Paranormal Pursuit
20 Achievements
98,000 XP
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Paranormal Pursuit achievements progress.
Completed a mini-game in less than one minute
Found every item in every hidden object puzzle without using a hint
Played Paranormal Pursuit for more than one hour
Film critic
Secret Achievement
Watched every video
Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
Escaped the killers at the motel
Found the alternate exit from the archives
Found evidence implicating the evil politician
Helped the FBI agent call for help
Completed the game without using a single hint
Collected all five game collections
Ultra Rare
10,000 XP
Completed every mini-game without skipping any of them
Found every item in a hidden object puzzle without using a hint
Read every document and note in the game
Catch the stepfather in a lie
Freed the boy from his stepfather
For completing the game on the Expert difficulty level.
Ultra Rare
10,000 XP
Taught the boy to stop time