question (wish there was an edit comment button)

Anyways my question is this: Can you go back and do these tasks, or does it have to be done on your first trip to that area?

Also, is there any way to figure out which of these tasks you have done?
By Quarantane on 22 Aug 2010 02:00
Been a while since I played the game, but I'll try to answer as best as I can remember.

First, there's no way to gain additional corruption. If you screw up one of the choices, you miss out on the achievement, so it's very missable. You can do the non-plot related tasks at any time, but the plot-related decisions you have only one shot at. Finally, I'm not sure there's a specific way to see what tasks you've completed, but I do think that the jester that follows you around at your castle will call you various names based on what tasks you have completed; i.e. he'll call you a Harasser of Humans if you've completed that task. There might be another way to check that I've forgotten though.
By APB Plays on 22 Aug 2010 04:20
Make sure you have completed all of the corruption tasks that Runch Optimus has provided BEFORE you capture Jewel. If you do not getting the last couple corruption points will be hard bacause you cannot go to Heaven's Peak without begining the final boss.
By FearlessDonut on 30 Sep 2010 02:07
@ Quarantane

You may have found it out by now, but I'll say it for others that may be wondering the same.
If you go to activate the tower heart, press X 3 times in the menu and you will get to see what you've done. I haven't checked if it lists everything, but it would be odd if it didn't when it's there for you. =]
By WhistIing Wolf on 11 Oct 2010 20:58
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you make a note on the guide that it's possible to miss the Elves. If you don't kill the elves as you find them around the Glittering Mine and in the Temple Construction Site they just disappear after you complete that section and don't respawn. I have just wasted 17 hours worth of play time because of this and will have to restart all over again.
By LanDi on 26 Oct 2010 19:44
So is there enough elves to feed them to the slugs AND kill 10?
By Mike Langlois on 06 Feb 2011 12:40
Same problem as you. The ONLY thing I'm missing was kfeeding those elves to the worms, so now it's either I re-do the whole campaign for this achievement then ANOTHER playthrough for the Good conscience achievement, or I just leave it be... And I know I won't because I'm an achievement whore :(
By Tha dumb g00se on 21 Feb 2011 05:24
i too missed those elves.
By Clawed Fish on 30 Oct 2011 21:52
I killed the wizard before i get "Enemy of Mankind" is it possible to get the achievement now, cause it´s only non-plot related or do i have to restart the game again? thx for help
By Ribeseel on 14 Aug 2012 06:12
done everything finished the game and it didnt pop ...any help?
By MC6117 on 21 Apr 2013 18:29
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Make sure you have completed all of the corruption tasks that Runch Optimus has provided BEFORE you capture Jewel. If you do not getting the last couple corruption points will be hard because you cannot go to Heaven's Peak without beginning the final boss.

27 Jan 2010 02:15

You should have just commented this under the other guide, good tip though, thanks.
By UlteriorDesert on 26 Jul 2010 15:10
I just wanted to ensure that nobody else is in my pain ;)
By FearlessDonut on 02 Aug 2010 07:15