111 Achievements


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$1.8M Speedrun

$1.8M Speedrun

Mallcrasher - Loot $1.8m in loose cash within 50 seconds of starting the heist on OVERKILL.


How to unlock the $1.8M Speedrun achievement in PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Definitive Guide


Hey all. So I was one of the unfortunate people to have this achievement bug on me, which means that the only way to unlock it is to play OFFLINE SOLO.

You'll want two Saws with at least one attachment that'll allow you to one tap the ATMs to open them, as having to tap them twice would take too much ammunition and time.

My build (or the essential skills needed):

Underdog (Aced)
Die Hard
Portable Saw (Aced)

Chameleon (Aced)
Duck and Cover (Aced)
Parkour (Aced)
Inner Pockets (Aced)
Second Wind
Optical Illusions (Aced)

Everything else in skills is pretty much up to you, but I think this is all that's needed.

Two Piece Suit
Primary Saw (Fast Motor)
Secondary Saw (Sharp Blade)

Again, these saws only had these attachments, and they each were able to one tap ATMs

The trick is getting down cutting the bolts in the ATMs, and reloading when running for the jewelry so when you get back to that final ATM, you can just go nuts with a full clip to open it quickly. BreezyPath0 has confirmed in the comments that you DO NOT need to finish the mission, and can simply quit out after you've felt you've earned the achievement (as no achievement unlock prompts appear offline).

Good luck guys, and let me know if there's anything I'm not really clear on that I can add to the guide. toast

03 Aug 2017 05:51

I did it offline and quit after 50 seconds passed. The achievement popped when I went back online. So you don't have to finish the heist wink
By BreezyPath0 on 03 Aug 2017 12:51
Thanks Breezy. That's good to know!
By Fooga on 03 Aug 2017 15:39
Great job on the guide. Will definately try this out
By Kanchanaburi on 11 Aug 2017 00:01
Great guide, some alternative notes;
If you have Durable blades on both saws you can do the final ATM first before running up the stairs for the jewelry. That helped me shave enough seconds to finish on 47

Also, I used the Yakuza perk deck (fully upgraded) with berserker and frenzy for some extra movement speed and to compensate for the damage diff between durable blade and sharp blade
By Big Mster on 03 Sep 2017 00:08
Mster, Durable Blades are definitely a better attachment for attempting this achievement. Unfortunately I was never lucky enough to get them until way after I got this.

This video is really me doing it with the bare minimum requirements to one hit the ATMs.
By Fooga on 03 Sep 2017 20:03
Done it on 48 seconds.. 💪 was offline at the time.. left it til about 1minuite (12 seconds after I had it done) quit the game....
Went back online and POW! Achievement finally unlocked
By Imperi4l joker on 09 Dec 2017 20:12
Do I need to have the dlc pack to unlock this achievement?
By Gu Mancha on 20 Aug 2019 16:15
Good guide, nice to see someone list everything that helped them gain the achievement. Most people just say have 2 saws, but no one lists the best skills to have. Thumbs up from me.
By REAPER O26 on 03 Aug 2017 07:16
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On mallcrasher there is 8 atm's which you need to saw open. 2 players with primary + secondary saw combo take around 40-50 seconds to open all of them. More players make this even easier than it already is.

09 Jun 2017 22:39

Seems like everyone is having problems with some achievements. I can't unlock any wolf pack achievements but my friend unlocked those, same time he can't unlock any hardcore henry achievements
By ZhadeTheWolf on 14 Jun 2017 14:13
This achievement doesn't pop for me even after something like 20 tries but it's very annoying because it unlocked for all my friends at the first attempt and same for nightclub one ... 60€ of contents and there is still a lot of bugs and unobtainable achievements for some people ... A shame for a game that came out 2 years ago on Xbox One angry
By LCDS Nito on 13 Jun 2017 21:14
If they unlocked this and nightclub one see if they also unlocked the jewelry store one...I have a feeling that it's this dlc pack and that one always glitches for anyone. I unlocked this and then the jewelery store one...The Mr dj will not unlock.
By on 14 Jun 2017 01:10
Did it solo multiple times. No acheivementangry
By BreezyPath0 on 14 Jun 2017 06:16
It should pop immediately
By ZhadeTheWolf on 13 Jul 2017 16:15
Did to with two people I got it and my friend did not. Can it even be done solo? How much do you get out the ATMS because I'm sure I was getting $299.000 last week now it's $230.000
By J ROLLER 1979 on 18 Jul 2017 22:31
Tried it with 2 people no achievements. Tried it by having each player collect half the loot and with one player collecting all the loot and the other just opening the ATMs. No luck either time.
By MoneyShot360 on 02 Mar 2018 14:07
@BreezyPath0, how could you do it solo? How could you possibly have time to open 8 ATMs?

In 2-player we can open 8 ATMs in about 48 seconds.

Is this supposed to unlock immediately or after the mission finishes? (I've tried it multiple times and it doesn't unlock for me or my co-op partner.)
By on 11 Jul 2017 18:37
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This achievement (in my opinion) is one of the more discouraging ones to glitch out, because it's much easier to do this with a group online. This guide is designed for you to run this Solo Offline. If you do not know how to do that, go into your Xbox Settings > Network Settings > Go Offline, before launching Payday 2. When you have satisfied the requirement, you will close out the game in full and return to settings to Go Online.

Note that your achievement may not unlock right away. One trick I learned is by hitting "Start" while hovering over the Payday 2 card, going to "Game Card" and then going to check your Progress from Social Club will tend to unlock it for you. This is something I have used for other games when tracking isn't working as intended. Many of the DLC achievements in Payday 2 have glitched for me, which is why I have been forced to use the above methods to unlock them upon completion.

Skill Trees
These are the skills you will need at minimum in order to do this successfully.

Enforcer Skill Tree
Portable Saw - Aced
Saw Massacre - Basic

Ghost Skill Tree
Chameleon - Aced (Note: Without this, the value of each ATM will be $230,000, not $299,000)
ECM Overdrive - Aced
ECM Specialist - Basic


This is a breakdown of the equipment you will be bringing with you (all managed from Inventory).

Two OVE9000 Saws - one primary, and one secondary.
Important: You need a Durable Blade attachment on at least one of your saws. As of the most recent update, you can now purchase attachments using Continental Coins. They can be procured from natural play, or earning them via increased difficulty in Crime Spree mode, which is a much faster method to attain them. You will need six Continental Coins in order to buy a weapon attachment you do not have.

Two ECMs - which are provided to you as part of your skills above.

Crew Management

As with many time-based achievements you have to run offline, there is one benefit to the AI. One of your AI party should have the "Quick" skill set as one of their Crew Abilities, to assist with your fast procurement of cash in the ATM's. You can purchase abilities for your AI crew using Continental Coins. Coins can be procured per the steps mentioned above.


It is strongly advised that you locate the ATM's in my guide before attempting, in order for this to make more sense and have it mapped out in your head as you go through it.

There are seven ATM's we need to hit. Six will only land us $1,794,000, putting us $6,000 shy of the requirement. If you're running solo, there's not enough time to hit cash registers or pull jewelry from upstairs. This is going to require precision, patience, and most importantly, practice.

Load up Mallcrasher on Overkill. Skip the intro dialogue and hold the button to mask up and move forward before the screen moves in. If you're fast enough you're already through the mall doors by 0:05 seconds, resulting in a time slowdown due to the cops/security seeing you right away.

You're going to saw your first ATM on your right, and then turn around to hit the second ATM tucked in a hallway to your left. At my best speed, I was already done with both of these and hitting the escalators at 0:16 seconds.

Your third ATM is immediately to your left up the escalators. At this point your first saw is about to break, so you'll want to switch and rush to your fourth ATM, which is straight ahead and to your right by a shop. This is where the ECM's are going to come in, because diagonally across from this ATM is a small alcove with two ATM's directly next to each other. Pop those ECM's on and pull that cash. If you're on target, you are around the 0:40 mark and about to hit the final ATM.

Your seventh and final ATM is continuing up the main concourse, tucked away to your right (similar to the fourth ATM). This is one I used a saw on and grabbed the final cash bundle just shy of 0:50 seconds. I simply quit the mission, closed out my game, and followed the steps above to unlock this achievement. I did not need to finish the entire heist, as this is one of the few where you just have to satisfy the requirement to unlock (minus the extra steps due to glitches).

If you're like me trying to get these done before Payday 3 releases, I wish you the best of luck. Happy heisting!

09 Jul 2023 05:47

1 Comment
What you mean with Start/pay day cards/social club ??? I can’t find this in Xbox version ??? The archivment didn’t plob I finished in offline and close the game go online but no archivment
By Un4Giv3n pOg on 01 Nov 2023 11:20

This is very straightforward to get and will have to be done with a group of two or more, as I don’t think there is enough time to do it solo. First, it must be done on Overkill difficulty and needs to be done on the Mallcrasher heist which is from the Vlad contracts for a price of $320,000. There are a total of 8 ATMs in the mall and each one has $230,000 in them so you will need to open all 8 ATMs to get the $1.8m, BUT if you have Chameleon aced which is in the Ghost skill tree you will get $299,000 for each ATM and then only need six ATMs which will net you $1,794,000, so you just need to grab some jewels. Before you start Mallcrasher you will need the OVE900 Saw for $33,600 and is under the special weapon tab, after you have unlocked it in the Skill Tree under Enforcer – Ammo Specialist. It would be best to take two saws, one in the primary and one secondary slot as they do run out of ammo fast. As soon as the heist starts you want to put on your mask, and work your way through the mall opening the ATMs. The achievement will unlock before the heist finishes so you can back out as soon as you get it.

Here are the locations of all 8 ATM machines thanks to MattGaming, it is the PCs version but they are all in the same places.


Note: You may need two players for this!

In order to loot $1.8 Million on the Mallcrashers heist, you will need a Saw build and know each location of the 7 ATM's. You only need to get 5 of them because each ATM you loot on Overkill will net you $399,000. The build I recommend you use is this Stealth Build by b33croft because it'll have the Basic Saw skills along with speed, and agility skills. Once you have this build set up you will need to purchase the OVE9000 Saw for $33,600. It can be found under the "Specials" tab when purchasing a weapon. I suggest you bring two saws as they run out of ammo really fast especially if you aren't using them efficiently. So have one as your Primary and one as your secondary.

Buy the contract for $320,000 from Vlad on the Overkill difficulty. Also, I suggest bringing a friend or two to help with this as solo is not really possible on console. When you spawn in the heist you will be on the street on the outside of the Mall. There will be 4 ATM's on the left side of the mall, and 3 ATMs on the right side. So have one player go on each side cutting them open and grabbing the loot. Make sure when you are spawning in you're holding down on to start preparing your mask as soon as possible. If done correctly with two players you should be able to get 6 ATMs open within 40-45 seconds on the timer. The trophy will pop immediately. Holding down on the button you will be able to see your "loose cash" for the heist. If you need to know all 7 locations of the ATMs you can find them here All 7 ATM Locations

We need at least 1 partner, we take saws. We determine who opens which ATMs. On Overkill in one 299k. Therefore, you need to have time to open 7 ATMs. It can be done calmly in 40-45 seconds for two people.

14 Jun 2017 10:31