Perfect Dark Zero

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1000 Kills in Killcount

1000 Kills in Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount.


How to unlock the 1000 Kills in Killcount achievement in Perfect Dark Zero - Definitive Guide

***"Lozzy7" sent me a message and said he could make a nice video for my solution and he did just that! His video below does a perfect job of describing my solution, as well as some slight variations of his own. Video credit goes out to him. Thanks Lozzy!***

My wingman, Thanatos, has a great guide if you are looking to be a bit more "active" with your character, but if you are looking for a time-saver, I have found a faster way AND you can use this to double-dip with the 1000 explosive kills achievement.

Make sure you are on "Killcount" as "TEAM Killcount" kills do not go towards this achievement.

This takes only one controller.

Game: Killcount
Level: Desert
Variant: Small
Weapons: Custom - slots 1-5 Viblade, slot 6 Plasma.
Bot Count: 15
Within Bot Options:
- Bot Difficulty: Agent
- Bot Personality: Judge (attack player with most kills - you)
Time Limit: Up to you, I used 60
Point Limit: None

I like the bots having viblades much better than the shields. For one, they are easier to kill and I don't think they kill each other as much as they did when they had shields - strange, I know.

NOTE: Remember this is a free-for-all and the bots will occasionally kill each other; even if their personality is set on "judge" and they are supposed to attack you with the most kills.

The video will show you were to go to pick up your Plasma Rifle. Once you get the Plasma Rifle, kill enough bots to gain the lead then lower your weapon and take off towards the rock by the truck as seen in the video below.

Again, if you have the lead, the bots should start coming towards you. I would wait until the bots clustered up in groups of 2-3 or more. This way you can take a bunch out at once and save your Plasma ammo. The bots will often back away from you and you can pick one or two off as they are running, but they will eventually come back if you don't get them. Being patient here and waiting for bots to cluster up will save you time in the long run!

With this setup I managed to finish all 1000 kills in under 1½ hours; averaging 140 kills per 10 min. *once I was on the rock.* Be sure to watch out for bots when you are getting your kills for the lead. You probably won't get 140 kills in the first 10 min. as it takes a little time to get the lead, but once you are on the rock you should average well over 100 kills per 10 min.

Added Note: 7/7/14
DefiantZero posted in the comments section that this solution "works even better for the Team Killcount one." Thanks, Defiant.

Again, great video by "Lozzy7" here. Be sure to check out his Youtube channel and TA account for other videos on CoD4, Crackdown, R6: Vegas 2, Just Cause, Red Dead, and Divinity 2. Solid video guides.

10 Aug 2010 15:05

I've tried messing around with all my settings, but somehow setting up bots in my game always puts them on my team, even in Killcount (yes, I am very very certain I'm not in Team Killcount). Basically, I can't kill anyone in Killcount because they're "friendly". Any suggestion?
By AlphaTwo00 on 26 Apr 2011 06:05
Well, if you put the setting on "Judge" they kinda roam around for a little while until one gets a kill, then they all start chasing that leader. Sometimes I had to get 2-3 kills real quick before I took the lead, but it may seem like they are on your team when they really arent.

If it is more like you say (glitched) and the above has been tried but doesnt work, I would make sure all of the other achievements are done that wouldn't be affected if you erased your file from the hard drive and do that. Maybe try clearing your cache first (only deletes updates). But I wouldn't do this until you are sure that you aren't going to delete any progressions you have worked hard for :)

I've never heard of that so this is really just a shot in the dark...sorry.
By x athiktos x on 26 Apr 2011 14:04
try starting the match with friendly on.
By magooze on 01 May 2011 15:41
Nice idea magooze. Hopefully that works for Alpha, but I'm not about to put this game back in after 100%! smile
By x athiktos x on 02 May 2011 14:38
what about the bots that unluckily end up picking up a plasma rifle?....cuz that seems to be happening to me CONSTANTLY.
By PhonySpoon on 09 Aug 2012 06:38
Hey Spoon,
In the description you will see: Weapons: Custom - slots 1-5 Viblade, slot 6 Plasma.
(btw) the weapon slots go 0-5 so there are really 6 slots so just make the last one plasma rifle.

You customize the weapons by pressing "X" in the setup screen. There should only be ONE plasma rifle, and that should be assigned to "slot 6" which is the one that you see being picked up in the video. The rest of the map weapons in slots 1-5 should be set to "Viblades." You will be much faster than the bots and you can sprint to the only plasma rifle and pick it up before they do...then you will be the only one with the plasma rifle. Let me know how that works out.

Good luck, I remember how much I hated playing this game. I only 100% it because I got a few achievements when the 360 first came out and I didnt like seeing the 25 of 1000 on my gamerscore smile
By x athiktos x on 09 Aug 2012 15:43
Thanks, this worked perfectly. As with the explosives kills where you just use mines, this was actually surprisingly good fun
By NegativeCreep08 on 13 Jan 2013 19:40
This works even better for the Team Killcount one.
By DefiantZero on 06 Jul 2014 02:59
Good deal, I'll update the solution and throw that in.
By x athiktos x on 07 Jul 2014 14:44
Even with just one plasma in the sixth slot, the bots still go for it. Hard to dodge without falling off the rock
By Octobot Super on 20 Feb 2016 12:01
Thought so, too. At first. But I found out it's vital that YOU get the plasma FIRST before any bot runs over it. Otherwise it gets "spread around" when that bot dies and drops the plasma somewhere on the map. It's also important that you get into the lead asap and run outside the fort to your camp spot. Then all bots will run straight at you without picking up the plasma on top of one of the walls.
By LeXXuz on 02 Oct 2018 23:05
So like alpha i too have the glitch where all games of killcount place everyone on the same team leading to negative scores and no achievements.
Years late i know but i found a work around that doesn't require deleting saves for anyone else having the problem but it does require a second controller.

I went to online play loaded up a game with bots and a guest account. It too was glitched but now quit out with your main account then quit out with the guest. When you get back to the menus your guest account will be in control. Now you can load up local play as normal and hopefully it should work. At least it did for me.
By WJS Osiris on 17 Apr 2023 00:51
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Following the same logic of lozzy7's 1000 Explosive Kills excellent Achievement Guide

Perfect Dark Zero1000 Explosive KillsThe 1000 Explosive Kills achievement in Perfect Dark Zero worth 96 pointsExpert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games played.

create a match with the following setup:

Scenario: Killcount (Deathmatch)
Map: Desert, small variant
Custom weapon setup:
In slot 1 - 4 add shield
In slot 5 add the Viblade (I added the sword because I needed the 1000 Melee Kills achievement as well; add the most convenient for you and / or for the achievements you may need)
Bot setup:
Bot count: 14 (to allow your other player to join)
Difficulty: Agent
Personality: Bully

As soon as the match starts, get the Viblade with the account you want to get the achievement and wait there. Move the other one to the top of the stone that is between the palm trees and the tent (just as seen on lozzy7's video). Now start killing bots with the main account; after a little while, the player with the least kills will be the one you put on the rock so all the bots will be heading that way.

Wait near the rock and keep killing them (if you are going for the 1000 Melee Kills achievement too remember it doesn't matter if you kill them from behind, as far as you use the Viblade those kills will count towards that achievement).

I managed to get 898 kills during a 60 minutes match.

05 Nov 2010 07:39

Does it matter if you use RT or B with the viblade to kill people for the melee achievement?
By Vulker707 on 17 Jun 2011 02:34
I'm not sure. In my case, I always used RT.
By Saturno Confort on 04 Sep 2011 02:28
First go to Deathmatch and then Killcount.

The fastest way to do this achievement is to simply go to old town. Map variant on small. Then put it on 16 bot count. Go into the options and make all bots agents with vanilla personality. When you do this they are incredibly dumb and wont target you the whole time your trying to kill them.

Once that is done simply put it on whatever weapon choice your the most comfortable with. I perfer the S.Dragon simply because it has a large clip and 10 gernades you can launch and bounce around corners.

Lastly set the timer for 20 min. with 100 kills to win.

All that needs to be done after that is play ten times. you will easly get the 100 kills within the time limit. Also, if you have tried for any other achievements. (100-1000 melee/sniper/explosion) then all those kills have been added in already. After a couple hours (3 hours at most) you should have the achievment and a lot of fun doing it.

19 Feb 2010 17:20

1 Comment
Just wanted to add that if you use the Plasma Gun every kill counts for the explosive kills, so if you get this achievement you automatically get the one for 1000 explosive kills which makes it a little more bearable since you get 60 GS instead of 30 after your 1000 kills
By raidenhardcore on 06 Aug 2011 10:51

Achieve 1000 kills in Killcount. The quickest way to get this achievement, is to set up a match with the following settings:

Mode: Killcount
Map: Old Town
Map Size: Small
Weapons: Custom (Multi-Mines)
Bots: 15 (Agent/Judge)
Time Limit: 10
Point Limit: None

Get the lead, then stand on a Multi-Mine respawn spot. The enemy bots will come after you. Throw the mines at them, making sure not to throw them too close to you. Using this method, you can get 100 kills every 10 minutes. Therefore, it will take an hour and forty minutes to get 1000 kills in Killcount. It can be a mix of online and offline. Teamkills count.

*You must complete the match for your achievement progress to register.