Paper io 2

Paper io 2

24 Achievements

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Zone Defence expert

Zone Defence expert

Upgrade Zone Defence powerup to max level


How to unlock the Zone Defence expert achievement in Paper io 2 - Definitive Guide

NOT MY SOLUTION. This brilliant idea comes from Techno Toxin from another game, Hole io.

"This method is for those who want to get this done quickly. After saving up around 33,000 coins, close your game. Then open it back up and go to the power up and buy every upgrade, then wait a few seconds and hit the home button but do not close your game. Instead go to game management and delete your local save data (console). Then boot the game back up and you will have all your coins again for the next upgrade of your choice." - Te

For paper io, 60k-70k is a good place to start this hack. I had already brought some items and started doing this with everything upgrade halfway and with 60k in the bank. Best to just save up and then buy all of the levels to 1 upgrade in 1 shot (so don't buy halfway, just save and then spend to maximum)

08 Sep 2024 11:37