

32 Achievements


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Hang In There, Baby...

Hang In There, Baby...

Finish the Thursday route with at least 1 successful delivery

5 11.47%
And He Never Worked Again. The End.

And He Never Worked Again. The End.

Finish the week on Sunday and retire

25 7.07%
Whipped Wednesday

Whipped Wednesday

Gain a new subscriber on Wednesday's Daily Report

10 9.93%
The Headless One

The Headless One

Witness a horror by reaching the end of the Training Course

2 38.55%
Reminds Me of the RVC

Reminds Me of the RVC

Knock over a garbage can

1 25.01%
Two Dollars!

Two Dollars!

Score 10,000 points

10 25.65%
Minced Monday

Minced Monday

Gain a new subscriber on Monday's Daily Report

10 9.06%
It's Hump Day!

It's Hump Day!

Finish the Wednesday route with at least 1 successful delivery

5 15.42%
Garfield's Nemesis

Garfield's Nemesis

Finish the Monday route with at least 1 successful delivery

2 59.68%
Blue Monday

Blue Monday

Complete the Monday route and its Training Course without crashing

10 17.49%
One for One

One for One

Deliver a paper to the mailbox of the first house on the block

2 63.93%
Leg Day

Leg Day

Ride at top speed for 1 minute

2 8.61%
Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday Afternoon

Complete the Tuesday route and its Training Course without crashing

10 11.81%
Newsday Thursday

Newsday Thursday

Complete the Thursday route and its Training Course without crashing

10 7.94%
Friday on My Mind

Friday on My Mind

Complete the Friday route and its Training Course without crashing

25 6.81%
I Love Saturdays

I Love Saturdays

Complete the Saturday route and its Training Course without crashing

25 5.72%
Easy Like Sunday Morning

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Complete the Sunday route and its Training Course without crashing

25 5.45%
Respect from the Newsies

Respect from the Newsies

Score 50,000 points

25 7.15%
Now Who's Making the Headlines?!

Now Who's Making the Headlines?!

Score 100,000 points

50 3.91%
Grinding the Curb

Grinding the Curb

Hug the street curb while keeping your back tire on the road for 8 seconds

2 7.41%
Forget Papers, I'm Hitting the Ramps

Forget Papers, I'm Hitting the Ramps

Reach the Training Course at the end of a route with 0 points

1 9.78%


Knock over a lawn ornament, a tombstone, a garbage can, a tree, and break each type of window

5 5.98%
The Day That's Just There

The Day That's Just There

Finish the Tuesday route with at least 1 successful delivery

3 25.99%
Tossed Tuesday

Tossed Tuesday

Gain a new subscriber on Tuesday's Daily Report

10 10.83%
How Do You Like Wednesday?

How Do You Like Wednesday?

Complete the Wednesday route and its Training Course without crashing

10 8.8%
Thawed-Out Thursday

Thawed-Out Thursday

Gain a new subscriber on Thursday's Daily Report

25 7.75%


Finish the Friday route with at least 1 successful delivery

5 9.03%
Fricassee Friday

Fricassee Friday

Gain a new subscriber on Friday's Daily Report

25 6.32%
Everybody's Working for the Weekend

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

Finish the Saturday route with at least 1 successful delivery

5 7.56%
Sauteed Saturday

Sauteed Saturday

Gain a new subscriber on Saturday's Daily Report

25 5.53%
Souffle Sunday

Souffle Sunday

Gain a new subscriber on Sunday's Daily Report

50 4.85%